
  1. 这孩子看来是个游泳的好苗苗。

    The child shows great promise as a swimmer .

  2. 0.0125、0.025g/mL的落叶松根水提物,0.0125g/mL的落叶松皮水提物对胡桃楸幼苗苗高、地径生长的促进作用显著。

    Seedling height and collar diameter of Manchurian walnut seedlings were significantly accelerated by 0.0125 g / mL root and bark larch aqueous extracts .

  3. 不同基质配方对马尾松百日容器苗苗高、地径、高径比、平均单株生物量、根系生物量、根冠比和苗木质量指数有显著影响。

    The difference of mediums has distinct influence on height , basal diameter , height-diameter ratio .

  4. 北美鹅掌楸实生苗苗期生长性状变异分析南方红豆杉幼林生长种源变异和速生种源初选

    Analysis on variations of the growth characters of seedlings breeded by the seeds of Liriodendron tulipifera during Seedling-period Young Growth Variation and Selection of Fast-growing Taxus chinensis var. mairei Provenances

  5. 光皮桦无性系嫁接苗苗高重复力系数为0.2368,地径重复力系数为0.1494,而叶长、叶宽重复力系数均较低。

    The height repeatability coefficient is 0.2368 , and the diameter repeatability coefficient is 0.1494 . However , the leaf length repeatability coefficient and the leaf width repeatability coefficient are relatively lower .

  6. 本文探讨了植物动力2003对水稻秧苗苗高、绿叶数、叶挺长、总根数、白根数、分蘖数、秧苗最大叶片的长度和宽度等秧苗素质的影响。

    This paper deals with the influence of plant dynamic force 2003 on the sprout height , green leaf number , total root number , white root number , length and width of the largest leaves of rice sprouts .