
  1. 小说作为一种艺术体裁直到17世纪才出现。

    The novel did not really exist as a genre before the17th century .

  2. 俄罗斯文论家巴赫金的狂欢化诗学理论,开辟了狂欢节仪式与文学艺术体裁的形成与发展关系这一研究视角。

    Poetic theory of " Carnival ization " by Russian literary critic Bakhtin advances a research perspectives of the relationship between carnival ceremony and literary style formation and development .

  3. 歌曲是一种广为大众喜爱的艺术体裁,因其独有的文学性和音乐性而具有极高的审美价值,带给听众全方位的美感享受。

    With its unique literariness and musicality , song is widely acknowledged to be a form of art , which possesses great aesthetic value and provides audience with the sense of enjoyment .

  4. 音乐是躯体,歌词是灵魂,正是由于摇滚歌词蕴含的丰厚的文化价值和意义,才使摇滚乐成为一种富有魅力的歌曲艺术体裁。

    If music is the body , lyric is just the soul . As the rich cultural value and significance of the rock lyrics , it makes the rock music a fascinating art .

  5. 作曲家处于浪漫主义艺术家们寻求表现内容和技法创新的时代,在创作方面他以古典主义时期盛行的交响曲、协奏曲为主,继承了古典艺术体裁、结构形式及织体手法等。

    In the era that Romantic artists sought the performance of the content and techniques of innovation , the popular classical period symphonies , concertos makes the largest part of his creations . , which mainly inherited classical art genre , structure and texture practices .

  6. 蒙古族长调牧歌作为蒙古族代表性的艺术体裁,仍然是当今蒙古族人民表达思想感情的艺术形式,在音乐教育、音乐创作、音乐表演等领域得到了广泛的关注。

    As a representative form of art the Mongolian pastoral song with a long drawn - out tune is still an artistic form through which the Mongols express the feelings . The song draws wide attention in the fields of musical education , musical creation , and musical performance .

  7. 诗歌是极富艺术性的文学体裁,是语言艺术的最高形式。

    Poetry is a kind of literary style possessing the strongest artistic character .

  8. 我国民间年画艺术这一绘画体裁,有它自身的美学原理。

    The Spring Festival pictures , a folk art in China , have their own aesthetic principles .

  9. 翻造所具有的变异之美、幽默之美,使得这一语言变异艺术用在不同体裁的作品中,会产生不同的美学效果。

    The beauty of differentiation and humour owned by renovation makes the variational artistry of language applied to different types or forms of literary works achieve different aesthetical results .

  10. 艺术歌曲这一体裁以其创作的专业性、形式的伴奏与声乐的并重性、内容的文学性、风格的幽雅性而成为一种具有鲜明个性、深刻寓意和高雅格调的音乐艺术形式。

    Art songs , with its professional composition , duality of form accompaniment and the vocal music , literary contents and graceful style , has developed into a kind of music style with distinctive features , profound connotation and gracious elegance .

  11. 声乐艺术是贯穿音乐历史发展,且具有综合性的音乐艺术体裁形式。

    Vocal music which throughout the history of music developing is a kind of comprehensive form of musical art .

  12. 民俗表演艺术样式是一种文学性与艺术性并重的、根植于民间的群众性艺术表演体裁,广义上可以纳入民俗学的研究范畴。

    Deeply rooted in the common folks as a category of art performance , the performative genre of folklore falls generally into folkloric studies , featuring both its literary and artistic values .