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yīng zhì
  • British system;English system;British measurement
英制 [yīng zhì]
  • [British measurement] 单位制的一种,以英尺为长度主单位,磅为质量主单位,秒为时间主单位。盎司、码、英亩、加仑等都是英制单位

英制[yīng zhì]
  1. 目前国际上通用的度量衡制度有米制、英制和美制。

    The commonly used systems in the world are the Metric System , the British System and the U.S.System .

  2. 加工公、英制螺纹时,并提供如何计算和选择该装置齿轮箱的齿轮。

    Calculating formulae for selecting gears in the gear box is provided for machining various threads of metric or British system .

  3. 英制的加仑与美制的容量不同。

    The imperial gallon is not the same size as the US one .

  4. Forward、Watch软件平台采用的公制深度系统,不适应英制深度单位测井资料处理和绘图需要。

    The metric depth system applied in Forward and Watch platform is unfit to process and plot logging data recorded in English unit system .

  5. 美国银行(bankofamerica)指出,为了让开采者达到盈亏平衡点,每百万英制热量单位的价格需要提高到8.5美元。

    Prices will need to rise to $ 8.50 per million British thermal units for drillers to break even , Bank of America Notes .

  6. PDS英制管件库公制化

    PDS Database Changing English System to Metric System

  7. 这么做会避免出现1999年那样的错误。当时,公制单位和英制单位混淆导致NASA的火星气候轨道器(MarsClimateOrbiter)稍稍偏离航向。

    That avoids mistakes like the one in 1999 when a mix-up between metric and imperial units pushed NASA 's Mars Climate Orbiter slightly off course .

  8. 本文将文献[1]中所汇集的一组以英制单位表示的氟利昂制冷剂热力性质方程式,按照换算其基本方程式中的系数值的方法转换为SI制。

    In this paper , the equations of the thermodynamic properties for freon refrigerants in English System mentioned in Reference are transformed into SI System on basis of the converting the coefficient in the basic equations .

  9. unit-KMM:需要使用的单位,KM表示公制,M表示英制。

    Unit-KM | M : The units to use , KM for metric , M for English .

  10. 多种选择:公制、英制,右手轮,多种电压、频率,可带“CE”要求的防护装置,快进装置。

    Mutiple choice : you can choose metric or inch system , right or left hand wheel , mutiple voltages and frequencies , with or without " CE " protection system and rapid moving system .

  11. 程序提供了压缩因数Z基于BWR和RK状态方程的两种算法及英制、米制和国际单位制的选择。

    Based on two calculation methods of BWR and RK equations of state and three unit ( English system , metric system and international system ), compression coefficient Z is presented in this program .

  12. 同样的生产技术还给美国带来了充足的天然气供应,使美国天然气价格降低至每百万英制热量单位(mbtu)3.40美元,远低于2008年逾13美元的峰值。

    The same production techniques have also unlocked abundant supplies of gas , driving us prices down to just $ 3.40 per million British thermal units , compared to a peak in 2008 of over $ 13 .

  13. 设置车轮周长,选择公制或英制。

    Setting wheel circumference , selection of metric or British unit .

  14. 同时也开发生产其他英制及非标等轴承。

    And it develops and produces British-system bearings and non-standard bearings .

  15. 热量单位等于,英制热单位。

    A unit of heat equal to 100,000 British thermal units .

  16. 其中热力学相关的函数同时支持国际标准单位和英制单位。

    Thermophysical property functions operate in either SI and English units .

  17. 英制轴套的尺寸尚未标准化。

    The dimensions of the inch bushings have not been standardized .

  18. 英制螺纹机用丝锥有关问题的研讨

    Study for Some Problems of English Standard Thread Machine Tap

  19. 介绍了平齿根齿侧配合英制渐开线花键计算、测量的基本公式及方法。

    This paper introduces calculation and measurement of BRITISH Standard Involute splines .

  20. 英制圆锥滚子轴承滚子半锥角的确定

    Determination of Tapered Semi-Angle of Roller in Design of Inch-Dimensioned Tapered Roller Bearings

  21. 英制渐开线花键的计算及测量

    Calculation and Measures of BRITISH Standard Involute Splines for

  22. 所有的模具设计用英制原点标注。

    All die designs are to be originated and dimensioned using inch standards .

  23. 旧英制管螺纹标准本身存在不合理因素。

    Standard Pipe Thread Specification itself with old English system has unreasonable factors .

  24. 您可以使用公制或英制单位。

    You can use metric or imperial units .

  25. 全自动公、英制卷尺印刷机的设计

    Design of Auto Printing Machine of Tape Measure with the Metric and British Unit

  26. 通过这个应用程序可以方便地在英制单位与公制单位之间来回转换。

    This will let users easily convert from English to metric units and vice-versa .

  27. 英制电磁块式制动器的国产化

    Nationalization of electromagnetic block brake in inch system

  28. 有英制和公制两种刻度的尺

    A ruler graduated in both inches and centimetres

  29. 件公英制丝锥板牙套装。

    Piece combination tap and die set .

  30. 55°英制螺纹切线平板牙

    55 inch thread flat tangential die