
  • 网络Polyurethane adhesive
  1. 聚氨酯胶黏剂(PU)由于综合性能优良而被广泛地应用于民用、体育、航天、军事等领域,成为不可缺少的重要材料之一。

    Polyurethane adhesive ( PU ) has become one of the important and indispensable materials because of the excellent overall performance and is widely used in civil , sports , aerospace , military and other fields .

  2. 聚氨酯胶黏剂降解行为的在线红外表征

    Characterization of Degradation Behavior of Polyurethane Adhesive by On-line FT-IR

  3. 封端率对PTMG型聚氨酯胶黏剂性能的影响

    Effect of End - closing Rate on Performance of PTMG Polyurethane Plastic Adhesive

  4. 当CSBL的用量为50%时,改性聚氨酯胶黏剂的剥离强度达到最大值。

    T-style peeling strength of the modified adhesive reach maximum when the w ( CSBL ) is 50 % .

  5. 长表干时间单组分湿固化聚氨酯胶黏剂的制备

    Preparation of One-component Moisture Curing Polyurethane Adhesive with Long Open Time

  6. 软木制品用聚氨酯胶黏剂的研制

    Research and Preparation of Polyurethane Adhesive for Cork Products

  7. 鞋用水性聚氨酯胶黏剂的制备及表征

    Preparation and characterization of waterborne polyurethane as shoe adhesives

  8. 湿材胶合用单组分聚氨酯胶黏剂及其胶合木蠕变性能研究

    Study on creep of one component polyurethane adhesives for green wood gluing and glulam

  9. 木材用聚氨酯胶黏剂的研究进展

    Development Trends of Polyurethane Adhesives for Wood

  10. 详细地阐述了软木制品用单组分聚氨酯胶黏剂的制备工艺和反应过程中的影响因素。

    Manufacture process and influence factors of one-component polyurethane adhesive for cork products were described in detail .

  11. 研究表明,-COOH含量对水性聚氨酯胶黏剂的耐水性能、力学性能和乳液稳定性有较大影响。

    - COOH content has great effect on the water resistance , mechanical property and stability of WPU .

  12. 但由于价格因素,聚氨酯胶黏剂在木材用胶黏剂中所占的比例仍然较小。

    But due to the price of polyurethane adhesives , its percentage of wood adhesives is still small .

  13. 以下为本论文主要内容:1.本课题首先制备了一种阴离子水性聚氨酯胶黏剂乳液。

    The main content of this paper is as followings : 1 . A water-based polyurethane adhesive was prepared .

  14. 聚氨酯胶黏剂由于具有无甲醛,施胶量少,胶接强度高等众多优点,使其在木材工业中的使用量逐步增加。

    The consumption of polyurethane adhesives in wood industry is increasing gradually for its advantages , such as formaldehyde free , less adhesive spread , high bonding strength and etc.

  15. 本论文通过复合改性制备了一系列阴离子型水性聚氨酯胶黏剂乳液,并详细研究了复合体系的结构与性能,探讨了其与皮革纤维基质材料的黏结,成膜作用机理。

    The authors prepared series of anionic waterborne polyurethane latex by composite modification , and a detailed study of the structure and properties of complex systems to explore the mechanism of their synergy .

  16. 聚氨酯胶黏剂能够与含有活泼氢的材料形成胶接强度优良的化学粘接,加之分子设计灵活、使用工艺易调控等优点,在木材工业有着较为广泛的应用。

    Polyurethane adhesive can form strong chemical bonds with materials containing active hydrogen . With some other advantages such as flexible molecular design and applicability , polyurethane adhesive has better application in the wood industry .

  17. 研制了一种室温固化无溶剂双组分聚氨酯胶黏剂,具有较高的黏接强度及良好的韧性,在保持室温剪切强度为37.1MPa的同时,扯断伸长率为104%,200℃仍有3.8MPa的强度;

    A solvent-free room-temperature curable two-component PU adhesive was prepared , it has higher adhesion strengths and excellent toughness . The shear strength at room-temperature was 37.1 MPa and the shear strength at 200 ℃ was 3.8 MPa , and the tensile elongation at break still was 104 % .

  18. 反应型聚氨酯热熔胶黏剂的研制

    Preparation of Reactive Polyurethane Hot Melt Adhesive

  19. 水性聚氨酯(WPU)胶黏剂是聚氨酯溶于水或分散在水中形成的胶粘剂。

    Waterborne polyurethane ( WPU ) adhesive is prepared by dispersing polyurethane particles in the media of water .