
  • 网络Meadow plant;poad
  1. P添加对亚高寒草甸植物群落影响不显著。

    The influence of P addition are not significant to sub-alpine meadows community . 4 .

  2. 长期增强UV-B辐射对高寒草甸植物光合速率和抗氧化系统的影响

    Effects of Long-term Intensified UV-B Radiation on the Photosynthetic Rates and Antioxidative Systems of Three Plants in Alpine Meadows

  3. 对云南马龙县山地草甸植物群落进行调查并运用2×2列联表、x2检验法对该群落的15个主要植物种进行种间相关分析以及物种多样性分析。

    Applying x ~ 2 test with 2 × 2 contingency table and the analysis of species diversity of the Yunnan Malong upland meadow , we learned that there are 27 spermatophyte species belonging to 12 families and 25 genera in the meadow .

  4. 不同保护措施对山地草甸植物多样性的影响

    Effect of Different management on the Plant Diversity of Mountain Meadow

  5. 高寒草甸植物群落中物种多样性与生产力关系研究

    Relationship between productivity and species diversity in alpine meadow plant community

  6. 划破草皮对高寒草甸植物多样性和生产力的影响

    Effects of Sward Cleavage on Plant Diversity and Productivity in Alpine Meadows

  7. 高寒草甸植物群落的环境特征分析

    The Environmental Characteristics Analysis of Plant Community at Alpine Meadow

  8. 矮嵩草草甸植物种群物候学定量研究

    A Quantitative Study on the Plant Population Phenology in Kobresia humilis Meadow

  9. 雾灵山自然保护区亚高山草甸植物群落结构研究

    Study on the Structure of the Subalpine Meadow Community of Wuling Mountain

  10. 高寒草甸植物群落演替过程物种多样性和化学计量学动态分析

    The Dynamic of Biodiversity and Stoichiometry along the Succession of Alpine Meadow

  11. 施肥对高寒草甸植物群落组分种繁殖分配的影响

    Fertilization effects on species reproductive allocation in an alpine meadow plant community

  12. 五台山高山、亚高山草甸植物多样性格局分析

    Spatial patterns of biodiversity in Alpine Meadow on Wutai Mountain

  13. 矮嵩草草甸植物群落的光合特性研究

    The photosynthesis of plant community in Kobresia humilis meadow

  14. 科尔沁沙地西部草甸植物萌发特征

    Germination characteristics of plant species from a meadow in the Western Horqin Steppe

  15. 海北高寒草甸植物群落的数量分类和排序

    The quantitative classification and ordination of Haibei Alpine Meadow

  16. 草甸植物群落的发生学基础

    A base of formation on meadow vegetation

  17. 高寒矮嵩草草甸植物类群对模拟降水和施氮的响应

    Response of plant groups to simulated rainfall and nitrogen supply in Alpine Kobresia humilis meadow

  18. 雾灵山亚高山草甸植物群落特征研究

    The study on the basic characters of the subalpine meadow community in Wuling Mountain Area

  19. 云南马龙县山地草甸植物优势度及优势植物光合特征研究

    Plants dominance and photosynthetic characteristics of dominant plants of montane meadow in Malong region of Yunnan

  20. 青南高海拔地区高寒草甸植物群落多样性的研究

    Study on the Bio diversity of Alpine Plant Communities in the higher Altitude Area of South Qinghai

  21. 在两种干扰方式下,群落中植物的开花次序出现了变动,表现出高寒草甸植物在适应不同干扰时具有一定的可塑性。

    Which showed different alpine plants to adapt to a certain degree of plasticity in response to different interference .

  22. 高寒草甸植物群落α多样性和β多样性形成的机制:是生态位还是中性理论?

    Niche or Neutrality , Which Mechanism Determined the α Diversity and β Diversity of Plant Community in the Alpine Meadow ?

  23. 遏制高寒草甸植物多样性降低应首先控制放牧及鼠类等强干扰活动。

    Reducing the heavy disturb such as grazing and rodent destroy was the first choice for preventing the degradation of alpine grassland and loss of herbage diversity in the alpine region .

  24. 本文研究显示低氮不添加微生物条件有利于植物的生长,进一步验证氮是亚高山草甸植物群落演替的限制因素。

    Our study showed that low nitrogen and non-microbe inoculation were favorable for plant growth , further proved that the nitrogen was the limiting factor of plant community succession in sub-alpine meadow .

  25. 新疆高山草甸草原植物群落夏季CO2排放日变化分析

    The Analysis of Daily Variation of CO_2 Flux in Alpine Meadow of Xinjiang

  26. 研究还发现,新疆高山草甸草原植物群落排放CO2的近71%来自土壤呼吸、根呼吸和凋落物分解。

    Moreover , our results also showed that there is amount of 71 % CO2 flux emitted in Alpine meadow ecosystem coming from the soil respiration .

  27. 气候变化对内蒙古草甸草原植物群落特征的影响

    Effects of Climate Change on Meadow Grassland Community in Inner Mongolia

  28. 高寒矮嵩草草甸群落植物多样性和初级生产力对模拟降水的响应

    Response of biodiversity and productivity to simulated rainfall on an alpine Kobresia humilis meadow

  29. 河西走廊盐化草甸主要植物群落分布特点及其土壤环境特征

    The distribution and soil environmental properties of the main plant communities in a salinized meadow land of Hexi Corridor

  30. 封育条件下云南马龙县山地草甸主要植物繁殖对策研究

    Study on reproductive strategies of the dominant plants in the upland meadow under fencing in Malong Region of Yunnan Province