
  1. 本文通过对综合通信网络的分析、设计以及开发实践,对多通信方式的融合技术、方法进行了一些探讨,着重对GPRS通信方式进行了研究,并模拟了基于GPRS的民航航班动态信息发布系统。

    This paper explores the syncretic techniques of multimode communication , especially the GPRS mode and simulates the issuance of civil aviation scheduled flight based on GPRS .

  2. 该文针对国内机场航班动态显示系统通常存在的问题,讨论了如何在Delphi下,利用Winsock的通信机制,实现航班动态显示的美观性、实时性、与广播等其它子系统的数据一致性。

    According to tile problems which always puzzle the native dynamic announce of flight system , the paper argues how to use DELPHI and WINSOCK communication to realize the beauty , real time and data accordance with other sub-systems such as broadcast .

  3. Kayak不仅将数百家旅行网站汇聚旗下,还提供时下热门的旅行优惠套餐供你选择比较;甚至还提供航班动态和旅游管理等服务。

    It not only consolidates hundreds of travel sites into one , but it also scours the best current deals for you to compare , and even offers a flight tracker and itinerary management .

  4. 终端区空中交通流量管理中的航班动态排序系统研究

    Flights Dynamic Sequencing System in Terminal Area Air Traffic Flow Management

  5. 首先,改进了单航班动态定价模型,对单航班动态定价问题进行重新建模。

    First , we improved a single flight dynamic pricing model .

  6. 请注意一下您的航班动态。

    Please pay attention to the information about your flight .

  7. 机场航班动态信息显示系统的硬件设计

    Hardware Design of a Dynamic Information Display System for Airport Marking and Clearing

  8. 基于遗传算法的起降航班动态排序模型的研究

    Study on Dynamic Scheduling Model for Aircraft Sequencing Problem Based on Genetic Algorithms

  9. 拟除虫菊酯及β-榄香烯衍生物的平行合成及活性评价民航客运平行航班动态定价模型研究

    Parallel Synthesis and Screening of Pyrethroid and β - elemene Derivatives The Research of Dynamic Pricing for Airline Parallel Flights

  10. 终端区航班动态排序系统通过对飞行计划数据和航班动念数据的综合处理,实现了航班降落次序排定和确定航班实际着陆时间等功能。

    According to the flight plan data and scheduled flight dynamic data , realizing the flight land order of sequence row and confirming the flight actual land time etc.

  11. 它通过航班动态信息、地面服务信息共享及加强生产进度信息的反馈,提高现场运行部门的监控生产进度的能力,保障航班正点,从而达到提高航班服务的质量。

    It can improve the management and monitor capability of field operating department through information sharing and feedback , which lead to the improvement of QoS of Aviation Company .

  12. 进而提出了往返航班的动态舱位控制模型。

    Then presents a round-trip flight control model of dynamic class .

  13. 在本文中,采取地面保持策略,并引入有限扰动分析,来解决航班的动态分配。

    In this paper we address the GHP and propose a finite perturbation analysis ( FPA ) technique that can be used to dynamically solve the problem .

  14. 本文较深入地研究了在相对垄断和寡头竞争的市场环境下多个平行航班的动态定价问题,具有重要的理论意义和实用价值。

    In this dissertation , we discuss the policy of dynamic pricing of multiple parallel flights under the monopolistic and competitive market environment . It has important theoretical significance and practical values to research the problem .

  15. 实现航班计划优化的动态规划模型

    Dynamic Programming Model for Airline Optimization

  16. 进而对实际航班数据的分析处理,利用辨识技术建立航班进港动态过程的ARMA模型。

    Further more analyze and deal with actual flight data , setup ARMA model of flight arrival dynamic process with using identification technology .