
  • 网络On the Edge
  1. 她的英雄使命:让政治继续乏味下去。

    Her heroic task : keep politics boring .

  2. 然后,你将会自由地去拥抱喜悦、做工作、接受英雄使命。

    Then you 'll be free to embrace the rapture , do the work , accept the hero 's quest .

  3. 奥特曼是一个来自外星球的、身穿银衣头戴面具的英雄,他的使命是战胜巨型怪物,拯救地球。

    Ultraman , a silver-suited masked hero , comes from outer planet to save the Earth from gigantic monsters .

  4. “英雄连”是一个梦想。它见证了老挝的曙光但是它继续着它唤醒第三个千年的英雄的光荣使命。

    Heroes Company is the dream : it saw the light in Laos but it continues its mission by giving a voice to the heroes of the third millennium .