
  • 网络rock island
  1. 或者经过在罗克艾兰那段日子,他已经把你忘掉了?

    Does he still care for you or did Rock Island make him forget ?

  2. 我倒是宁愿他死在罗克艾兰也不要听到他宣誓消息。

    I would rather know he was dead at Rock Island than hear he had taken that oath .

  3. 我知道艾希礼从罗克艾兰回家之后一直住在塔拉。

    I know that Ashley has been at Tara ever since he came home from rock island .

  4. 他自己在哪里呢?他在罗克艾兰监狱里躺下时还会想起她吗?

    Was he alive and did he think of her as he lay behind the bars at rock island ?

  5. 可是一经冷静下来,他们就面面相觑地同声叨念着“罗克艾兰!”

    But , when calmness began to return , they looked at one another and said " rock island !"

  6. 罗克艾兰离这里那么远,可能他获释出狱时身体就十分虚弱或者有病呢。

    Rock Island was so far away and he might have been weak or sick when released from prison .

  7. 他只是受了伤,被抓起来当了俘虏,看来目前在伊利诺斯州的罗克艾兰一个战俘营里。

    He had been wounded and taken prisoner , and the records showed that he was at Rock Island , a prison camp in Illinois .

  8. 因为就像安德森维尔这个地名在北方臭不可闻一样,罗克艾兰在每个有亲属囚禁在那里的南方人心目中也只能引起恐怖。

    For even as Andersonville was a name that stank in the north , so was Rock Island one to bring terror to the heart of any southerner who had relatives imprisoned there .