
  1. 我国已经加入WTO,随着航空运输市场的不断放开,航空市场的竞争将更加激烈,国内航空公司也将面临巨大的挑战。

    Our country has already joined WTO , along with decontrolling of market of air transportation , all of that makes competition of airline market became more intense , and the domestic airline companies will face the huge challenge .

  2. 在学习中实践航空运输市场监管

    Keep Learning for Better Practice of Air Transport Market Supervision

  3. 欧盟统一航空运输市场的形成和发展

    Formation and Development of Unified EU Air Transport Market

  4. 中国支线航空运输市场分析和需求预测

    Analysis and Demand Prediction of Chinese Regional Aviation Market

  5. 未来的国际航空运输市场将由为数不多的几家全球联盟集团所垄断。

    The air transportation market will be dominated by a few global alliance-groups .

  6. 中美航空运输市场十年回顾

    Development of Sino-US Bilateral Air Transport Market During 1996-2005

  7. 中国航空运输市场分析与预测

    Analysis and Forecast of Chinese Air Transportation Market

  8. 中国航空运输市场季节变动特点与对策研究

    Research of Seasonality of Aviation Market in China

  9. 中国航空运输市场中航线票价的优化研究

    Study on the Optimization of the Ticket Price for an Air Line in China

  10. 航空运输市场的基本特征

    The Basic Characteristics of Air Service Market

  11. 欧洲航空运输市场何去何从

    Where will European Air Transport Market go

  12. 国内航空运输市场发生了前所未有的发展变化。

    Unprecedented developments and changes have been taken place in the domestic market of aviation transportation .

  13. 航空运输市场竞争日趋激烈,要使我国航空公司在激烈的竞争中生存和发展、并保持和创造竞争优势,成本管理是其重要保障。

    Cost management is important for the development and advantage of our airlines in the aerial transportation market with increasing competition .

  14. 1995年之后,因国内、国际经济环境的变化,直接导致航空运输市场竞争激烈。

    After 1995 , along with the changes of domestic and foreign economic environment , came the fierce competition in the air transportation market .

  15. 自前国内航空运输市场还只是一个初级市场,市场发育不成熟,缺乏自我调节功能,市场稳定性差。

    From before domestic aviation carriage market still is a primary market only , market growth is immature , lack ego adjustment function , market stability is poor .

  16. 国内航空运输市场迅速增长,在传统的航班运行管理方式下,航空公司已不能有效地管理日渐扩大的机队规模和大量增加的不正常航班。

    Domestic aviation transportation market grows rapidly , using traditional flight operations management mode , airline companies is not competent for managing the expanding scale of fleets and the increasing irregular flights .

  17. 民用航空运输市场具有特殊的产业特征与市场结构,但就垄断行为而言与其他行业并无二致。

    The industrial characteristics and market structure in the civil aviation transport market are special . However , the monopoly in civil aviation industry is quite similar to that in other industries .

  18. 本文提出修正的威廉姆森启发式模型,并将其应用于分析和比较在国际航空运输市场中完整航空客运产品的实现方式。

    This paper put forward a revised williamson heuristic model , and uses the revised heuristic model to compare and analyse governance which supply integrated air service in the international air transport market .

  19. 随着近几年信贷市场紧缩的影响下,航空运输市场竞争的不断加剧,各航空公司都面临着提高服务质量、降低运营成本的要求。

    In recent years , with the credit market is tightening under the influence , Air transport market competition of increasing , Airlines are faced with improving service quality and reduce operation costs .

  20. 随着航空运输市场竞争的日趋激烈,各大航空公司都在寻找增大收益、提高竞争力的方法,这就为收益管理系统在国内的应用奠定了基础。

    Along with fierce competition in air transportation market , many airlines are seeking out the methods that can increase revenue and promote competition . This makes the revenue management system become popular in domestic market .

  21. 随着世界经济、贸易、资本一体化的实施,航空运输市场出现了区域化、全球化趋向,国内和国际航空运输市场的界限日渐模糊。

    Along with the integration of world economy and trade and capital , the trends of regionalization and globalization are coming forth , and the boundary between the domestic and international aviation market is becoming less distinct .

  22. 地区经济发展迅速,对外交往的增加,人民生活水平的提高,消费观念的改变等因素使航空运输市场正在形成一个相对稳定的需求量。

    The rapid development of the local economy , the increase in intercourse with other countries , the improvement of the people 's living standard and changes in consuming pattern are helping the air transporting market form a relatively stable demand .

  23. 随着我国产业结构的不断调整和完善,航空运输市场结构也发生了较大改变,客运市场趋缓而货运市场增长强劲。

    With the constant adjustment and perfecting of the industrial structure of our country , the relatively great change has taken place in the structure of market of air transportation . The market of passenger traffic eases up but the freight transportation market increases powerfully .

  24. 我国航空运输的市场预测

    Prediction of Air Transportation Market of China

  25. 这五项重大改革涉及的问题都是中国航空运输业市场化改革亟待研究和解决的关键问题,对于提高中国航空运输业竞争力、改善市场绩效、推动整个产业的协调发展,具有非常重大的意义。

    The problems relating with these five reforms are urgent to be solved and they are conducing to enhancing the competitive edge , improving the performance and pushing the development in phase of whole airline industry .

  26. 运用季节指数分析方法,对1997&2001年间中国航空旅客运输市场和航空货物运输市场的季节性变动进行分析,并提出了根据季节变动规律合理组织生产和调配运力的建议。

    In a seasonal index research on a market fluctuation basis , analyzes the seasonal fluctuation of air-passenger market and air cargo market from 1997 to 2001 , and in accordance with the seasonality of the market , raises some suggestions for a rational production arrangement and capacity adjustment .

  27. 我国航空运输业的市场结构重组政策分析

    Analysis of China Air Transportation Market Structure Regroup Strategy

  28. 以建国后中国航空运输业的市场化改革、两次横向和纵向分割重组为基本脉络,对其产业结构演变和市场开放进程进行了简要论述。

    Based on the basic venation that elementary market reforms , two segmentations and restructures , this dissertation briefly describes the evolvement of Chinese airline industry structure and market opening .

  29. 目前,我国航空运输业已进入买方市场,面临国内铁路、公路运输的巨大威胁以及世界航空运输规模化发展趋势的挑战。

    Now China 's air transportation industry has entered an era of buyer 's market .

  30. 我国航空运输服务业的市场结构及价格竞争策略分析

    An Analysis of Market Structure and Price Competition Strategy of Chinese Aviation Transportation Service Industry