
  • 网络the Bureau of Labor Statistics;bls;US Bureau of Labor Statistics;United States Bureau of Labor Statistics
  1. 以下是美国劳工统计局(BureauofLaborStatistics)公布的五种由女性统治的职业。

    Here are five professions that , according to the Bureau of labor statistics , women rule .

  2. 据美国劳工统计局(theBureauofLaborStatistics)的数据,2009年,有1530万美国人自称自由职业者。

    In 2009 , 15.3 million Americans identified themselves as self-employed , according to the Bureau of labor statistics .

  3. 据美国劳工统计局(BureauofLaborStatistics)最近的统计数据显示,美国失业率随着年龄增长而呈下降趋势。

    According to the latest stats from the Bureau of labor statistics , unemployment declines with age .

  4. 在确定排名次序时,网站采用的是美国劳工统计局(BureauofLaborStatistics)等政府部门的数据。

    The firm used data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics and other government agencies to determine the rankings .

  5. 根据美国劳工统计局(bureauoflabourstatistics)的数据,美国小企业创立数量处于长期下降之中。

    According to the Bureau of labour statistics , US small business creation is in long-term secular decline .

  6. 美国劳工统计局(BureauofLaborStatistics)的数据显示,只有约5%的员工公开宣称打两份工。

    According to the Bureau of labor statistics , only about 5 % of workers officially hold more than one job .

  7. 美国劳工统计局(BureauofLabourStatistics)的最新数据将美国劳动力划分为821种工作,从洗碗工到图书管理员。

    New data from the Bureau of Labour Statistics divide the US workforce into 821 jobs from dishwasher to librarian .

  8. 根据美国劳工统计局(BureauofLaborStatistics)的数据,同期餐厅食品价格上涨了41%。

    Restaurant food prices are up 41 per cent over the same period , according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics .

  9. 美国劳工统计局(BureauofLaborStatistics)预计,广告销售人员和飞行员的工作机会未来10年将会减少。

    Ad sales agents and pilots are two jobs that the Bureau of Labor Statistics projects will decline in number over the next decade .

  10. 美国劳工统计局(BureauofLaborStatistics)的资料显示,那年女性涌入职场,占到劳动人口的40%。

    Women were pouring into the workforce , hitting 40 % of the total working population that year , according to the Bureau of labor statistics .

  11. 美国劳工统计局(BureauofLaborStatistics)报告称,医疗保健服务提供商计划在2018年之前增加招聘具有计算机化病例记录专业知识的技术员,新增比例将达到20%。

    Health care providers plan to hire 20 % more technicians with the know-how to computerize medical records by 2018 , the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports .

  12. 例如,美国劳工统计局(USBureauofLaborStatistics)的数据显示,美国初创企业中只有60%能存活到第三年。

    In the US , for instance , barely 60 per cent of new businesses make it to their third birthday , according to the government 's Bureau of Labor Statistics .

  13. 该数据每月由美国劳工统计局(bureauoflaborstatistics)公布,追踪美国中产阶级实际收入由此可判断其生活水准的变化。

    It is published every month by the Federal Bureau of labor statistics . It tracks changes in the real earnings and thus the living standards of Middle America .

  14. 美国劳工统计局(BureauofLaborStatistics)2010年5月的统计结果显示,美国目前约有28000名石油工程师。

    There are approximately 28,000 petroleum engineers in the United States , according to the most recent estimate from the Bureau of labor statistics , taken in May 2010 .

  15. 他是在美国劳工统计局(BureauofLaborStatistics)公布报告后发表上述讲话的。劳工统计局的报告称,不包括能源与食品的核心物价指数上月升0.2%。

    He spoke after the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that the core consumer price index , which excludes energy and food , rose 0.2 per cent last month .

  16. 美国劳工统计局(bureauoflabourstatistics)表示,可能重审原定周五发布美国非农就业数据(大选前最后一个重大经济数据)的安排。

    The Bureau of Labour Statistics said the release of the US non-farm payrolls data due on Friday the last of the big economic news before the US election could be reviewed .

  17. 根据美国劳工统计局(BureauofLaborStatistics)的数据,美国有40%的女性是家中的顶梁柱——也就是说,她们的收入比自己的丈夫要高。而我就是这40%中的一员。

    I 'm one of the 40 % of American women , according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics , who are the breadwinners for their families-that is , we earn more than our husbands .

  18. 美国劳工统计局(BureauofLaborStatistics)的统计显示,在美国,65岁至74岁的劳动力参与率从1988年的16.1%上升到2008年的25.1%。

    According to the Bureau of labor statistics , in the U.S. , the labor force participation rate among people aged 65 to 74 rose from 16.1 % in 1988 to 25.1 % in 2008 .

  19. 而据美国劳工统计局(BureauofLaborStatistics)预测,截至2020年,环境工程专业的就业将增长22%,高于平均水平(而且,环境工程师目前的平均收入约为80000美元)。

    As for environmental engineering , the Bureau of Labor Statistics projects faster-than-average employment growth of 22 % by 2020 ( and notes that environmental engineers currently earn a median salary of around $ 80,000 ) .

  20. 然后我们关注美国劳工统计局(BureauofLaborStatistics)的就业预测数据,看看2010年-2020年期间持各种热门学位的人所从事的热门工作,它们的就业增长有多快。

    We then looked at the Bureau of Labor Statistics " employment projection data to see how fast employment was expected to increase between 2010 and 2020 in popular jobs held by people with each degree .

  21. 美国劳工统计局(BureauofLaborStatistics)数据显示,年长者被解雇后,通常需要比年轻就业者多花2至6个月才能找到新工作。

    When an older man or woman is laid off , it typically takes two to six months longer to find a new job than it takes younger workers , according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics .

  22. 该研究所根据美国劳工统计局(BureauofLaborStatistics)提供的数据,同时对平均周薪进行分析发现,不管是何种教育背景,111个职业中的107个职业存在同工不同酬现象。

    The wage differences exist across 107 of 111 occupations , regardless of education , according to the Institute , which based its conclusions on an analysis of median weekly wage data from the Bureau of labor statistics .

  23. 毕竟,人有的是时间:据美国劳工统计局(BureauofLaborStatistics)的数据,每六个工人中就有一个失业或是没有充分就业,那些还在上班的人工作时间也在减少。

    People , after all , have more of it : One worker in six is either unemployed or underemployed , and those still in jobs are working fewer hours , according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics .

  24. 美国劳工统计局(BureauofLaborStatistics)和白宫经济顾问委员会(WhiteHouseCouncilofEconomicAdvisers)的数据显示,家里父母都至少有兼职工作的孩子的比例,从1965年的40%,上升到了现在的60%。

    Sixty percent of children now live in households where all the parents at home work at least part time , up from 40 percent in 1965 , according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics and the White House Council of Economic Advisers .

  25. 美国劳工统计局(BureauofLaborStatistics)发布的上述令人欣慰的数据表明,美国最近就业增长疲软可能是异常的暖冬、而非经济低迷造成的。数据还显示,更多的人是选择自愿离职的。

    The reassuring numbers from the Bureau of Labor Statistics , which also show more people choosing to quit their job voluntarily , suggest that weak US jobs growth recently may be owing to the unusually warm winter rather than an economic downturn .

  26. 美国劳工统计局(BureauofLaborStatistics)的数据显示,2009年6月以来美国辞职人数稳步攀升,3月份(最近一个有公布数据的月份)为210万人。这些人辞职究竟去了哪里?

    The number of people quitting their jobs has been climbing steadily since June 2009 , the Bureau of Labor Statistics says , to 2.1 million in March ( the latest month available ) . And where are all those people going , exactly ?

  27. 根据美国劳工统计局(BLS)数据,截至2008年8月份,美国有580万人拥有自己的企业,还有1030万人自己单干但没有注册公司。

    In August 2008 , 5.8m Americans worked for their own companies , and another 10.3m were self-employed but did not incorporate , according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics .

  28. 美国劳工统计局(BLS)发现,2007年(能够获得国际可比数据的最后一年),挪威制造业的薪资水平是美国的2.8倍。

    The US Bureau of Labor Statistics found that in 2007 ( the last year for which international comparisons are available ) manufacturing wages in Norway were 1.8 times higher than in the US .

  29. 美国劳工统计局(BLS)数据显示,剔除波动较大的食品和能源价格后,核心消费价格指数同比仅上升0.6%,这是自1957年开始编制该数据系列以来最低的通胀率。

    Excluding volatile food and energy prices , the consumer price index rose by only 0.6 per cent on a year ago according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics , the lowest rate of inflation since the series began in 1957 .

  30. 调查数据来自美国劳工统计局、人口调查局、行业协会的。

    S.Bureau of Labor Statistics , the Census Bureau and trade association studies .