
  • 网络spondylolisthesis;spondylolysis;degenerative spondylolisthesis
  1. 脊椎滑脱的CT诊断

    CT diagnosis of spondylolisthesis

  2. 目的:回顾性分析脊椎滑脱的CT表现并讨论其检查方法、诊断和鉴别诊断。

    Objective : To evaluate the CT findings of spondylolisthesis and to discuss the scanning technique and differential diagnosis of this abnormality .

  3. 目的通过CT征象分析,探讨退变性脊椎滑脱症的病因。

    Objective To explore the etiology of lumbar degenerative spondylolisthesis ( DS ) by analyzing its CT manifestations .

  4. 结果:24例腰椎峡部裂的MRI表现为腰椎峡部出现不规则状骨性缺损、脊椎滑脱、椎管前后径增大、椎间盘变形、椎间孔变形等。

    Results : The MRI sign of lumbar spondylolysis was irregular bony defects in the pars interarticularis of the neural arch , spondylolisthesis , elongated anterior posterior diameter of the canal , deformity of disk and neural foramen .

  5. 结论:L5峡部裂合并L4-5椎间盘突出的髂腰韧带强度比合并L5脊椎滑脱高。

    Conclusion : The power of iliolumbar ligament of L5 spondylolysis with L4-5 disc hernia is higher than that with L5 spondylolisthesis .

  6. 治疗腰椎弓崩裂和脊椎滑脱的改良Wiltse手术

    Modified Wiltse 's Operation in the Treatment of Spondylolysis and Spondylolisthesis

  7. 脊椎滑脱的症状常开始于青少年快速发育期。

    Symptoms of spondylolisthesis often begin during the teen-age growth spurt .

  8. 新型脊椎滑脱固定器械的研制与临床应用

    Design and Clinical Application of a New Spinal Fixator for Spondylolisthesis

  9. 腰椎间盘突出及脊椎滑脱与植入物置入后的力学关系

    Biomechanics relationships of lumbar disc herniation and spondylolisthesis with transplanted implants

  10. 目的:介绍Ⅳ°~Ⅴ°严重脊椎滑脱的各种治疗方法。

    Objective : To introduce the methods for the treatment of ⅳ~ⅴ° spondylolisthesis .

  11. 脊椎滑脱内固定整复和后路椎体间植骨融合

    Reduction and Internal Fixation of Spondylolisthesis and Posterior Vertebra Space of Bone Grafting Fusion

  12. Ⅳ°~Ⅴ°严重脊椎滑脱的治疗(文献综述附7例报告)

    Surgical Treatment of Grade ⅳ°~ⅴ° Spondylolisthesis ( Book Review and Seven Cases Report )

  13. 适用于脊椎滑脱在Ⅰ度伴有腰腿痛的患者。

    It is fit for the spondylolisthesis in degree I with lumbago and scelalgia people .

  14. 目的探讨新型脊柱固定器治疗脊椎滑脱的临床效果。

    Objective To investigate the result of new spinal fixator for the treatment of spondylolisthesis .

  15. 脊椎滑脱10例;

    Surge of spine in 10 cases .

  16. 脊椎滑脱的影像学研究

    Imaging study of spondylolisthesis

  17. 方法自1990年7月用自行研制的脊柱固定器治疗脊椎滑脱18例,术后观察临床效果及手术并发症。

    Methods 18 cases of spondylolisthesis were treated with a new type of spinal fixator from July 1990.The clinical result and the operation complications were observed .

  18. 两种固定器固定脊柱骨折脱位的生物力学分析关键词:峡部裂,脊椎滑脱,磁共振成像,融合,脊椎融合术。

    Biomechanical analysis of two fixation methods in treating spine fracture and dislocation Key words : spondylolysis , spondylolisthesis , magnetic resonance imaging , fusion , spondylodesis .

  19. 椎管狭窄11例,椎管狭窄伴脊椎滑脱7例,椎间盘突出3例,脊柱肿瘤2例。

    Of 23 cases , 11 cases had spinal stenosis , 7 cases had spinal stenosis with spondylolysis , 3 cases had lumbar disk herniation and 2 cases had spinal tumor .

  20. 脊椎滑脱程度由29.9%(20~40%)减少到6%(0~15%),所有病人在术后3个月获得骨性融合且神经症状完全消失。

    The degree of vertebral slip was reduced from 29.9 % ( 20 ~ 40 % ) to 6 % ( 0 ~ 15 % ) . The bone fusion occurred and the nerve symtoms relieved in all patients .

  21. 一般的脊椎关节面切除手术通常是有用和有效的论点,在脊椎滑脱症的治疗中也得到证实,这决不是欺骗。

    The affirmation that medial facectomy is always useful and effective , also in presence of spondylolisthesis , is not condivisible .