
shé shén jīng
  • lingual nerve;nervus lingualis
舌神经[shé shén jīng]
  1. 目的:了解舌神经损伤后菌状乳头的变化和再生能力。

    Objective : To investigate the changes of fungiform Papillae following injury to lingual nerve .

  2. 大鼠失舌神经对舌味蕾Shh表达的影响

    The effect of lingual nerve denervation on Shh expression in lingual taste buds of Sprague-Dawley rats

  3. 电镜观察发现,HRP标记的舌神经和眶下神经初级传入终末与间质核内神经元的树突形成较多的突触连接。

    Under electron microscope , it was found that the primary afferent terminals of lingual and inferior orbital nerves formed synapses on the dendrites of neurons in the interstitial nucleus .

  4. 用溃变结合HRP逆行追踪技术,研究了猫舌神经外周传入纤维至臂旁核的投射。

    We have studied the projections to the parabrachial nucleus ( PB ) from the primary afferent fibers of lingual nerve in cat by using the method of degeneration combined with the retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase ( HRP ) .

  5. 胎儿舌神经内神经细胞的观察

    Observations on the nerve cells in the lingual nerves of fetuses

  6. 舌神经修复效果及评价方法的初步研究

    Evaluating methods and effects of repairing injured lingual nerves on human

  7. 舌神经在下颌第三磨牙区的毗邻关系及其临床意义

    Anatomic relations of lingual nerve in the mandibular third molar region

  8. 舌神经的解剖观测及其临床意义

    Lingual nerve : Anatomical observation and clinical relevance

  9. 外带显现的为舌神经伴行静脉及其属支;

    Lateral branching type : the vein and its branches ran accompanying the lingual nerve .

  10. 味蕾、舌神经损伤和再生的实验和临床研究

    The Experimental and Clinical Studies of the Regeneration of Taste Bud and Lingual Nerve after Injury

  11. 实验用尼氏染色法对11例胎儿22条舌神经内的神经细胞进行观察。

    Nissl 's staining method was used to observe neurons in 22 lingual nerves of 11 fetuses .

  12. 舌神经切断吻合后菌状乳头味蕾再生的实验研究

    Experimental study of the fungiform papilla and taste bud regeneration following microsurgical repair of lingual nerve in rat

  13. 经口腔外下牙槽神经舌神经和颊神经阻滞麻醉点的应用解剖

    Applied anatomy of a new pathway of the inferior alveolar , lingual and buccal nerves under extra-oral anesthesia

  14. 结论:(1)菌状乳头及其味蕾对舌神经具有依赖性;

    Conclusion : ( 1 ) The fungiform papilla as well as taste bud depends on the lingual nerve .

  15. 舌神经被切断后90天,萎缩消失的菌状乳头仍然没有再生迹象。

    90 days following the transection of lingual nerve , there was no any regeneration of the degenerated fungiform papillae .

  16. 舌神经不仅有支配和营养菌状乳头及其味蕾的作用,而且还有抑制菌状乳头向丝状乳头异化的功能。

    Lingual nerve not only supports fungiform papilla and taste bud , but also suppresses the filiform like degeneation of fungiform papilla .

  17. 方法:选6例下齿槽神经痛患者,取其患支下齿槽神经、颏神经,并取其未发病的舌神经为自身对照;

    Methods : Cut the diseased inferior alveolar nerve branches and chin nerve branches from 6 patients suffering from trigeminal neuralgia during operation .

  18. 目的为临床上摸索口腔外下牙槽神经、舌神经和颊神经阻滞麻醉点提供解剖基础。

    Objective To supply the anatomical data for investigating an extra-oral block anesthesia point of the inferior alveolar , lingual and buccal nerves .

  19. 大鼠舌神经和鼓索神经损伤的手术进路及其损伤后味蕾形态变化的研究

    Investigations on a Surgical Approach for Lingual Nerve and Chorda Tympani Nerve Injuries , and on Morphological Changes of Taste Buds after Their Injuries

  20. 结果表明,上述三叉神经各分支中只有舌神经和下牙槽神经向孤束核投射。

    The results demonstrated : in the trigeminal system , only did lingual and inferior alveolar nerves of trigeminal nerves project to nucleus tractus solitarii .

  21. 甲神经纤维瘤的舌神经是一种罕见的临床表现,最常见的病变部位的神经纤维瘤被舌舌。

    A neurofibroma of the lingual nerve is a rare clinical finding , the most common lesion site of a lingual neurofibroma being the tongue .

  22. 结果:(1)舌神经被钳夹或切断后,同侧的菌状乳头萎缩,消失,数目明显减少,味孔消失。

    Results : ( 1 ) Following either the clamp injury or transecting injury of lingual nerve , the fungiform papillae were atrophied and their number deminished .

  23. 菌状乳头有很强的再生能力,能否再生与舌神经的损伤程度和修复有关;

    The fungiform papilla has good ability to regenerate . whether the degenerated fungiform papilla can regenerate is relative to the injured degree and repair of lingual nerve .

  24. 对照组30例采用常规下齿槽神经、舌神经及颊神经传导麻醉,分别拔除智齿,观察并比较二组麻醉出现时间及麻醉后的止痛效果。

    Inferior alveolar , lingual nerve and buccal nerve block anesthesia were applied in control group with 30 patients . The starting time of anesthesia and result of antipain after anesthesia were observed .

  25. 无痛的舌神经与疼痛的下牙槽神经末梢支脱髓鞘程度无显著性差异(P>0.05)。

    No difference could be detected in the demyelination between painless lingual nerve and painful inferior alveolar nerve ( P > 0 05 ) Vessel wall of artery were seen thickened and cavity became smaller .

  26. 目的:了解舌神经损伤后味蕾的变化,以及切断的舌神经用神经外膜吻合修复后舌菌状乳头和味蕾的再生能力。

    PURPOSE : To investigate the changes of taste buds following injury to lingual nerve and the regeneration of the fungiform papillae and taste buds following microsurgical epineurial anastomosis of transecting injured lingual nerves in rats .

  27. 方法:对41例三叉神经痛患者进行单纯下牙槽、舌神经干注射阿霉素的治疗,52例进行神经干注射阿霉素联合颊神经撕脱治疗。

    METHODS : Adriamycin was injected to the lingual nerve and inferior alveolar nerve in primary trigeminal neuralgia of 41 cases ; adriamycin injection combined with avulsion of the buccal nerve was applied in another 52 cases of primary trigeminal neuralgia .

  28. 方法:用透射电镜观察10例三叉神经痛患者痛支与非痛支神经及5例无三叉神经痛口腔颌面部肿瘤手术患者舌神经、眶下神经及耳大神经。

    Methods : Specimens of the pain and painless branches from l0 patients with trigeminal neuralgia and lingual nerves , infraorbital nerves , auricularis magnus nerves from 5 patients with tumor in oral and maxillofacial regions were observed un-der electron microscopy .

  29. 发现翼颌间隙的空间大小和下牙槽神经、下颌舌骨神经、舌神经的毗邻关系以及下颌孔的位置都有明显的变动范围。

    It was found that the size of the pterygomandibular space , the relation between the adjacent positions of the inferior alveolar , the mylohyoid , and the lingual nerves , and the site of the mandibular foramen were obviously changeable to some extent .

  30. 应用神经外膜吻合修复舌神经损伤14例,初步研究结果表明:①舌神经重度损伤后,患侧舌前2/3菌状乳头大多萎缩、消失,感觉和味觉严重障碍;

    Injured lingual nerves in 14 patients were repaired with anastomosis of the nerve epineurium . On the anterior 2 / 3 of the ipsilateral tongue , most of the fungiform papillae atrophied and disappeared , the sense and taste degenerated after severe injury to lingual nerve .