
  • 网络yingying zhuan;Yingying's Biography
  1. 由《莺莺传》和《西厢记》看唐人婚姻门第观

    And Western Chamber looks at the Chinese marriage family status view by " Hawk Hawk Biography "

  2. 本文试运用文学伦理学批评方法分析古希腊悲剧家欧里庇得斯的戏剧《美狄亚》和唐代诗人元稹的传奇《莺莺传》。

    This paper use the method of literary ethical criticism to analyse Euripides'Medea and Yuan Zhen'Biography of Yingying .

  3. 研究唐代著名小说《莺莺传》中崔莺莺的艺术形象,破译其“哀而不恨”的密码,对于我们揭示这一人生主题具有积极的意义。

    In The Biography of Yingying , the famous novel in the Tang Dynasty , the artistic image of Miss Cui 's " lament but not regret " is of great significance for us to understand the meaning of life .