
  • 网络MDEA;amine
  1. 含有HSS的胺液流经电渗析离子交换装置后,HSS由胺液介质转换为水介质。

    Amine solution containing HSS and methyldiethanolamine ( MDEA ) flowed through the device , in which MDEA was reserved on the resin after exchanging with hydronium ions on the strong acidic cation-exchange resin .

  2. 胺液脱硫装置的性能随着热稳态盐的增加而恶化,H2S的吸收变得不稳定、溶液中的铁增加、胺液过滤器寿命减短、设备腐蚀和堵塞,还能导致不可预计的经济损失。

    The amine unit performance begins to deteriorate as the HSS increase , and the H 2S absorption becomes less stable . Iron in solution increases so that amine filter life becomes short , and corrosion and fouling of the equipment can lead to an unscheduled economic loss .

  3. 装置运行一年来没有出现急冷塔积硫、胺液发泡或SO2击穿等问题。

    There have been no such problems occurred as sulfur deposition in quench tower , amine foaming and SO 2 breakdown since running for one year .

  4. 建立了固相萃取(SPE)-离子色谱(IC)法测定脱硫胺液中热稳态盐(HSS)离子的分析方法,优化了萃取上样量、流速、解吸溶剂等条件。

    A method for the determination of heat_stable salts ( HSS ) in amine with solid_phase extraction ( SPE ) coupled with ion chromatography ( IC ), was developed .

  5. 结论对临床情况允许的病例采用低张结肠水灌注CT扫描(肠梗阻病人宜用3%泛影葡胺液灌注),能清晰显示病变原发灶,梗阻部位、范围,周围脏器等。

    Conclusion Hypotonic water perfusion CT scan in the cases permitted under clinical condition ( patient with ileus should be perfused with 3 % meglumine diatrizoate ) can display clearly the primary focus , the position and range of ileus , surrounding organ .

  6. 胺液中HSS含量增加不仅导致装置设备和管线腐蚀,而且导致胺液发泡。

    Increase of HSS concentration in the amine solution not only led to the corrosion of equipment and pipelines but also brought to foaming of the amine solution .

  7. 而我国某厂用MDEA从酸性废气中回收H2S的装置却出现了胺液降解及设备腐蚀的现像。

    But the phenomenon of degradation of amin solution and equipment corrosion happened during H2S recover for acid waste gas by MDEA , in one plan of our country .

  8. 本公司MPR部是美国MPR公司的胺液净化技术在中国大陆的唯一代表处,负责在中国地区的业务推广和中国包括东南亚地区的设备生产及技术服务。

    The SSU amine purification technology is a patent technology of the MPR Company in America , and is the world 's most advanced and most mature and reliable amine purification technology .

  9. 高压贫胺液泵最小流量线副线的腐蚀

    Corrosion of Minimum Flow By-pass Line for High-pressure Lean Amine Pump

  10. 延迟焦化装置处理废胺液

    Waste amine liquid treating by delayed coker for reducing pollution

  11. 胺液吸收酸气的能力下降。

    Decrease of the capacity of amine liquid for absorbing sour gas .

  12. 吸收塔和再生塔中胺液起泡。

    Foaming of amine liquid in absorber and regeneration tower .

  13. 拟定胺液净化系统以离子交换技术为基础。

    The proposed amine purification system is based on ion exchange technology .

  14. 固相萃取-离子色谱法分析胺液中的热稳态盐离子组成

    Determination of Heat Stable Salts Amine by Solid-phase Extraction Coupled with Ion Chromatography

  15. 胺液的发泡原因及处理措施

    Reason of amine solution bubbling and the resolving method

  16. 离子交换法再生脱硫胺液

    Reclamation of spent alkanolamine liquor by ion exchange method

  17. 浅析重庆天然气净化总厂胺液净化装置

    Analysis of the Amine Treating Unit of Chongqing General Natural Gas Purification Plant

  18. 胺液起泡,夹带严重,影响下游生产。

    Foaming of amine liquid , severe entrainment and downstream production being affected .

  19. 离子交换技术脱除胺液中热稳定盐的应用分析

    Application Analysis of Using Ion-exchange Technology to Remove the Heat-stable Salt in Amine Solutions

  20. 胺液再生系统设备腐蚀原因分析及防护对策

    Equipment Corrosion in Amine Regeneration System and Protection

  21. 考虑检查换热器周围贫胺液的水力平衡。

    Consider reviewing the balancing of the hydraulics on the lean amine around the exchangers .

  22. 胺液中的悬浮固体是许多胺系统问题产生的根本原因。

    The suspended solid in amine liquid is the root cause for many amine system problems .

  23. 胺液雾沫脱除系统的改造

    Revamping of amine demisting system

  24. 电渗析离子交换-离子色谱法检测脱硫胺液中的热稳态盐

    Determination of Heat Stable Salts in Amine Solution Used in Desulfurization by Electrodialysis-Ion Exchange Coupled with Ion Chromatography

  25. 胺液的降解导致热稳态胺盐的积累,从而引起腐蚀。

    Amine degradation causes the formation of heat stable salts ( HSS ), which can lead to corrosion .

  26. 溶液循环系统,设置了胺液预过滤器、活性炭过滤器和精细过滤器,采用三级过滤方式。

    Amine pre-filter , active carbon filter and fine filter have been set for the solution circulation system to achieve three-stage filtration .

  27. 循环清洗系统的成功应用在减少胺液损耗的同时,又能减少向系统的带水量。

    The successful application of circulating cleaning systems is able to lower the water flow to the system while cutting down on amine liquid consumption .

  28. 胺液发泡会带来诸如雾沫夹带、净化气中硫化氢含量超标等一系列问题,并可能造成严重经济损失。

    The content of hydrogen sulfide of cleansed gas goes beyond the standard , serious economic loss that can be directly attributed to amine foaming .

  29. 正因为如此,国内采用高浓度胺液的天然气净化厂全部采用本公司净化设备。

    It is right because of this that the domestic natural gas purification plants that adopt high concentration amine all use the purification devices of our company .

  30. 介绍了炼厂气采用胺液脱除硫化氢操作中应注意的问题及应采取的相应措施。

    The paper introduces refinery gas to remove the hydrogen sulfide by the amine fluid , and to pay attention to the problem of operation and should adopt measure .