
dǎn lǜ sù
  • biliverdin
  1. 大鼠肾胆绿素还原酶cDNA克隆、表达及鉴定

    Cloning , Expression and Identification of the Biliverdin Reductase cDNA of Rat Kidney

  2. 稀NaOH水溶液中胆红素与胆绿素UV-Vis光谱的比较

    Comparison between UV-Vis Spectra of Bilirubin and Biliverdin in Dilute NaOH Aqueous Solution

  3. HO催化血红素生成胆绿素、铁和CO。

    HO metabolizes heme into carbon monoxide ( CO ), iron , and biliverdin .

  4. 利用高效液相色谱分别检测NADPH&细胞色素C还原酶、血红素加氧酶、胆绿素还原酶及三者混合物催化血红素降解的产物。

    The nature of the products formed from heme incubated with NADPH-Cytochrome C reductase , heme oxygenase . biliverdin reductase and the three enzymes complex Were examined by HPLC respectively .

  5. 随后游离Fe与转铁蛋白结合,胆绿素在胆绿素还原酶的作用下生成胆红素。

    Subsequently , free iron is combined with transferrin and biliverdin is converted to bilirubin by the action of biliverdin reductase in a non-rate-limiting reaction .

  6. 发现由NADPH&细胞色素C还原酶和血红素加氧酶的联合活性使血红素氧化降解产生专一性的胆绿素Ⅸα。

    The results indicate that the oxidative cleavage of the heme ring in vivo is catalyzed by the combined actions of NADPH-cytochrome C reductase and heme oxygenase to yield the linear tetrapyrrole biliverdin IXa .

  7. 胆红素氧化酶(BOD)是一种催化胆红素生成胆绿素和其它物质的一种酶。

    Bilirubin oxidases ( BOD ) are enzymes catalyzing the oxidation of bilirubin to biliverdin and other substrates .

  8. 目的克隆大鼠肾胆绿素还原酶(BVR)的cDNA序列后在大肠杆菌中表达、纯化并进行鉴定。

    Objective To clone , express and identify the biliverdin reductase ( BVR ) cDNA in rat kidney .

  9. 血红素加氧酶(HemeOxygenase,HO)是血红素分解代谢过程中的限速酶,它能使细胞内的血红素降解成胆绿素和一氧化碳(CarbonMonoxide,CO)。

    Heme oxygenase ( HO ) is a rate limiting enzyme of heme degradation , which converts the cellular heme to bilirubin and carbon monoxide ( CO ) .

  10. 血红素氧化酶(HO)降解血红素生成胆绿素、一氧化碳和游离铁,是血红素代谢反应过程中的限速酶。

    Heme oxygenase ( HO ) is an enzyme that catalyzes the rate-limiting step in the degradation of heme to biliverdin , carbon monoxide and iron .

  11. 血红素加氧酶(HO)是降解血红素的微粒体酶系统,目前已确定的有3种同工酶,它们降解血红素生成一氧化碳(CO)和胆绿素,并释放出铁离子。

    Heme oxygenase ( HO ) is a complex microsomal enzyme system involving three isoenzymes in the degradation of heme and resulting in the generation of biliverdin , iron , and carbon monoxide .

  12. 血红素氧合酶(HemeOxygenase,HO)是血红素降解的起始酶和限速酶,在体内分解血红素生成一氧化碳(CarbonMonoxide,CO)、胆绿素和自由铁。

    Heme oxygenase ( HO ) is an initial and limiting enzyme of heme oxidization , which can catalyze the heme into carbon monoxide ( CO ), biliverdin and free iron .

  13. 血红素氧合酶(HO)是血红素代谢的起始酶和限速酶,能分解血红素产生铁、胆绿素和一氧化碳,其表达对于脑出血后脑组织的损伤起着重要作用。

    Heme oxygenase ( HO ) is the initial enzyme and rate-limiting enzyme of heme metabolism . It decomposes heme into iron , biliverdin and carbon monoxide . Its expression plays an important role in brain damage after intracerebral hemorrhage .

  14. 胆绿素还原酶电极及电位法测定胆红素的研究

    The Study of Biliverdin Reductase Electrode and the Potentiometric Determination of Bilirubin

  15. 高效液相色谱分离胆绿素Ⅸ二甲酯异构体

    High-Performance Liquid Chromatographic Separation of Biliverdin IX Dimethyl Ester Isomers

  16. 胆红素、胆绿素与金属离子的作用机制初探

    Investigation on the Interaction Mechanism of Bilirubin and Biliverdin with Metal Ions

  17. 本文研制了胆绿素还原酶电极,采用电位法测定胆红素。

    A biliverdin reductase electrode is described for the potentiometric determination of bilirubin .

  18. 胆绿素经硼氢化钠还原制备胆红素

    Preparation of bilirubin from Biliverdin by sodium borohydride reduction

  19. 胆绿素及其铜配合物的表面增强拉曼光谱研究

    The studies of biliverdin and its copper complex by surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy

  20. 猪肾胆绿素还原酶的反应机制研究

    The Reaction Mechanism of Pig Kidney Biliverdin Reductase

  21. 胆红素与胆绿素的电化学转化

    The electrochemical coversion between bilirubin and biliverdin

  22. 金属锌离子对胆绿素的荧光增强作用

    Fluorescence Enhancement of Biliverdin by Zinc Ion

  23. 牛脾胆绿素还原酶的理化性质

    Properties of biliverdin reductase from cow spleen

  24. 胆绿素的极谱性质研究

    Study on polarographic properties of biliverdin

  25. 本文用电化学方法和光谱方法对胆红素和胆绿素在磷酸钠溶液(pH11.5)中的电化学行为进行了研究。

    In this paper , the electrochemical behaviour of bilirubin and biliverdin has been investigated with electrochemical and spectrophotometric methods .

  26. 这种鸟可能发展腹泻,粪便可能需要一个更绿色的色调,由于胆绿素被排出体外。

    The bird may develop diarrhoea , and the droppings may take on a more greenish hue due to biliverdin being excreted .

  27. 用电化学方法和光谱方法对胆红素、胆绿素与金属离子在碱性水溶液中的作用机制进行了研究。

    The interaction mechanisms of bilirubin / biliverdin with some metal ions in basic aqueous solution were investigated with spectral and electrochemical methods .

  28. 福尔马林作用于发生显著胆汁淤积的肝脏中的胆色素,将胆红素转化为胆绿素而呈暗绿色。

    The dark green color comes from formalin acting on bile pigments in the liver from marked cholestasis , turning bilrubin to biliverdin .

  29. 然而,这一窝蛋颜色较浅,且相对没有染污,科学家们可以鉴定出其中的胆绿素和原卟啉。

    However , the eggs in this particular clutch were pale and relatively untainted , allowing scientists to identify the pigments biliverdin and protoporphyrin .

  30. 研究表明胆绿素在银胶表面是呈近乎平面的环状结构吸附,其内酰胺环A上氧原子和吡咯环上的氮原子可能发生了质子化。

    The rings of biliverdin were flat on the surface of silver colloid particle with the N atom of pyrrole ring C and O atom of lactam ring A protonated .