
  • American TV Series;American drama;US TV series;gossip girl;lie to me
  1. 对大多数美剧迷们来说,这真是一个漫长的夏天。

    For most fans of US TV series , it 's been a long summer .

  2. 过去几周对于美剧迷们来说可谓十分难熬,因为大多数剧集都因为圣诞假期的关系而停播。

    The past few weeks must have been hard for fans of US TV series , because most shows took a long holiday break .

  3. 柯林斯英语词典举行了一场推特竞赛并决定将一个新单词正式纳入其中,而这个脱颖而出的新词就是美剧《杰西驾到》(NewGirl)第一季的海报宣传词“adorkable”。

    Collins English Dictionary held a Twitter contest to determine a new word being added to its dictionary , and the " New Girl " Season 1 poster tagline was the one to make the cut .

  4. 曾出演美剧《行尸走肉》(TheWalkingDead)的影星诺曼o瑞杜斯将在游戏中担纲主角。

    The game will star The Walking Dead 's Norman Reedus .

  5. 近期从最新美剧《纸牌屋》(HouseofCards)中总结的经验清单已经够空洞的了。

    A recent collection of lessons from the new series of House of Cards was vacuous enough .

  6. 对于美剧CSI的粉丝们来说,你们要知道,DNA分析首次被发明出来也是在1984年。

    And for fans of all those CSI TV shows : DNA profiling was first invented in1984 .

  7. 中国审查机构最近将四部美剧从国内视频网站下架,优酷土豆拥有其中《傲骨贤妻》(TheGoodWife)的播放权。

    Chinese censors recently pulled four popular U.S. television shows from the Web , including one , ' The Good Wife , ' which Youku had the rights to .

  8. 雪耻考点revengeoneselfon向…报仇美剧风采看起来很神奇吧,并不是所有人都成天想着报仇。

    And incredible as it may seem , not everyone spends their lives trying to plot revenge .

  9. 美国哥伦比亚广播公司(ColumbiaBroadcastingSystem)将停播其播出时间最长的热门美剧《犯罪现场调查》(CSI:CrimeSceneInvestigation),该剧长达两小时的大结局将于9月底播出。

    CBS will cancel one of its longest-running and popular shows , " CSI , " next season after a two-hour series finale in late September .

  10. 他留着一个美剧《广告狂人》(MadMen)式的发型,穿着修身西装,看起来就像摩洛哥的赌场管理员。

    And not just because , with his mad men hair cut and sharp suits , he looks the part of a Monaco croupier .

  11. 这位两度获得奥斯卡奖的电影界传奇人物,在74岁时出演美剧《好运赛马》(luck),这是他首次出演电视剧。

    At the age of 74 , the two-time Oscar-winning movie legend is starring in luck , his first television drama .

  12. 周日,HBO发布度备受期待的2019年美剧预告片。

    HBO dropped a trailer for their highly anticipated 2019 shows on Sunday .

  13. 早在《纸牌屋》(HouseofCards)第二季登陆中国之前,这部美剧就获得了一波好莱坞制片人做梦都不敢想的免费宣传。

    Before House of Cards ' second season arrived for streaming in China , the show got the type of free publicity that Hollywood producers can only dream of .

  14. 威廉·莎士比亚的作品要被强尼·德普和《Copper》《Homicide》的制片人一起拍成美剧了。

    The works of William Shakespeare are coming to TV , courtesy of Johnny Depp and Copper and Homicide producer Tom Fontana .

  15. Fox公司已经签下了这部剧,而这也是帕森斯在美剧圈内的新动作。

    The Family Gene , which landed at Fox with a script commitment , is the latest development sale for Parsons .

  16. 当时全体演员都决定不再继续这部美剧,Perry说。

    The cast had decided as a whole not to continue , Perry said .

  17. 好了我们继续我们的节目我们的第一位嘉宾获得了艾美奖提名的演员她参演了ABC很火爆的幽默美剧摩登家庭来看看吧

    Our first guest is in Ammy nominate actress who is stars on ABC hilarious hit show Modern Family check it out .

  18. 刚刚过去的这个周末,《生活大爆炸》(TheBigBangTheory)、《傲骨贤妻》(TheGoodWife)等一些中国视频网站上的热门美剧被电视监管机构勒令下架。

    China 's TV regulators silenced some popular U.S. TV shows , such as ' The Big Bang Theory ' and ' The Good Wife , ' on Chinese video websites over the weekend .

  19. CBS电视网的热播美剧《生活大爆炸》又要迎来一位科学界天才客串了。

    CBS 's The Big Bang Theory is getting another visit from a real life scientific genius .

  20. 游戏群星云集,其中包含《神盾局特工》(AgentsofS.H.I.E.L.D)的演员布雷特o道顿,美剧《纳什维尔》(Nashville)的演员海顿o潘妮蒂尔和《极品飞车》(NeedforSpeed)的演员拉米o马雷克。

    The game stars a Hollywood cast that includes Brett Dalton ( Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D ) , Hayden Panettiere ( Nashville ) and Rami Malek ( Need for Speed ) .

  21. 她和自己的单身朋友开玩笑说,她们的未来将是台湾版的《黄金女郎》(GoldenGirls),这是一部讲述四个女性退休后一起住在佛罗里达的美剧。

    She jokes with her single friends that their future will be a Taiwanese version of the'Golden Girls , 'an American TV show about four female retirees living together in Florida .

  22. (注:科幻类美剧)提示:他和DarthVader并列第二。

    Hint : he and Darth Vader are tied for \# 2 .

  23. TNT台近日宣布,旗下热门美剧《罪案终结》明年将上演全剧终。

    The hit drama of TNT ," The Closer " will be concluded next year , as announced by the officials of TNT .

  24. 我们浏览了HBO四十年里播放的所有节目(不包括迷你剧),并挑选了以下20部最好看的美剧。

    We took a look at four decades of HBO shows ( not miniseries ) and picked our favorite 20 . 20 .

  25. 《绝命毒师》的创作者文斯·吉利根即将开始制作一部基于这部热门AMC系列美剧的电影。

    Breaking Bad creator Vince Gilligan is about to start production on a film based on the hit AMC series .

  26. 乔治·R·R·马丁的小说《冰与火之歌》及其改编版美剧《权力的游戏》凭借错综复杂的政治阴谋,令人印象深刻的角色刻画和出其不意的曲折情节而备受关注。

    George R. R. Martin 's A Song of Ice and Fire and its television adaptation Game of Thrones has become notorious for its complex political machinations , memorable characters , and truly unpredictable plot twists .

  27. 当年开播的其他美剧《双面女间谍》(Alias)、《实习医生风云》(Scrubs)和《六尺之下》(SixFeetUnder)都已在多年前收官。

    Other shows debuting that year included ' Alias , ' ' Scrubs ' and ' Six Feet Under ' - all of which ended years ago .

  28. 这套15张的邮票将纪念英国对这部美剧作出的贡献。该剧改编自乔治·R·R·马丁的畅销系列丛书《冰与火之歌》。

    The collection of 15 stamps will mark the significant British contribution to the US show which is based on the best-selling book series " A Song of Ice and Fire " by George R R Martin .

  29. 从这个星期开始黄金时段的美剧就已经开始陆续回归了,而回归的美剧自然会从电视收视上看到效果,而昨晚的大赢家就是CBS。

    Some primetime shows are already back from reruns and the ratings definitely reflect the new programming , handing CBS a huge win .

  30. 美剧《摩登家庭》的联合主创StevenLevitan打算将在第十季迎来整部剧的大结局。

    Modern Family co-creator Steven Levitan has confirmed plans to end the series with its tenth season .