
  • 网络Tea Polysaccharide;TPS
  1. 茶多糖的添加促进面团的发酵速度,1~3%的茶多糖增大面包的体积,而蛋糕的体积随茶多糖浓度的增加逐渐增大。

    TPS added accelerated the fermenting velocity of dough . 1-3 % TPS increased the volume of bread . The bulk of cake is slowly increased with increasing TPS .

  2. 不同茶叶样品茶多糖含量在1.292%~4529%之间。

    The content of TPS in different tea samples was 1.292 % - 4.529 % .

  3. 2茶多糖干预后MS大鼠胰岛素抵抗及糖脂代谢紊乱得到改善。

    Tea polysaccharide can improve the disorders of glucolipid metabolism and relieving insulin resistance in MS rats . 3 .

  4. 目的:研究茶多糖、茶多酚对四氧嘧啶致糖尿病SD大鼠的降血糖作用和机制。

    The investigation on the hypoglycemic mechanism of tea polysaccharides and tea polyphenol in diabetic SD rats induced by alloxan was conducted .

  5. 茶多糖(简称TPS)是茶叶中具有特殊生物活性的一类与蛋白质结合在一起的酸性多糖或酸性糖蛋白。

    Tea polysaccharide ( TPS ) is a kind of important active composition of tea which has many special physiological functions .

  6. 目的探讨茶多糖(TPS)对非肥胖糖尿病(NOD)小鼠1型糖尿病(DM)的预防作用。

    Objective To observe the preventive effect of tea polysaccharide ( TPS ) on type 1 diabetes in nonobese diabetes ( NOD ) mice .

  7. 目的:研究乌龙茶多糖(OTPS)对糖尿病(DM)模型鼠免疫功能的影响。

    Objective : To study the influence of Oolong tea polysaccharides ( OTPS ) on immunomodulatory function of diabetic mice .

  8. 在AA肉鸡的饮水中分别加入0%、0.2%和0.4%的茶多糖,研究其对肉仔鸡免疫功能和抗氧化能力的影响。

    To study the effect of tea polysaccharide on immune function and antioxidative activity in broilers , 0 % 、 0.2 % 、 0.4 % of tea polysaccharide were added into the drinking water for broilers respectively .

  9. 方法:饲喂SD大鼠茶多糖、茶多酚3周后,观察大鼠血糖、葡萄糖耐量、血胰岛素以及小肠糖降解酶(淀粉酶、蔗糖酶、麦芽糖酶)变化。

    Methods : After feeding tea polysaccharides or polyphenols for 3 weeks , the changes of the level of blood glucose , insulin and the activities of amylase , sucrase and maltase in small intestine were inspected in diabetic rats .

  10. 3茶多糖对糖尿病小鼠血糖的影响将ICR雄性小鼠禁食12小时后,腹腔注射四氧嘧啶(200mg/Kg体重);

    Effect of tea polysaccharides on blood glucose in diabetic mice After a fast of 12 hours , male ICR mice were prepared for diabetic model by ip 200mg / Kg bw alloxan .

  11. 然后对D315树脂分离茶多糖的工艺进行优化。

    Secondly , the processing technology about TPS isolation by D315 was optimized .

  12. 中性茶多糖对KK-A~yⅡ型糖尿病小鼠糖代谢的影响及其机制研究

    Study of the Neutral Tea Polysaccharide of Antidiabetic Activity and Mechanism on KK-A ~ y ⅱ Diabetes Mellitus Mice

  13. 结果表明茶多糖的半数致死剂量为4.19g/kg,能抑制小鼠口服淀粉和葡萄糖后1.5h内血糖的升高,能抑制四氧嘧啶糖尿病小鼠血糖的升高,能改善小鼠的糖耐量,具有降血糖功能。

    Results showed that the LD50 of tea polysaccharides was 4.19g / kg , tea polysaccharides could restrain the raising of bloodsugar in normal mice and alloxan induced diabetes mellitus mice .

  14. 经过红外光谱分析茶多糖中的糖环构型为呋喃类,环境扫描电镜观察得到茶多糖主要以三种聚集状态存在,AFM观测表明茶多糖为多侧支的树枝状结构。

    Through infrared spectroscopy analysis , saccharide ring in tea polysaccharide is furan ring . Morphological features of powder of tea polysaccharide from ESEM exist in three aggregation state . It is found that tea polysaccharide on mica shaped Multi-lateral branch-like structure by AFM .

  15. 方法用氯磺酸-吡啶法对茶多糖进行硫酸酯化修饰,得到硫酸酯化茶多糖(S-TPS);

    Methods S-TPS was prepared by the reaction of tea polysaccharide ( TPS ) with chlorosulfonic acid-Pyridine .

  16. 目的对茶叶中的水溶性中性多糖(NTPS)和酸性多糖(ATPS)进行分离,以探讨不同结构的茶多糖的降血糖活性。

    Objective To isolate water-soluble neutral polysaccharides ( NTPS ) and acidic polysaccharides ( ATPS ) from tea , investigate their hypoglycemic effects , and elucidate the relationship between structure and activity .

  17. 茶多糖对小鼠实验性糖尿病的防治作用

    The Preventive and Curative Effects on Diabetic Mice of Tea Polysaccharides

  18. 目前多采用水提法制得茶多糖粗品。

    Now the crude tea polysaccharide is abstracted in water mostly .

  19. 不同溶剂分级提取的茶多糖的组成及降血糖活性

    Composition of Tea Polysaccharides by Different Solvent Extraction and Their Hypoglycemic Effects

  20. 茶多糖的分离纯化及药理作用

    Extraction and Separation of the Polysaccharides Form the Green Tea

  21. 硫酸酯化茶多糖的制备及降血糖活性的研究

    Study on preparation and hypoglycemic effect of sulfated tea polysaccharides

  22. 微波辅助提取铁观音茶多糖及其抗氧化活性研究

    Study on the Microwave-assisted Extraction and Antioxidant Activities of Polysaccharides from Tieh-Kwan-Yin

  23. 茶多糖具有提高机体免疫等重要生理功能。

    Tea polysaccharide has the physiological function such as enhancing the immunity .

  24. 茶多糖的组分及理化性质

    Composition and the Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Tea Polysaccharide

  25. 四川边茶多糖的提取纯化研究

    Study on Extraction and Purification of Tea Polysaccharides in Sichuan Brick Tea

  26. 摘要目的测定苦丁茶多糖的含量。

    Objective : to determine of the polysaccharide from Ligustrum henryi hemslwere .

  27. 茶多糖金属络合物的制备及清除自由基活性研究

    Preparation and Hydroxyl Radical-scavenging Effects of Tea Polysaccharides Metal Complex

  28. 茶多糖降小鼠血糖功能的实验研究

    Studies of Tea Polysaccharides on Lowering Blood Sugar of Mice

  29. 茶多糖对四氧嘧啶高血糖小鼠有显著的降血糖作用,肝葡萄糖激酶活性增加。

    The activity of liver glucokinase was higher than those without tea polysaccharides .

  30. 具有降血糖活性的茶多糖组分分离纯化与结构鉴定

    Purification and Structure of Anti-hyperglycemic Component from Tea Polysaccharides