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  1. 想象一下把假脸盖在他那厚胡子上的场景吧,他看起来像是被蜜蜂给蛰了一样。

    Imagine if you have to put prosthetics over a thick beard , he looked like he got stung by a bee .

  2. 我们使他开了口,他说,为什么,噢,妈妈,你为什么没把他的脸盖上?

    ' We have opened his mouth , 'he said . 'Why , oh why , Mother , did you leave his face uncovered ? '

  3. 掘墓工人把裹尸布扔在死人的脸上,盖上棺盖,一人一头把棺材抬起,向指定的那个方向走去。

    The grave-diggers pulled the shroud back over the dead woman 's face , closed up the coffin , took one end each and headed for the spot which had been pointed out to them .

  4. 因此,姑且不提他那满是泥巴和灰土已穿了三个月的一身衣服,还有他那厚厚的从不梳理的头发,就是他的脸和手也盖上一层黑。

    Therefore , not to mention his clothes , which had seen three months'service in mire and dust , and his thick uncombed hair , the surface of his face and hands was dismally beclouded .