
zì ɡē
  • autotomy;autotomize
自割 [zì gē]
  • [autotomy] 反射性的分离身体的一部分或肢体自身分裂,整体分为两段或更多段(如手甲壳动物、棘皮动物或蠕虫)--亦称自切、自断

  1. 这种适应性现象被称之为自割或本能截肢。

    This adaptive phenomenon is called autotomy or reflex amputation .

  2. 因为梵高曾自割耳朵

    because Van Gogh cut his ear off .

  3. 以上结果显示,花球枇杷螺自割组织的断落,应属于一自割行为。

    Based on the results , it was concluded that the shedding behavior in F.ficus is a autotomy .

  4. 他们大声求告,按著他们的规矩,用刀枪自割、自刺,直到身体流血。

    And they cried aloud and cut themselves after their custom with swords and lances , until the blood gushed out upon them .

  5. 你只要随便找个人问关于文森特·梵高的事,他极有可能告诉你,梵高自割其耳并将其赠与女友。

    If you ask a random person to describe Vincent van Gogh , they 're more than likely to tell you he cut off his ear and mailed it to his girlfriend .