
  • 网络My Old House;THE OLD HOUSE
  1. 今天我发现我一直以来都把电费交到了我的老房子上,因为我现在的房子被掐电了。

    Today , I found out the electric bill I have been paying was on my old house . I found this out when they shut off the power to my house .

  2. 当我开始沿着车道往前走,走向未来的新房所在地时,我听到一声巨响,那个大铁球再一次砸向我的老房子。一丝微笑掠过了我的脸庞。

    As I began to walk up the driveway to my soon to be new home , I heard a loud crash as the wrecking ball struck my old house again , and a small smile broke across my face .

  3. 许多大的老房子已改建成单元房。

    Many large old houses have been converted into flats .

  4. 新房子比老房子卫生。

    The new houses were more sanitary than the old ones had been .

  5. 这老房子散发出一股潮气。

    The old house smells of damp .

  6. 老房子大多都潮湿。

    Old houses are often damp .

  7. 我们有一栋漂亮的维多利亚时代的老房子。

    We have a lovely old Victorian house .

  8. 这所老房子被彻底搜查过了。

    The old house was combed very carefully .

  9. 这所老房子里的一些家具已经被老鼠嗑坏了。

    Some of the furniture in this old house has been gnawed away by rats .

  10. 这所老房子早已弃置不用。

    This old house was abandoned long ago .

  11. 老房子住着可意么?

    Are you happy with your old house ?

  12. 也许现在是时候摒弃这种教育了——今年夏天,一群文化爱好者、艺术家和社区组织者邀请了纽约人来到总督岛的一所老房子处,在墙上到处书写。

    But it might be time to unlearn that training — this summer , group of culture addicts , artists and community organizers are inviting New Yorkers to write all over the walls of an old house on Governor 's Island .

  13. 余先生:我们在老房子里住的时候,用的能源比较多。

    Mr Yu : When we were living in our old house , we were using more energy .

  14. 一所灰泥剥落、屋顶漏水的老房子

    an old house with crumbling plaster and a leaking roof

  15. 雾气回旋在这栋老房子的四周。

    The mist eddied round the old house .

  16. 一年后人们拆了老房子,随后一座漂亮的现代建筑矗立在那里。

    That house was demolished16 only one year later , and a nice shiny new modern split-level was erected17 in its place .

  17. 一天,像往常一样她又被大部队甩到后面很远,这时她一个人朝着山上的老房子艰难的跑过去。

    One day , when as usual the pack had left her far behind , she found herself alone as she trudged8 up the hill towards the old house .

  18. 我住在一套没有安装烟雾探测器电路的老房子里,所以我买了一套电池版本的Protect(跟电线提供电力的Protect价格是一样的)。

    I live in an older home that lacks a hard-wired network for smoke alarms , so I made sure to purchase the battery powered version of the Protect .

  19. 一条雅致的林荫小路沿着台北北郊的小山而上,直通一处名为GloryCentury的豪宅区。从这里可以俯瞰一条热闹的小巷,巷子里满是开在老房子里的小餐馆。

    An elegant tree-lined path leads up a small hill in the northern outskirts of Taipei to the Glory Century , a luxurious estate overlooking a busy alleyway filled with small restaurants in old buildings .

  20. yan说,现在他们的使命更重了,因为已经有大量的老房子为给城市发展让路而被推到了。

    Ji said their mission was even more important now that a large number of old buildings in Dalian were being pulled down to make way for the city 's development .

  21. 在墨尔本居住了多年的史蒂夫·昆佩尔(SteveCumper)六年前来到小天鹅村(Cygnet)买下了一家简陋餐厅,这家餐厅开在一座建于1912年的老房子中。

    Melbourne veteran Steve Cumper arrived in the hamlet of Cygnet six years ago and snapped up a shabby cafe in a historic 1912 building .

  22. 美籍华人设计师兼投资人Teddy的工作就是重新设计装修老房子,他使老建筑旧貌换新颜,重新现风采的本领堪称一绝。

    The job of Chinese American stylist and investor Teddy is to redesign and redecorate old houses , endowing the weathered buildings with new elegance . And he does play magic .

  23. 我住在一套没有安装烟雾探测器电路的老房子里,所以我买了一套电池版本的Protect(跟电线提供电力的Protect价格是一样的)。花了几分钟时间才把支架和设备装好。

    I live in an older home that lacks a hard-wired network for smoke alarms , so I made sure to purchase the battery powered version of the Protect . ( The hard-wired version costs the same . ) It took a few minutes to mount the bracket and unit .

  24. 在这部STX公司的恐怖片中,三个大学生搬进了一所老房子,并在无意中释放了一个灵异生物。一旦有人发现它的名字就会被猎杀。

    The STX thriller follows three college students who move into an old house and unwittingly unleash a supernatural entity who preys upon them once they discover his name .

  25. 眼下,则完全是个供求问题,已在上海做过大量老房子翻修工程的建筑设计师I-ShinChow说,无房可供,需求巨大。

    Right now , it 's a simple issue of supply and demand , says architect I-Shin Chow , who has worked on a number of Shanghai houses . There 's no supply and huge demand .

  26. Kotumidula是许多老房子都建有的天井小院,坐在里面看完报纸后,我来到厨房。

    Having read the papers sitting in the kotu midula , the inside courtyard open to the sky found in many old houses , I went to the kitchen .

  27. 洪水中,这座老房子被冲垮了。

    The old house fell to pieces in the big flood .

  28. 上海老房子的新课题:保护性修缮

    The New Topic of Old Houses in Shanghai : Conservative Repair

  29. 那幢老房子已经多年无人居住了。

    That old house has not been tenanted for many years .

  30. 那些快要倒的老房子需要重盖。

    The old houses that are falling to pieces need rebuilding .