
  1. 在他晚期统治中,明军在萨尔浒战役中败于由努尔哈赤领导的所谓的后金军队。

    In his late reign , the Ming army was defeated by the leader of the so-called'Latter Jin'regime-Nurhachu in the Battle of Sarhu .

  2. 论文首先以萨尔浒之战、宁远之战为分界点,将明清军事技术对抗分为三个阶段,分析不同阶段中明清军事技术对抗的特征。

    Firstly , the dissertation took the battle at Sa er hu and the battle at Ning yuan for boundary points and divided Ming-Qing military technology rivalry into three stages and construed the characteristic in different stages .