
  • 网络Luohu;luohu district
  1. 罗湖区是深圳市的中心城区之一。

    Luohu District , Shenzhen City is one of the city centre .

  2. 目的了解深圳市罗湖区职业病危害项目申报情况。

    To learn the status of occupational disease hazard program reports in Luohu District of Shenzhen .

  3. 深圳市罗湖区小学生口腔卫生KAP调查

    Knowledge , Attitude and Practice of Pupils ' Oral Health in Shenzhen

  4. 方法采用整群随机抽样,抽取罗湖区10个社区健康服务中心490名高血压病人,采取SF36量表评价高血压病人的生命质量,并分析其影响因素。

    Methods 490 patients with hypertension were sampled from 10 community health service centers using randomized cluster sample .

  5. 这儿还有一些我替深圳罗湖区一间幼儿园设计的外墙壁画。

    There are some more photos of my designs for a kindergarten in Luohu .

  6. 罗湖区孕产妇系统管理与围生儿死亡的相关性研究

    Study on the relativity between pregnant and lying-in women systematic management and mortality of perinatal fetuses

  7. 结论深圳市罗湖区小学生口腔疾病患病率高,状况令人担忧。

    Conclusion The higher morbidity of oral diseases among the pupils in the district is worrisome .

  8. 罗湖区教育局依据《深圳市罗湖区健康城区计划》,提出了创建健康学校的行动计划。

    According to " Shenzhen Luohu District Healthy City Proper Plans ", Luohu Educational Bureau has made a plan to set up healthy schools .

  9. 反观罗湖区的价位坚挺、抗跌力强,进可攻退可守,且租值强劲,出租率高。

    In Lo Wu District price strong , exceptionally strong capacity , into which can be defensive attack , and strong rent , the rental rate .

  10. 目前我们正在进行的蔡屋围金融中心区改造,是深圳市、罗湖区两级政府倾力打造的重点项目。

    At present we are carrying out the central area of financial Cai Wuwei , a city of Shenzhen , Luohu District , two of the Qing Li build key projects .

  11. 依据各项研究分析结果评价了罗湖建成区断裂带岩土体的稳定性,并按其稳定程度对罗湖地区进行了区域划分。

    Luohu Jiancheng district is compartmentalized based on evaluations of the stability of rock fault zones in it with the analysis results .

  12. 与许多到这个中国南方新兴都市的旅行者一样,穿过边界罗湖贸易区后,我几乎错过了第一个购物场所,一个便宜的冒牌货商场。

    Like many tourists to this southern Chinese boomtown , I barely got past the first shopping mall after the border crossing , Luohu Commercial City , an emporium of counterfeit goods at bargain prices .