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  • naphthalene
  • 一种有机化合物,无色结晶,有特殊气味,可以驱虫,常用于制造卫生球、染料、香料等。

  1. 由C(10)芳烃分离制备高纯度2,6-二甲基萘

    Preparation of high purity 2,6-dimethyl naphthalene by separating c_ ( 10 ) aromatic hydrocarbon

  2. 高C3S水泥与萘系减水剂的适应性分析

    Analysis on adaptability between high-C_3S cement and naphthalene super-plasticizer

  3. 用自制的钠—萘处理液,改性聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)微孔膜,改善薄膜表面的润湿性和粘合性。

    Using self-prepared sodium naphthaline solution , PTFE micropore membrane was modified to improve its wetness and adhesiveness .

  4. 萘系DNA靶向分子和汞离子生物探针的研究

    The Study of DNA-target Molecules and Hg ~( 2 + ) Biosensors

  5. 高pH介质中1-氨基萘的双重荧光&氨基的激发态酸式电离

    Dual Fluorescence from Aqueous 1-Naphthylamine Solutions of High pH & Excited-State Acidic Dissociation of Naphthylamine

  6. VK系列中间体2-甲基萘醌的制备

    The Preparation of V_K Intermediate 2-methyl-1,4-naphthoquinone

  7. 结果表明,添加甲萘醌有助于促进CAT的合成。

    The experimental results indicate that addition of menadione helps to the accumulation of CAT .

  8. 在相同的反应条件下,Hβ沸石催化剂表现出较高的反应活性和β-甲基萘选择性。

    At same reaction conditions , H β zeolite exhibited better activity and higher selectivity to 2 - methylnaphthalene .

  9. 应用萘酯坚固蓝反应显色法对DNA的酯酶催化活性进行了研究。

    The esterase catalytic activity of DNA molecules was studied using the coloring reaction of α naphthyl acetate and fast blue RR .

  10. 在Mg2+改性Hβ分子筛催化剂上进行了甲基萘与甲醇的烷基化反应。

    The alkylation of methylnaphthalene with methanol over zeolites H β modified by Mg ~ ( 2 + ) was studied .

  11. 发现了在室温下具有电双稳特性的聚合物材料聚对萘二甲酸乙二酯(PEN)。

    A thin film of PEN polymer with electrical bistable states at room temperature was discovered .

  12. 用1HNMR对其中代表性的联萘化合物6,8和手性卟啉14,16的结构特点进行了讨论。

    The structural traits of new compounds and porphyrins were discussed by 1H NMR .

  13. pH值对3-羟基-2-萘甲酸荧光性质及其β-环糊精包结物生成常数的影响

    Effect of pH values on the fluorescence of 3 hydroxy 2 naphthoic acid and the formation constants of its inclusion complex with β cyclodextrin

  14. 本论文采用电化学方法,结合光谱方法,主要研究了二萘嵌苯类化合物的性质,及此类化合物与G-四链体DNA之间的相互作用,获得结合模式、结合常数等热力学参数。

    In this paper , several electrochemical methods were used to study the interactions between G-quadruplexes DNA and derivations of perylene , and binding constants were obtained .

  15. 萘和菲的FT拉曼光谱定量分析研究

    FT Raman Quantitative Analysis of Naphthalene and Phenanthrene

  16. 介绍了聚萘二甲酸乙二醇酯(PEN)聚酯的性能和用途,详细概括了合成PEN聚酯的各种工艺路线研究进展情况。

    This paper introduces the properties and usage of PEN , and summaries the development of the PEN polyester process .

  17. 高酸度和高水热稳定性MCM-41的合成及萘加氢催化性能

    Acidity and Hydrothermal Stability MCM-41 and Its Catalytic Activity for Naphthalene Hydrogenation

  18. 采用X射线荧光光谱方法(XRF)研究萘磺酸钠聚合物(PNS)高效减水剂在水泥颗粒表面的吸附。

    The adsorption of polynaphthalene sulphonate superplasticizer ( PNS ) on the surface of cement particles is studied by using X-ray fluorescence ( XRF ) analysis .

  19. 树脂相荧光光度法测定片剂中的阿苯达唑含量目的用HPLC法测定复方阿苯达唑片中阿苯达唑和双羟萘酸噻嘧啶的含量。

    Determination of Albendazole in Troches Using Solid-phase Spectrophotofluorimetry ; OBJECTIVE To determine the albendazole and pyrantel pamoate contents in Compound albendazole tablet by HPLC .

  20. 固体超强酸焙烧温度、引入SiO2比例对催化剂的性质以及萘齐聚反应都会产生影响,对萘齐聚物的结构进行了初步分析。

    Superacid calcination temperature and the quantity of introduced SiO 2 exhibited effect on catalyst properties and naphthalene oligomerization .

  21. 利用保留时间、UV光谱和质谱在没有任何标样的情况下可以确认泛醌和甲基萘醌的成分。

    The compositions of ubiquinone and menaquinone were determined directly using combined information of retention time , UV spectrum and mass spectrum without any standard samples .

  22. BO3~(3-)/Mo-MCM-41的制备及其对2-甲氧基萘乙酰化反应的催化性能

    Preparation of BO_3 ~ ( 3 - ) / Mo-MCM-41 and Its Catalytic Performance for Acetylation of 2-Methoxynaphthalene

  23. Williamson反应合成β-萘乙醚的研究

    A Study on Synthesis of β naphthyl Ethyl Ether by Williamson Reaction

  24. 目的:评估那妥(萘哌地尔片,α1A、1D-肾上腺素能受体双重阻滞剂)治疗慢性前列腺炎的临床疗效。

    Objective To assess the efficacy of Naftopidil in the treatment of chronic prostatitis ( CP ) .

  25. 而调心方可显著减少模型大鼠脑内胶质纤维酸性蛋白和淀粉样肽前体mRNA的表达,抑制炎症反应,从而进一步减轻淀粉样β蛋白的大量沉积,其效果优于多萘哌齐。

    Heart-benefiting recipe is superior to aricept in decreasing the expression of GFAP and AAP mRNA and inhibiting the inflammatory reaction so as to restrain the deposition of amyloid β .

  26. 方法用α醋酸萘酯为底物,在37℃、pH6.2的酸性环境中经酶水解产生α萘酚,然后与重氮试剂固蓝B偶联反应显色测定。

    Methods When pH was 6.2 and temperature was 37 ℃,α naphthyl acetate was hydrolyzed by acid alpha naphthyl acetate esterase and it produced α naphthyl . Then colorimetric assay was performed with fast B salt diazotization reaction .

  27. 抗性家蝇多功能氧化酶的萘羟化活性、对二氯苯醚菊酯的氧化代谢能力和微粒体细胞色素P(450)含量分别是正常家蝇的2、1.48、1.33倍。

    The activity of mixed function oxidases ( MFO ) to naphthalene and permethrin and the cytochrome P450 content in the resistant flies were found to be 2 - , 1.48 - , 1.33-fold those in the susceptible ones respectively .

  28. 介绍了BS型非萘系高效减水剂的制备方法以及对水泥拌和物性能的影响。

    Here presented are preparation of BS non-naphthalene series high range water reducing agents and its influence on properties of cement mix .

  29. 目前,PW负载型催化剂用于萘的异丙基化反应还没有文献报道。

    Up to now , there are no reports on isopropylation of naphthalene over supported PW catalysts .

  30. 大气中MTBE的溶剂解吸气相色谱测定法气相色谱法测定工作场所空气中氯萘

    Gas Chromatography Determination for MTBE in Air Desorbed by Solvent GC determination for chloronaphthalene desorbed by solvent in workplace air