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kǎo jù
  • textual research;textual criticism
考据 [kǎo jù]
  • [textual criticism;textual research] 对资料性文本的分析研究

考据[kǎo jù]
  1. 中国传统考据学与西方阐释学

    Chinese traditional textual criticism and western hermeneutics

  2. 戴震是乾嘉时期最著名的考据学家,在中国语言文字学史上有着重要的地位。

    Dai Zhen was the most famous textual criticism of Qing Dynasty and there were important positions in the history of Chinese language philology .

  3. 他喜欢考据,当个历史学家也挺合适。

    His liking for footnotes might have suited him to be an historian .

  4. 有清一代,训诂考据之学成为显学。

    In the Qing Dynasty , textology became a famous study .

  5. 在植物考据研究中应用进化思想的探讨

    Notes on the Application of Evolutionary Concept to Plant Textual Research

  6. 五是纪实性的传记文学和考据性文章。

    Five is a documentary biography of literary and textual articles .

  7. 考据学与中国美术古籍研究&对当前美术古籍研究的一点思考

    Textual Research and the Studies of Chinese Ancient Scripts on Fine Arts

  8. 对于这个问题的考据尚不充足。

    The textual criticisms on the problem are not enough .

  9. 近代中国学术史上的戴震&以清末民初学者对其考据学之“科学”性的评估为核心

    On Dai Zhen of the Modern Chinese Academic History

  10. 陈垣与20世纪中国新考据学

    Chen Yuan 's Historical Stdy and the New Textual Research in the 20-Century China

  11. 主张义理、考据与词章相结合,体现了诗学与学术的同构;

    The combination of argumentation , textual research and art of writing is advocated ;

  12. 关于现代白话文体的知识考据

    The Textual Research of Modern Vernacular Style

  13. 你们弄中国文学的,全有这个‘考据癖’的坏习气。

    You Chinese majors all have the nasty habit or even obsession of textual authentication .

  14. 超越考据:关于《清明上河图》研究方法的美学思考

    Surmount Textual Criticism : On Research Methods of On the Riverside Scene of Pure Brightness

  15. 考据史实独辟蹊径&吴缜的考据史学研究

    On Wu Zhen 's Historical Textual Research

  16. 明中叶以来史学考据的兴起及其成就与缺失

    The rise of the historical textual research and its achievements and defects since the mid-Ming Dynasty

  17. 第二,精熟掌握训诂考据学方法,是研究古代医学典籍的必由之路。

    Second , the mastery of textual exegesis is the necessary way of ancient medical books .

  18. 植物考据在这样的背景下产生了。

    With this background , textual research on plants ( plant textology ) comes into being .

  19. 在清代,考据学者倡导重建古代佚散文献的计划。

    During the Ch'ing dynasty k'ao-cheng scholars advocated a program to reconstruct missing sources from antiquity .

  20. 论崔述的考据学与清代汉学之关系乾嘉汉学治学宗旨及其学术实践探析&以戴震、阮元为中心

    Analysis of the Relationship between Cui Shu 's Textual Research and Han Learning in the Qing Dynasty

  21. 最后,在研究历史中,采用考据的治史方法,在考据中阐发义理。

    At last , he used the method of textual research in studying history and elucidated argumentation .

  22. 后人对《三遂平妖传》的研究多集中在文学领域和考据版本方面。

    The following studies were focused on the literature and textual version of San Sui Ping Yao Zhuan .

  23. 略论中国科技史研究中史料考据的几个问题

    On Some Points of Textual Criticism in the Study of Historical Materials about Science and Technology in Ancient China

  24. 论文旨在审视科学的古籍研究重要方略&重视考据,重新提出正确的文献批评道路。

    The paper aims to examine scientific research strategy-Ancient attention to it and re-submit the correct path literature criticism .

  25. 宋代以前,历史考据学有一定的发展,但并不成熟不系统。

    Before Song Dyneasty , there was testification about historical matters , but it wasn 't systematic and mature .

  26. 通过考据古文献资料,论述钱塘江下游的形成及其成因,以飨读者。

    The paper presents readers the formation and cause of Zhijiang River , by doing textual research in documentation .

  27. 在20世纪,文学的出处考据补充进了形式考据和编纂考据。

    In the20th century , literary source criticism has been supplemented by form criticism , and also by redaction criticism .

  28. 太炎先生运用文献考据的方法,并结合中、西医学知识,对《伤寒论》进行了较为深入的探索与研究。

    Zhang Taiyan makes deep researches on Treatise on Febrile Diseases by the method of textual criticism and the medicine knowledge .

  29. 该书是清考据学代表专著,有着鲜明的考据特点,考据内容广泛,研究全面深入。

    The book is a representative book and has the obvious characteristics of textual research , content extensive , thorough research .

  30. 另外,在训诂考据学风影响下,清代痰病研究继续从多个方向深化发展。

    In addition , under the influence of exegesis and textology , the development of phlegm study went in some new directions .