
  1. 茅以升不仅是一位杰出的桥梁专家和社会活动家,而且是一位著名的教育家。

    Mao Yisheng was not only an outstanding bridge engineer and a social activist , but also a famous educator .

  2. 本文对茅以升教育思想以及这些教育思想对今天高等教育改革的启示和指导意义作了初步探讨。

    This paper just discusses the significance of his educational thought and its enlightenment to today 's higher educational reform .

  3. 他说。通过扮演茅以升,并深入理解该人物,使得董耀聪体会到什么是为国奉献。

    Playing the role of Mao and making sense of the character allows him to experience what it is like making a contribution to the country .