
  • 网络soviet model;soviet union model;soviet union mode
  1. 苏联模式:制度化与非制度化胶着的体制

    The Soviet Union Model : a Both Institutionalized and De-Institutionalized System

  2. 以苏联模式为代表的社会主义传统发展观,有着极大的弊端。

    The socialist traditional view on development with Soviet Union model as an example has the very big malpractice .

  3. 分析家Coleman表示,这是这次电视辩论最大的问题。“在我看来,2010年,英国采取了美国风格的民主模式,但是在操作方面却采用了苏联模式。”

    Analyst Coleman says this is the debates ' biggest problem . " It seems to me that what has happened in 2010 , is that Britain has adopted an American style democratic model . But they have actually employed a Soviet-style format in order to run it , " he said .

  4. 从直接过渡到苏联模式的缘由及启示

    Reason and Enlightenment from " Direct Transition " to Soviet Model

  5. 我们两国原来的政治体制都是从苏联模式来的。

    Both of our political structures were copied from the Soviet model .

  6. 试析苏联模式由盛转衰的根源

    An Analysis on the Decline of the Russian Mode

  7. 从学习到改革:中国体育高等教育与苏联模式

    Chinese Higher Education of Sprots and Soviet Model & from Learning to Reform

  8. 苏联模式的系统结构存在致命的缺陷。

    A fatal deficiency exists in the systematic structure of the Soviet model .

  9. 中国将苏联模式的训练与市场激励完美地结合在一起。

    China has perfected a blend of Soviet-style training and market incentives for athletes .

  10. 苏联模式探析

    An analysis of the Soviet union 's mode

  11. 她发表常规警告称,俄罗斯正一步步倒退回前苏联模式下的专政。

    She delivered regular warnings that the country was drifting back to a Soviet-style dictatorship .

  12. 苏联模式的文化透视

    The Soviet Model in the Cultural Perspective

  13. 中国率先成功突破苏联模式的条件

    A Study on the Conditions Under Which China Led in Breaking Through the Soviet Mode Confinement

  14. 目标偏移和结构缺陷&从系统的观点研究苏联模式

    Objective Deviation and Structural Deficiency-An Analysis of the Soviet Model Based on the Viewpoint of System

  15. 关于苏联模式的若干思考

    Several thoughts on Soviet model

  16. 有中国特色社会主义现代化发展道路的科学发现历程,就是走出苏联模式误区的过程。

    Finding the way of socialism with Chinese feature is unthreading the wrong field of Soviet model .

  17. 新中国婚姻法的成长与苏联模式的影响

    On the Development of New Chinese Marriage Law and the Influence of Mode of Late Soviet Union

  18. 中国现代化模式经过了从苏联模式到“左”倾空想社会主义模式再到“中国式现代化”模式的三次选择。

    Chinese modernization has undergone three selections of model , which are selection of the model of U.S.S.

  19. 有中国特色的社会主义:经济全球化背景下对苏联模式的突破

    Socialist Way with Chinese Characteristics : Breaking through the Soviet Union System on the Background of Economic Globalization

  20. 走出苏联模式的误区&有中国特色社会主义现代化发展道路的科学发现历程

    Ridding China of the Soviet Model & The course of establishing the pattern of socialism with Chinese feature

  21. 破除苏联模式的束缚是社会主义今后发展的重要任务。

    Breaking off the bondage of the Soviet model is an important mission in the future development of socialism .

  22. 新疆古代佛教由盛转衰的原因分析试析苏联模式由盛转衰的根源

    The Reason That Xinjiang Ancient Buddhism Transfer from Prosperity to Descent An Analysis on the Decline of the Russian Mode

  23. 苏联模式对中国产生过深刻影响,但走出苏联模式也是历史的必然。

    The Soviet model had a deep influence on china , but it 's historic certainty to unthread the model .

  24. 苏联模式政党制度彻底瓦解,多党制在世界范围内不断扩展;

    The party system of Soviet Union style was completely disorganized and the multi-party system has expanded in the globe ;

  25. 中国是第一个成功突破苏联模式走向社会主义市场经济的国家。

    China is the first country that successfully broke through the Soviet mode and advanced towards the socialist market economy .

  26. 作者不同意将苏联模式定义为斯大林模式,因为斯大林模式概念缺乏学术上的准确性。

    The author disagrees the perception of the Soviet model as the Stalin model , because the Stalin model lacks nicety academically .

  27. 高兹不仅批判了资本主义制度,还对苏联模式的社会主义给予了严厉的批评。

    High , not only criticize the capitalist system , but also to the Soviet model of socialism gave a severe criticism .

  28. 本文认为,我国社会主义市场经济体制是在全面突破苏联模式的计划经济体制的基础上形成的。

    It holds that Chinese socialist market economy system is the outcome of completely breaking through soviet model of planning economy system .

  29. 在新中国成立后的20多年里,中国的社会主义建设与苏联模式息息相关。

    In the past over twenty years after New China was built , Chinese socialist building was closely linked with the pattern .

  30. 建国后,中国的法治建设和法学教育都采用苏联模式。

    After the establishment of PRC , the rule of law construction and legal education in China have turned to Soviet model .