
huā jīng
  • Flower essence;anthosin;royal jelly
花精 [huā jīng]
  • [royal jelly] 指蜂乳,也叫王浆

花精[huā jīng]
  1. 没错,她是说花精调理露,有何不可?

    Yes , she said floral toning lotion ; what of it ?

  2. 紧急救助药物类似于救援措施,除了它是由澳洲灌木花精制成以外。

    Emergency essence is similar to rescue remedy except its made from Australian Bush flower essences .

  3. 水疗美容师接着我要帮你抹上花精调理露。

    SPA TECHNICIAN Next , I 'm going to do a floral toning lotion on you .

  4. 明清小说中的花精形象作为一类独特的文学形象,具有自己鲜明的审美特征。

    Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty novel Wizard of the flower as a unique literary image , which have distinct aesthetic features .

  5. 想知道芙蓉花精是如何设宴的吗?想知道是什么样的咒语将狐狸变成精灵的吗?想知道候鸟之神的真面目吗?

    How does the lotus fairy throw a banquet ? What magical word can make a fox turn into an elf ? What does the god of migrating birds look like ?

  6. 黑白花公牛冻精受精力的检测&穿透仓鼠卵的试验

    Assessment of the fertilizing ability of Holstein bull frozen sperm & the test of penetrating zona-free hamster ova

  7. 该装置解决了结构复杂热处理变形较大的齿轮花键孔的精加工。

    The carbon nitrogen permeating gear splined hole push-type broach device solves that finish machining the gear splined hole has complicated structure and larger heat-treatment deformation .