
  • 网络wuhu;Wuhu City
  1. 芜湖市公交GIS开发研究

    Study on Wuhu Bus GIS Development

  2. 芜湖市产业结构调整决策的AHP分析

    AHP analysis of policy decision in the adjustment of industrial structure in Wuhu City

  3. 再用该模型对芜湖市大气中SO2的浓度进行预测。

    The density of SO2 in atmosphere of Wuhu city was predicted with the model .

  4. 基于AHP法的物流园区选址模糊综合评判&以芜湖市为例

    Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation in the Site Selection of Logistics Park Based on AHP Method Take the Example of Wuhu City

  5. 目的对芜湖市C群流行性脑脊髓膜炎(以下简称流脑)临床及流行特征进行分析,为C群流脑防控工作提供依据。

    Objective In order to search the clinical features and epidemiological characteristics of epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis caused by serogroup C in Wuhu city and develop the strategy its prevention and control .

  6. 针对GM(1,1)模型预测的不足,对其进行修正得到修正模型,并利用芜湖市耕地变化进行实例验证和应用。

    Based on the disadvantages of GM ( 1,1 ) prediction , this paper tries modifying it , and the modifying model is identified by the prediction of arable land in Wuhu City .

  7. 目的了解芜湖市食品和公共场所从业人员SGPT异常情况及各型肝炎病毒感染之间的关系。

    Objective To understand the abnormal situation of alanine transaminase ( SGPT ) and its relationship with different type of hepatitis Virus .

  8. 将芜湖市1993年到2001年大气SO2的浓度历史数据用于径向基函数神经网络,建立训练网络模型,通过训练优化提高训练可靠性。

    The historical data of SO2 density in atmosphere from 1993 to 2001 of Wuhu city was applied to RBF neural network , the network model for training was set up , and the model was trained and optimized to improve the dependability of the training .

  9. 芜湖市1993~1998年性病监测资料分析

    Analysis of STD surveillant data in Wuhu , 1993 ~ 1998

  10. 芜湖市吸血蠓类调查初报

    A preliminary report of the blood sucking midges found in Wuhu

  11. 芜湖市198对双生儿的调查分析

    The screening and analysis of 198 pairs of twins in Wuhu

  12. 安徽省芜湖市真菌资源初报

    The first report of fungus resource in Wuhu , Anhui Province

  13. 芜湖市区位资源开发与可持续发展

    The exploitation of location resources of Wuhu City and sustainable development

  14. 芜湖市大众健身的调查和科学性研究

    Investigation And Scientific Research Of The Public Fitness in Wuhu City

  15. 芜湖市三期气源工程焦炉烘炉总结

    A Summary of Coke Oven Heating-up without Charge in Wuhu City

  16. 关于芜湖市铸造行业实施成组技术的探讨

    Inquiring on the Implementation of Grouping Technique in Wuhu Foundry Industry

  17. 芜湖市区域定位与区域协调发展研究

    Study on regional orientation and regional coordinative development of Wuhu City

  18. 芜湖市工业结构演化与工业化进程研究

    Evolvement of Industry Structure and Analysis of Industrialization Course in Wuhu City

  19. 近几年来,随着旅游业的发展和人们收入的提高,芜湖市美食旅游市场呈现繁荣景象。

    In recent years , market of delicious food tourism appeared prosperous .

  20. 1998~2003年芜湖市麻疹监测系统运行效果评价

    Evaluation of Measles Surveillance System in Wuhu City During 1998-2002

  21. 芜湖市城市边缘区环境质量分析及其评价

    Analysis and Estimation of Environment Quality in Urban Fringe of Wuhu City

  22. 芜湖市2003年生态足迹计算与分析

    The calculation and analysis of ecological footprints of Wuhu city in 2003

  23. 关与芜湖市医疗制度改革的调查报告

    Survey on the Reform of Medical System in the City of Wuhu

  24. 芜湖市小学生数学学习焦虑状况的调查

    Investigation on mathematic learning anxiety of pupils in Wuhu City

  25. 芜湖市城市用地结构演变特征研究

    A Research into Characteristics of Urban Land-Use Structure Evolution of Wuhu City

  26. 灰色系统在耕地预测中的应用&以芜湖市为例

    Application of Grey System on Forecast of Cultivated Land Resources

  27. 芜湖市集居幼儿身体发育分析

    Analysis on the body development of the congregate children in Wuhu City

  28. 芜湖市美食旅游产品开发初探

    Study on Exploitation of Delicious Food Tourism in Wuhu City

  29. 芜湖市物流业发展的现状分析及规模预测

    The analysis of city logistics developing situation and scale forecasting in Wuhu

  30. 芜湖市工业企业效益的统计分析及综合评定

    Statistical Analysis and Synthetical Evaluation of Industrial Enterprises in Wuhu