
mài chōnɡ xìn hào
  • pulse signal
  1. 行脉冲信号形成电路产生行脉冲信号B。

    The row pulse signal forming circuit generates a row pulse signal B.

  2. 用PLC脉冲信号实现对步进电机角位移的控制

    Realizing the Angular Displacement Control Using PLC Pulse Signal

  3. 运动控制是由电机带动XY平台来实现的,步进电机能够将控制器发出的脉冲信号变为XY平台的位移。

    Movement control realized by stepping motor drive X-Y table movement .

  4. 利用步进频结合调频子脉冲信号体制,可以实现雷达的距离分辨力的N倍细化。

    By using frequency modulated radar signal , high range resolution can be implemented .

  5. 叶端定时传感器脉冲信号高速采集系统的FPGA实现

    Design of Tip-timing Sensor Pulse Signal High Speed Sampling System Based on FPGA

  6. 本文介绍了使用VISUALBASIC设计脉冲信号类仪器自动检定系统软件的方法和实现过程。

    The design method and implementation of pulse signal instruments automatic verification system software is introduced which is designed with Visual Basic .

  7. 这些试验结果证明了GPS接收端输出脉冲信号的长期稳定性。

    The result proved the pulse signal from the GPS receiver has a long time frequency stability .

  8. Kalman滤波方法在雷达视频脉冲信号分选中的分析与应用

    Analysis and Application of Kalman Filtering Method in Radar Video Pulse Signal Sorting

  9. 光电倍增管对数十ms级宽脉冲信号的响应特性研究

    Study on the response characteristics of photomultiplier tubes measuring tens of milliseconds scale broad pulsed signals

  10. SINS通用高性能多路脉冲信号采集器的设计与应用

    Designing and Application of General Hign-Performance Multiplex Pulse Acquisition in SINS

  11. 通过分析周期矩形脉冲信号的频谱图实例,详细介绍了开发Madab的Web应用过程和具体程序。

    Through the detail example of period square pulse signal spectra display , the paper discusses how to develop Internet program based on Matlab Web Server .

  12. 首先,提出了基于多频段子脉冲信号合成带宽技术的SAR成像方法。

    At first , the SAR imaging method with synthetic bandwidth technology based on multi-band sub-pulse signal is presented .

  13. 提出一种适合UWB脉冲信号的基于多速率滤波器组的波束形成方法。

    A beamforming method for UWB pulse signal based on multirate filter bank is proposed .

  14. 然后对UWB脉冲信号失真问题和脉冲信号的相位问题进行深入分析。

    Then the distortion and the phase distribution of an UWB signal are investigated in details .

  15. 通常,ABS电子控制器只能识别脉冲信号。

    Generally , the electronic control unit ( ECU ) of ABS can only identify the impulse signal .

  16. 罗兰-C脉冲信号周期的数字识别及SOPC实现

    Digital algorithm realized with SOPC for cycle identification of LORAN-C

  17. DSP芯片主要完成控制逻辑信号的产生、外部脉冲信号的采集、晶片谐振频率的计算等工作;

    The DSP chip does mainly such works as producing control logical signal and collecting external pulse signal and calculating resonance frequency of crystal flake .

  18. 介绍一种基于FPGA的随机脉冲信号快速捕捉系统的系统结构、工作原理和实现方法;

    A new random pulse signal acquisition system based on FPGA is described , including its hardware structure , working principle and system design .

  19. 基于TDS示波器的高压纳秒脉冲信号的测量

    Measurement of HV Nanosecond-Pulse Signals Based on TDS Oscillograph

  20. 计算机控制步进电机驱动器输出脉冲信号驱动步进电机转动,从而实现AFM的探针一样品自动逼近,提高了操作的简便性和系统的自动化程度。

    The computer is in control of the stepper motor driver to output impulse signals that are used to drive the stepper motor .

  21. 作为有效完成极窄时域脉冲信号辐射和接收的关键性部件,UWB天线的性能也直接制约着整个UWB系统的性能。

    UWB antenna as the key part of radiating and receiving very narrow impulse signal in time domain will affect the performance of UWB system .

  22. 为了将传感器输出的轮速信号转换为ABS电子控制器只能识别脉冲信号,设计开发了专用信号处理电路。

    In order to transform the wheel speed signal to the form that can be identified by the ABS ECU , we design a special signal processing circuit .

  23. 从CPLD具有完全硬件逻辑的特点出发,提出了用CPLD发生占空比可调的超高频电火花加工脉冲信号的设想。

    This paper presents that developing ultrahigh frequency pulse EDM generator of adjustable duty ratio by CPLD based on the characteristic of CPLD , complete hardware logistic .

  24. 一串强脉冲信号通过TWA时速率方程的简化

    The simplification of the rate equations to a train of strong pulses through TWA

  25. 采用PLC的高速计数器进行测量轮正转和反转时的脉冲信号的采集,通过进一步程序运算得到绝对位移量。

    The pluses comes from coder to send to the high speed counter , and the number of the high speed counter is operated in the program of PLC to get the absolute displacement anticipated .

  26. 根据传感器叶尖定时信号同步转换理论分析,光纤光栅解调仪解调出光纤光栅中心波长λB(t)的最大值所对应的时间信号即为所求的叶片端部到达叶尖定时传感器的时间脉冲信号。

    According to the synchronized conversion theory of tip timing sensor signal , the time signal corresponding to the maximum of the fiber Bragg grating center wavelength fiber grating is the time impulse signal demanded when blade reaches the tip-timing sensor .

  27. 针对现场采集的局部放电信号中经常混杂白噪声和窄带周期干扰现象,本文首次提出使用Laplace小波按照波形匹配的原则来提取局部放电脉冲信号的方法。

    A new extraction method of partial discharge ( PD ) is proposed in this paper , which utilized Laplace wavelet based on waveform matching recognition algorithm .

  28. 同时在该测量系统标定时,利用脉冲信号源和示波器的电流探头进行测量,得到一组电流脉冲&示波器读数(I-V)校正数据,用这组数据绘制一条校正直线。

    And pulse signal generator and probe of oscilloscope are used to measure current pulse and I-V data through which a calibration curve is ploted .

  29. NSES由脉冲信号采集面板、PC主机、绘图打印机等部分组成。

    The hardware system of NSES is composed of a pulse signal acquisition board , a graph printer and a high performance PC as host computer .

  30. 采用矩量法(MoM)结合快速多极子(FMM)方法,对模拟器在传输不同上升沿电磁脉冲信号时内部的电场波形分别进行了计算。

    Electric field in bounded-wave simulator excited by different rising time EMP is calculated using the method of moment ( MoM ) and fast multipole method ( FMM ) .