
yáng jiǎo
  • ram's horn;whirlwind;cyclone;horn;tornado
羊角 [yáng jiǎo]
  • [tornado] 羊的角。借指弯曲向上的旋风

  • 羊角风旋天地黑,黄沙漠漠云阴涩。--《水浒传》

羊角[yáng jiǎo]
羊角[yáng jué]
  1. 这里所说的号是犹太人在宗教仪式或打战时所用的羊角。

    The trumpet referred to here was a shofar which is a ram 's horn , used by the Jews for religious purposes and for warfare .

  2. 果实深绿色,长羊角形,味辣,商品性状好,品质优良。

    The fruit is deep green and horn shaped with good marketable character .

  3. 在热闹广场的另一边,摊贩叫卖着热狗和羊角三明治。

    Across the busy plaza , vendors sell hot dogs and croissant sandwiches .

  4. 她滤煮好咖啡,然后把羊角面包放进烤箱加热。

    She percolated the coffee and put croissants in the oven to warm .

  5. 这家商店的羊角面包是直接从法国进口的。

    The store 's croissants are imported directly from france .

  6. 他们把他带去了羊角岛国际酒店(YanggakdoHotel)。那栋高楼位于首都中心地区的一座小岛上,内有1000间客房。在那里,他被关在一间有人把守的套房里。

    They took him to the Yanggakdo Hotel , a 1000-room tower on a small island in the center of the capital , where he was held in a guarded suite .

  7. 一个恰当的例证是cronut(上图所示):一种把甜甜圈和羊角面包混合在一起的食物。

    Case in point : the cronut ( see above ) & a doughnut / croissant hybrid .

  8. 以辣椒雄性不育系1442A(灯笼型)和13733A(羊角型)及其保持系和恢复系为试材,对花蕾中SOD、POD和CAT3种同工酶活性的变化趋势进行了研究。

    In this research , we studied trends of SOD , POD and CAT activities in the flower buds of two pepper male-sterility lines 1442A ( lantern type ) and 13733A ( goat cornu type ) as well as their maintain lines and recovery lines .

  9. 除了特浓咖啡,我还点了焦糖味的kouign-amann,它来自布列塔尼,像是蝴蝶酥和羊角面包的结合,经常被与羊角甜甜圈(Cronut)相提并论。

    Along with my espresso , I had a kouign-amann , a caramelized cross between a palmier and a croissant that comes from Bretagne and has been positively compared with the Cronut .

  10. 羊角锤闭式精密模锻工艺及模具设计

    Flashless Precision Die Forging Technology and Die Design of Claw Hammer

  11. 羊角洞以洞、峰、坑取胜。

    Yangjiao Cave is characterized by its caves , peaks and holes .

  12. 祁连山雄岩羊角生长解析

    Analysis of Horn Growth of Male Pseudois nayaur szechuanensis on Qilian Mountains

  13. 你晓得羊角面包是罗马尼亚发明的吗?

    Did you know the croissant was invented in romania ?

  14. 我将在早饭吃个羊角面包,它味道很好。

    I will have a croissant at breakfast , it taste good .

  15. 我早饭吃了正宗的法式羊角面包。

    I 've got some real French croissants for breakfast .

  16. 用羊角锤撬压形成线形痕迹的检验

    Examination of striation marks left by claw - hammer

  17. 没人真正自乎羊角面包是哪里发明的。

    Nobody really cares where the croissant was invented .

  18. 大羊:好,上来吧,来尝尝我们羊角的厉害吧!

    Big goats : Well , come on ! Try our hard horns !

  19. 她的手伸向最后一个羊角面包。

    Her hand reached out for the last croissant ;

  20. 听到这里,我第二次被羊角面包噎住了。

    Here was my'choking on my croissant'moment number two .

  21. 汉堡王的Croissan'Wich是羊角面包和三明治的混合。

    Burger King 's Croissan'Wich is a croissant-sandwich mix .

  22. 目的介绍羊角锤起钉槽撬压形成擦划痕迹的检验方法。

    Objective To introduce a method for examination of striation marks left by claw-hammer .

  23. 我来和你分享这只羊角面包。

    I 'll split this croissant with you .

  24. 羚羊角与其他羊角磷脂含量比较

    Comparison of the content of phospholipids in antelope horns with other sheep ' horns

  25. 每天早晨他们都烘自己吃的羊角面包。

    Every morning they baked their own croissants .

  26. 我差点被羊角面包噎住了。

    I almost choked on my croissant .

  27. 皮管型手柄橡皮羊角锤钉板条用的短柄斧锤

    Rubber grip claw hammer with tubular handle

  28. 我的脚上有蹄,我还有羊角,长得长而弯曲。

    I have hoofs for feet and I might have horns that grow long and curvy .

  29. 大羚羊角是致命的武器。

    Gemsbok horns are deadly weapons .

  30. 节日期间最重要的习俗之一就是吹羊角号。

    One of the most significant rituals during the holiday is the blowing of the shofar .