
  • 网络amniotic fluid index;AFi
  1. 目的评价羊水指数(AFI)在产前监护中的价值。

    Objective [ WT5BZ ] To evaluate the value of AFI in antepartum monitoring .

  2. 胎儿肾、脑动脉血流参数和羊水指数与围产儿预后的关系

    Study on Correlation Between Fetal Blood Flow Parameters and AFI , Perinatal Outcome

  3. B超监测羊水指数及羊水性状与剖宫产后新生儿Apgar评分关系探讨

    A study on the relationship between the B-mode ultrasonography surveyed amniotic fluid index and the character of amniotic fluid and Apgar score

  4. 目的:评价超声羊水指数(AFI)、羊水性状与新生儿评分(Apgar)的关系。

    Objective : To evaluate the relationship between the amniotic fluid index ( AFI ), the character of amniotic fluid and Apgar score .

  5. 目的:探讨产前B超测定羊水指数(AFI)对羊水过少的诊断价值。

    Objective : To evaluate the diagnostic value of measurement of amniotic fluid index ( AFI ) by B-mode sonography in oligohydramnios .

  6. 目的探讨胎儿电子监测与羊水指数(AFI)测定联合监护延期妊娠对改善围产儿预后的临床价值。

    Objective To evaluate the application of electronic fetal monitoring combined with amniotic fluid index to improve the prognosis of fetus in delayed pregnancy .

  7. 在血E3、血hpL值、羊水指数(AFI)、无负荷试验(NST)、震荡声音刺激试验(VAST)及新生儿窒息率等方面差异有显著统计学意义(P<001)。

    There are also obvious defferences in serum E3 , hpL AFI , non-load test vibration sound stimulating test , and the asphyxia rate of fetus ( P < 0.01 ) .

  8. 羊水指数≤5cm与羊水池最大切面≤2cm×2cm围产结局的比较

    The comparison of the perinatal outcome between amniotic fluid index ≤ 5 cm and the largest pocket of amniotic fluid ≤ 2 cm × 2 cm

  9. 为探讨羊水指数(AFI)在诊断羊水过少的意义及其实用价值,用B型超声对妊娠晚期AFI进行测定。

    To study the role of amniotic fluid index ( AFI ) in diagnosis of oligohydramnios and to detect AFI during terminal pregnancy by B-scan ultrasonography .

  10. 超声波检查羊水指数AFI≤5cm,超声波检查结果与临床有异时以临床为准。

    Amniotic fluid index ( AFI ) ≤ 5cm . If the result is different by ultrasonic and clinical observation , the result is according to the clinical observation .

  11. 羊水指数预测羊水过少的价值分析

    An analysis of diagnostic value of amniotic fluid index for oligohydramnios

  12. 测定羊水指数在诊断羊水过少中的意义

    The role of amniotic fluid index ( AFI ) in diagnosis of oligohydramnios

  13. 羊水指数测定用于产前监护的价值

    The value of amniotic fluid index in antepartum monitoring

  14. 134例胎膜早破后残余羊水指数与母儿预后相关性分析

    Clinical Analysis of 134 Cases of Residual Amniotic Fluid Index after Premature Rupture of Membrane

  15. 超声羊水指数临界值的探讨

    Exploration of the value of B-Mode ultrasound in the critical value of amniotic fluid index

  16. 结果:介入治疗后的羊水指数显著增加,胎监变异减速消失。

    Results : Ammiotic fluid was significantly increased after interventional ultrasonography amnioinfusion and no variable deceleration was found in NST .

  17. 胎儿肾动脉与中大脑动脉血流、羊水指数及膀胱容积间关系的超声学研究

    An Ultrasonic Study On the Correlation of Renal Artery and Middle Cerebral Artery Resistance Index , Amniotic Fluid index and Bladder Volume

  18. 结果:羊水指数低者羊水粪染率及新生儿低评分发生率高;

    Results : A low amniotic fluid index was accompanied with high rate of feces pollution and high rate of low Apgar score ;

  19. 结论联合胎儿电子监测与羊水指数两项指标监护延期妊娠能提高对围产儿不良预后的预测。

    Conclusion Combination of electronic fetal wardship and amniotic fluid index monitoring for the condition of fetus can improve the prognosis of delayed pregnancy .

  20. 死产1例,围产儿病死率为25.6‰。B超测定羊水指数作为监测羊水量的指标,符合率为93.18%(82/88例)。

    The perinatal mortality rate was 25.6 ‰, The rate of predicting oligohydramnios correctly by AFI was 93.18 % ( 82 / 88 ) .

  21. 未足月胎膜早破羊水指数应作为监测胎儿状况和指导治疗的指标。

    The residue Amniotic fluid index ( AFI ) after PPROM should be used as an index of monitoring fetal condition and guiding therapy .

  22. 方法:超声监测羊水指数,记录分娩时的羊水总量<300ml的病例110例,结合分娩情况进行临床分析。

    Methods : Measuring the amniotic fluid index by B ultrasonic and note the volume of amniotic fluid in labor , analysis the pregnancy outcome .

  23. 彩超探查乳腺主要供血动脉血流参数对乳腺癌诊断价值的研究胎儿肾、脑动脉血流参数和羊水指数与围产儿预后的关系

    Value of Doppler Indices of Main Breast-feeding Arteries in the Diagnosis of Breast Cancer ; Study on Correlation Between Fetal Blood Flow Parameters and AFI , Perinatal Outcome

  24. 方法48例疤痕子宫行超声引导下羊膜腔灌注术,通过分析灌注前后雌三醇、胎盘生乳素、脐动脉血流变化等指标研究胎盘功能,通过灌注前后羊水指数变化评价治疗羊水过少的效果。

    Methods Amnioinfusion was performed on 48 patients who had scared uterus . Changes of estriol , HPL and the umbilical arterial S / D and RI were observed to assess the function of placenta .

  25. 方法超声测量最大羊水池深度(AFD)和羊水指数(AFI),以AFD<3cm和/或AFI<8cm为超声诊断羊水过少的标准。选择年龄相近羊水正常孕妇100例作为对照组。

    [ Methods ] Oligohydramnios were determined by ultrasonography in amniotic fluid index ( AFI ) < 8 cm and / or amniotic fluid deep ( AFD ) < 3 cm , 100 cases as the control group with normal amniotic fluid volume .

  26. 利用羊水量对分娩时进行评估的一项随机临床试验:羊水指数与单一最大羊水暗区检测技术比较

    A randomized clinical trial of the intrapartum assessment of amniotic fluid volume : Amniotic fluid index versus the single deepest pocket technique