
  • 网络internet dependency;internet dependence;internet addiction;internet addiction disorder
  1. 目的:探讨心理辅导对网络成瘾大学生人格特征及其网络依赖自觉症状的影响。

    Objective : To know the effect of counseling on personality feature and self-conscious symptom of college students with internet addiction disorder ( IAD ) .

  2. 大学生网络依赖的调查与思考&以上海金融学院为例

    Survey of and Thinking on College Students ' Internet Dependency & A Case Study of Shanghai Finance University

  3. 想想看:Path的移动社交网络依赖于Twitter和苹果;

    Think of how Path 's mobile social network relies on Twitter and Apple , for example ;

  4. 由于社交网络依赖的是大量用户,因此,将雅虎的会员纳入到Google+的体系中,将使谷歌成为Facebook的强劲对手。

    Since social networks rely on big numbers of users , corralling Yahoo members into Google + would help Google build a strong rival to Facebook .

  5. 随着Internet的飞速发展,社会对网络依赖程度日益加重,层出不穷的新型网络应用及业务的部署,对网络处理设备提出了更高要求。

    With the rapid development of the Internet , social communities have shown an increasing reliance on the network . The continuously emerging network applications and services pose even higher requirements to the network processing equipments .

  6. 针对现有P2P网络依赖中心服务器、对等网络建立困难、网络流量过大、需要大量的无效流量等问题,提出了一种对等网络体系结构实现方法。

    The paper proposes a kind of P2P network realization method , in order that the problems about P2P , such as central server dependency , network establishment difficulty , large network traffic , large ineffective traffic , are solved .

  7. 想想看:Path的移动社交网络依赖于Twitter和苹果;而苹果曾欲收购Dropbox;现任雅虎CEO的玛丽莎-梅耶尔在谷歌时又曾想要收购Yelp。

    Think of how Path 's mobile social network relies on Twitter and Apple , for example ; or how Apple once courted Dropbox ; or how Marissa Mayer , while at Google , reportedly championed an acquisition of Yelp .

  8. 网络依赖对大学生人际关系的影响

    Influence of the Internet Dependence on Interpersonal Relations of College Students

  9. 医学生入学前网络依赖影响健康的相关因素研究

    Influencing Factors of Internet dependence on Health in Medical Undergraduate Entrants

  10. 目的探讨中学生网络依赖的人口学变量及发展特点。

    Internet-dependence of middle school students with different grades are significant different .

  11. 人格因素对大学生网络依赖行为的影响研究

    Analysis on the Effect of Personality on Network-Dependent Behavior Among University Students

  12. 人们对网络依赖性越来越大,对网络应用的需求不断提高。

    People are increasingly dependent on the network and demanding more network applications .

  13. 闲暇教育矫治大学生网络依赖论

    Curing College Students ' Internet Dependence with Leisure Education

  14. 大学生网络依赖的团体咨询模式探索

    The Research of Group Counseling on Internet-Dependent College Students

  15. 网络依赖并不能加深这种怀旧情怀,反而会弱化它。

    Those dependent on the Internet are not more nostalgic , but less .

  16. 青少年网络依赖的心理分析与应对策略

    Psychological Analysis and Coping Strategies of Young People 's Relying on the Network

  17. 初中生父母教养方式的调查研究初中生网络依赖及成瘾与父母养育方式的关系

    Relationship between internet dependence and addiction disorder in junior high school students and biparental education patterns

  18. 对1014名大学生进行网络依赖,网络心理需求,社会支持使用量表进行测试。

    For1014 college students network dependence , network psychological needs , social support use scale test .

  19. 网络依赖现象是近几年随着网络的发展而为整个社会广泛关注的问题。

    Cyberholic is a phenomenon that gains increasing attention of society with the development of Internet .

  20. 青少年网络依赖现象与其自我表露

    Youth 's Net-Reliance and Self-Manifestation

  21. 大学生网络依赖及其对策

    Undergraduates ' net-depending and countermeasure

  22. 对大学生的网络依赖与网络使用中的心理需求,社会支持的关系进行了研究。

    For university students'network dependence and Internet use of psychological needs , social support relations are studied .

  23. 团体辅导对网络依赖大学生的干预效果

    THE ENVIRONMENT OF NETWORK ASSOCIATION IN NETWORK MARKETING The Effects of Group Counseling on Internet-Dependent College Students

  24. 中学生网络依赖程度、内容偏好及社会性发展的研究

    A Study on Middle School Students ' Degree of Internet Addiction , Content Preference and Social Development

  25. 涉猎的主题主要集中于对人际关系、自信、自我概念、网络依赖等方面的干预。

    The dabbled theme concentrates on the intervention relying on interpersonal relationships , self-confident , self-concept , network etc.

  26. 初中生网络依赖的检出率为9.1%,其中男生占77%。

    Detection rate of pathological internet use of junior students is 9.1 percent , boys accounted for 77 percent .

  27. 大学生网络依赖行为及其成因分析海洛因依赖行为与血脂水平的研究

    Study on the Internet Addiction of College Students Serum levels of cholesterol , lipoproteins and apolipoproteins in heroin dependence and their significance

  28. 结论网络依赖及成瘾初中生父母教养方式存在一定问题,他们的孩子存在一些心理问题。

    Conclusion Internet dependence and addiction disorder in junior high school students possesses psychological problems , and is affected by biparental education patterns .

  29. 重度网瘾患者出现的感冒和流感症状比网络依赖度较低的人多30%左右。

    People who have greater levels of internet addiction had around 30 per cent more cold and flu symptoms than those with less problematic internet usage .

  30. 大学生焦虑心理情绪的主要诱因有网络依赖、就业与考试、情感、社会交往等。

    The lending causes for psychological anxieties among the college students are from the dependence on internet , employment , examination , feelings , and social activities .