
  • 网络Energy conversion rate;Energy Transfer Rate
  1. 直接甲醇燃料电池(DMFC)以其能量转换率高、低污染及燃料价格低廉等优点受到人们的广泛关注。

    The direct methanol fuel cess ( DMFC ) has been received widespread attention due to the energy conversion rate , low pollution and low fuel prices .

  2. 实验能量转换率达12.2%(对β粒子)和16%(对α粒子)。

    The energy conversion efficiency was about 16 % for a particles and 12.2 % for 0 particles .

  3. 因水力的高能量转换率,故成为最重要的再生能源。

    Hydropower is the most important of the regenerable energy sources because of its highest efficiency at the energy conversion .

  4. 11.74%。在3个产量级型池塘中,以15t/ha产量级的能量转换率为最佳型。

    Among the three ponds with different net production levels , that with net production of 15t / ha is an optimal one .

  5. 介绍了击穿点火方式的基本原理,指出击穿放电阶段能量转换率最大,击穿放电方式的火花功率最大;

    Introducing the principle of puncture ignition and during the puncture stage the energy transfering is the maximum , and the spark power is also the maximum .

  6. 1985&1987年对苏州市郊区主养青鱼池塘生态系统的能量转换率进行了分析。

    The energy conversion efficiency ( ECE ) of pond ecosystem cultivated mainly with black carp ( Mylpharyngdon piceus ) at Suzhou suburb during 1985 & 1987 is analyzed .

  7. 分析表明:电热冷联产新压缩空气蓄能系统的能量转换利用率可达0.8左右。

    The results of the analysis indicate that the compressed air energy-storage system under discussion can achieve an energy conversion rate of about 0.8 .

  8. 分析了该新压缩空气蓄能系统工作的不可逆循环,并建立了仅忽略所有换热器流动阻力损失的该蓄能系统之能量转换利用率(η)计算方程式。

    The irreversible cycle of the system is analyzed and an equation given for calculating the energy-conversion utilization rate η of the energy storage system when only the flow resistance loss of all heat exchangers is neglected .