
  • 网络US Financial Markets;American financial markets
  1. 盈透证券(InteractiveBrokers)高级市场分析师安德鲁威尔金森(AndrewWilkinson)表示,如果不是去年全年充裕的流动资金供给,中国经济或许就不能经受住美国金融市场失灵带来的外部冲击。

    Andrew Wilkinson , senior market analyst at Interactive Brokers , said that without its generous liquidity provision throughout 2009 , China 's economy might not have withstood the external shocks created when US financial markets seized up .

  2. 哈珀表示,当前这场危机主要以美国金融市场为中心,削弱了华盛顿这个天字第一号讲坛(bullypulpit)将其观点强加于世界其它国家的能力。

    Mr Harper said the current crisis , much of it centred on US financial markets , has weakened Washington 's bully pulpit to impose its views on the rest of the world .

  3. 昨天美国金融市场的股票暴涨。

    Shares rose sharply on Wall Street yesterday .

  4. Knight是美国金融市场的最大流动性提供商之一。

    Knight is among the biggest providers of liquidity to US markets .

  5. 本周,在美联储(Fed)采取行动缓解美国金融市场不断升级的压力时,欧洲央行基本上都在袖手旁观。

    The ECB had largely stood aside this week as the US Federal Reserve took action to calm escalating pressures in US financial markets .

  6. 美国金融市场在劳动节假期休市。

    US financial markets are close for the labor day holiday .

  7. 2004年10月美国金融市场述评

    Reviews on American Financial Market in October 2004

  8. 收购预计在星期一美国金融市场开市前宣布。

    The sale is expected to be announced Monday before the U.S. financial markets open .

  9. 如今,期货基金已经是美国金融市场的一支重要力量。

    To date , Futures Fund has become indisputably a vital force in global financial markets .

  10. 2004年8月:美国金融市场的尴尬

    Awkward in American Financial Market

  11. 美国金融市场应声暴跌。

    US financial markets swooned .

  12. 美国金融市场的混乱,加剧了投资者对于中国经济增长放缓的担忧。

    The chaos in US financial markets compounded fears among investors about a slowdown in Chinese economic growth .

  13. 里夫林指出,美国金融市场所承受的巨大压力在最近几个星期稍微缓和。

    Rivlin pointed out that the great pressure on the US financial market had been relieved in the past few weeks .

  14. 在美国金融市场,股票大多是卖给互助基金,个人投资者和小商人。

    In the US financial market , stocks are mostly sold to mutual funds , the individual investors and petty traders .

  15. 美国金融市场的疲软,给那些坐拥现金的外国投资者提供了一个购买重要资产的机会。

    The weakness in US financial markets has provided an opportunity for foreigners sitting on cash to pick up important assets .

  16. 至于更多流入美国金融市场的中国资金,这可能只是涓涓细流,而不是滔滔洪水。

    As for more Chinese capital flowing into the US financial markets , it is likely to be a trickle , not a flood .

  17. 此举无论成败,都将冲击美国金融市场,包括就业在内的实体经济将因此受损。

    Whether it succeeds or fails , US financial markets would take a beating and the real economy , jobs included , would suffer damage .

  18. 纽约大学的一项研究表明,这首歌里有太多反复不断的节拍,而这种节拍和美国金融市场的不稳定性有着惊人的相似之处。

    A study carried out at New York University has found that songs with a more regular beat coincide with volatility in the American financial markets .

  19. 一种相对比较新的公司融资方式&资产证券化已发展成为美国金融市场的主要力量之一。

    A relatively new method of corporate finance known as asset securitization has emerged as one of the major forces in the United States ' financial markets .

  20. 虽然纽交所与美林相比微不足道,但在美国金融市场,它却吸引了与其规模并不相称的全国性关注度。

    Although the Big Board is tiny compared with Merrill , it occupies a disproportionately large share of the national attention when it comes to US financial markets .

  21. 实际上,美元的流动性,华盛顿的有限干预以及美国金融市场的规模和灵活性都决定了像中国这样的国家会囤积美元。

    In practice , dollar liquidity , limited Washington intervention , and the size and flexibility of US financial markets ensure that countries such as China stockpile dollars .

  22. 现在是时候了,国会建立全面监管谁可以巧妙地评估和经济管理,如有必要,整个美国金融市场。

    It is time for the Congress to create comprehensive regulators who can ably assess and economically regulate , if necessary , the entirety of the US financial market .

  23. 在星期四听证会进行的同时,美国金融市场依然动荡不止,投资者依然担心经济形势,新的数据显示被银行收回的房屋数量还在增加。

    Thursday 's hearing took placed amid continued volatility in U.S. financial markets , amid investor concerns about the economy , and new figures showing increases in home foreclosures .

  24. 委员会成员获悉,虽然美国金融市场在受袭事件后停开,但本港货币及外汇市场仍然保持稳定。

    Members noted that , notwithstanding the closure of financial markets in the us immediately after the incident , money and exchange markets in Hong Kong had remained stable .

  25. 以往对美国金融市场的研究表明,机构投资者在进行投资时存在典型的羊群效应,而研究表明我国证券市场中机构投资者的羊群行为更加典型。

    The researches that people have already done on American financial market indicate that institution investors show typical herd effect , while Chinese institution investors ' herd behavior is more typical .

  26. 这种外国资本的巨额流入将让美国金融市场保持过度的流动性,让利率保持低位,推动风险价格低估,由此再次催生不负责任的借贷行为。

    Such huge inflows of foreign capital would keep us financial markets excessively liquid , hold interest rates down , promote underpricing of risk and thus again generate irresponsible lending and borrowing .

  27. 马洛吉兰:萨班斯-奥克斯利法因为造成了许多问题受到指摘(这在情理之中),其中包括使美国金融市场和整个美国企业界丧失了全球竞争力。

    Mg : Sarbanes-Oxley has been ( justifiably ) blamed for inducing a number of problems , including the loss of global competitiveness of US financial markets and of corporate America in general .

  28. 一些官员表示,豁免条款的基础是创造沃尔克规则的法律,是为了美国金融市场不会遭到安全交易禁令的破坏。

    Some officials say the exemptions are based on the law that created the Volcker rule and are needed to ensure that US financial markets are not damaged by bans on safe transactions .

  29. 美国金融市场和金融企业位于全球金融体系的核心,这使得美国对全球金融格局和全球监管的细节拥有非凡的影响力。

    US financial markets and financial companies are at the centre of the global financial system . This gives America exceptional influence over the shape of global finance and details of global regulation .

  30. 肇始于美国金融市场的次贷危机逐步演变为全球性的实体经济危机,更进一步引发了政策制定者对金融市场与货币政策关系的反思。

    The financial subprime crisis initiating in U.S. evolved into a global crisis in the real economy , and further led policy makers to think about the relationship between financial markets and monetary policy .