
zhī mɑ jiànɡ
  • tahini;sesame paste
芝麻酱 [zhī má jiàng]
  • [sesame paste] 一种调料,也称麻酱。是把芝麻炒熟、磨细而制成的酱

  1. 在鲍温的另一家具有墨西哥风情的小馆MissionCantina,拍黄瓜搭配的调料味道很强烈,有酸橙、茴香和牛至叶粉口味的芝麻酱。

    At Mr. Bowien 's Mexican-influenced restaurant Mission Cantina , they are served with an intensely flavored dressing of lime , cumin and oregano-flavored sesame paste .

  2. 那些质量上乘的芝麻酱通常会在表面浮有一层轻微的芝麻油。

    Good quality sesame paste often has a layer of sesame oil floating on top .

  3. 芝麻酱成分真实性的PCR定性检测

    Authentic test of sesame paste by PCR method

  4. 多维麦胚花生芝麻酱的研制

    The development of wheat germ peanut sesame butter containing multiple vitamines

  5. 创意式健康高铁质菠菜芝麻酱甜点。

    Creative Healthy High Iron Spinach Sesame Sauce Pudding Dessert .

  6. 食客品尝到鲜嫩多汁的樱桃西红柿里面填满了坚果的芝麻酱。

    Diners can enjoy succulent cherry tomatoes filled with a nutty sesame sauce .

  7. 煮蛋,炸茄子,西红柿,酸黄瓜,调味芝麻酱。

    Boiled egg , Fried eggplant , Tomato , Cucumber , Coriander , Tahini .

  8. 食用芝麻酱或咀嚼芝麻粒。

    Eat tahini or snack on sesame seeds .

  9. 芝麻酱放在碗里,加凉开水50克调匀。

    Put sesame paste in a bowl , mix2tbsp cool boiled water to mix well .

  10. 芝麻酱凉面需要蒜蓉和切得碎碎的蒜末这两味做最后调味。

    The sesame paste cold noodles uses both minced garlic paste and thinly chopped garlics .

  11. 另外,你也可以选择加上中式辣酱或芝麻酱调味。

    Or , you can add Chinese chili sauce or sesame sauce to vary the flavor .

  12. 芝麻酱凉面是老北京的地道小吃,只需要一些佐料的简单混合即可制成。

    Sesame paste cold noodles is the traditional Beijing style dish that uses a much simpler combination of ingredients .

  13. 制作芝麻酱凉面,芝麻酱自然是必不可少。这种酱料由一些干净的芝麻籽新鲜磨碎制成。

    The most important part is the sesame paste , which must be freshly grounded using pure sesame seeds .

  14. 在上海,在汉口,在南京,也都有了说京话的巡警与差役,吃着芝麻酱烧饼;

    Shanghai , hankou , Nanjing all employed policemen and clerks who spoke Beiping dialect , and all enjoyed sesame paste buns .

  15. 另一个中国青年笑了,而那个外国人根本不知道什么是芝麻酱和煮饺子。

    Another Chinese youth has smiled , but that foreigner simply did not know any is the sesame jam and the boiled dumpling .

  16. 我们将面包分开,浸泡在由薄荷、藏红花和蜜糖酸奶,以及少许大蒜和芝麻酱混合而成的酱料。

    Together we broke bread and dipped it into sauces tinged with mint , saffron and honeyed yoghurt , along with some garlicky , creamy tahini .

  17. 品尝的时候可以根据自己的口味添加芝麻酱、蒜汁、陈醋、盐等调味品。

    It can be served with a variety of ingredients like sesame paste , garlic juice , vinegar , salt and essences according to different preferences .

  18. 用筷子搅拌芝麻酱和花生酱,缓缓倒入水,稀释程度看你个人喜好。

    Usechopsticks to stir in the sesame paste and peanut butter , gradually add thewater , stopping when the sauce has reached the consistency you desire .

  19. 图中你看见菜中滴有橄榄油,撒了辣椒,芝麻酱,煮蛋和一些绿色蔬菜丁儿。

    Above you 'll see the dish topped with olive oil , cayenne , tahini sauce , a hard boiled egg , and some diced green veggies .

  20. 造型粗厚,口感柔韧的米粉条,新鲜的蔬菜,加上芝麻酱,香醋和辣椒油,最后撒上一点炒熟的花生和芝麻,这就完成了。棒棒哒!

    Dress the chunky , chewy jelly noodles and fresh vegetables with sesame sauce , vinegar , and chili oil , and then sprinkle some toasted peanuts and sesame for the final touch . Voila .

  21. 你建议我做我自己的节日,我指出方向的码头食谱他们有一个好的“小棍子”食谱(秘密成分被芝麻酱所有的东西)。

    Y suggested that I make my own Pocky and pointed me in the direction of the Pier Cookbook where they have a good " Poky Stick " recipe ( the secret ingredient being tahini of all things ) .

  22. 食疗:牛奶,燕麦,豆腐,芝麻酱,花生,海带,紫菜,黑木耳,虾皮,河虾。祥子把这个托付给小福子去办。小福子给买来热芝麻酱烧饼和酱肘子;

    Dietotherapy : Milk , oaten , bean curd , sesame paste , earthnut , kelp , laver , black agaric , dried small shrimps , river shrimp . He entrusted this to Joy , who bought some hot sesame griddle cakes and a jellied pig 's leg .

  23. 热干面来自河南省南侧的湖北省:面条筋道,有黏性但不粘牙,前一晚煮好,淋上芝麻油,第二天早上再煮一下,加入芝麻酱、咸辣椒和葱花搅拌。

    From Hubei Province , Henan 's southern neighbor , comes re gan mian , or hot-dry noodles : muscular strands , clingy but not sticky , cooked the night before and doused with sesame oil , then cooked again and tumbled with sesame paste , salted chiles and scallions .