
  • 网络mongolia
  1. 联合国儿童基金会中国和蒙古地区工作官员H。M。

    H.M.Farook , UNICEF 's operations area officer for China and Mongolia .

  2. 清在漠南蒙古地区的军事驻防体系

    The Military Stations System in the Monan Mongolia Area in the Qing Dynasty

  3. 蒙古地区区位方向及其对清代文献记载的影响

    Mongolian Directions and their Influence on the Documents in the Qing Dynasty

  4. 同时,景教也在与西域相邻的西部蒙古地区和河西走廊地区流行。

    Also , the Nestorianism spread into the Western Mongolia & Hexi Corridor .

  5. 图中较为寒冷的地区则是美国中部和西伯利亚以及下面的蒙古地区。

    The cooler spots are the central US and Siberia down through Mongolia .

  6. 早在蒙元时期,儒学便传入蒙古地区。

    Early in the Mongol-Yuan period , Confucianism had entered into the Mongolian area .

  7. 但此时的佛教在蒙古地区的影响力并不是很强烈。

    But at that time , Buddhism was not very popular in Mongolian areas .

  8. 清朝对蒙古地区宗教政策及宗教立法研究

    The Research of Qing Dynasty Religion Polices and Religion Legislations to the Mongolian Area

  9. 浅析1911年&1917年俄国在外蒙古地区贸易的畸形发展

    Analysis of the Abnormal Development of Russian Trade in Outer Mongolia from 1911 to 1917

  10. 传入蒙古地区以后对蒙古族古代文论产生了巨大影响。

    After being introduced into Mongolian areas , it had great influences on Mongolian literature .

  11. 随着藏传佛教的渗入度母信仰在蒙古地区得到了广泛传播。

    Along the spread of Buddhism in Mongol region , belief of Tara also became popular .

  12. 论清代对蒙古地区汉族移民的政策

    On the Policy of the Han Immigration in the Area of Mongolia in the Qing Dynasty

  13. 在私人著述中,涉足蒙古地区的旅行家所留下的行纪,占有相当比例。

    A large proportion of the private books were about the travels of Mongolia written by the tourists .

  14. 这一制度是清朝统治者对蒙古地区实施封禁政策的产物。

    This system was the result of the rulers ' actualizing the forbidding policy in the Mongolia region .

  15. 鸦片战争前,基督宗教在蒙古地区的传播时断时续,对蒙古社会产生了一定的影响。

    Before Opium War , Christianity had already spread around Mongolia region intermittently and brought Mongolia society into influence a little .

  16. 另一方面,深入分析佛教乐舞查玛艺术在蒙古地区的传播发展过程中受到的蒙古族传统宗教文化与民俗文化形态之影响。

    On the other hand , it discusses the traditional Mongolian religious cultures ' impact on its spread in the Mongolian region .

  17. 属于或关于蒙古地区、蒙古人、蒙古语、蒙古文化的。白雪从灰蒙蒙的云层中轻轻地飘落。

    Of or relating to the region of Mongolia or its people or their languages or cultures . Snow fell gently from gray clouds .

  18. 论古典修辞学与新修辞学的部目观属于或关于蒙古地区、蒙古人、蒙古语、蒙古文化的。

    On Topos of Classical Rhetoric and Neo-rhetoric ; of or relating to the region of Mongolia or its people or their languages or cultures .

  19. 在此期间,清政府在蒙古地区推行和采取了种种具有明显民族特点和地区特点的政策措施。

    During this period , the Qing government carried out a variety of policies and measures with obvious national traits and area characteristic in Mongolia area .

  20. 20世纪初,面对外蒙古地区落后的经济状况和深重的边疆危机,清政府在当地推行新政。

    At the beginning of the 20th century , Qing government carried out a New Policy in Outer Mongolia because of its backward economy and hard border crisis .

  21. 清代满蒙公文翻译持续近三百年,在清朝对蒙古地区的治理方面发挥了重要作用。

    In Qing Dynasty , the translation of Manchu and Mongolian official files had lasted nearly three hundred years , which played an important role in administrating Mongolia area .

  22. 寺院土地是清代蒙古地区土地所有制形态的重要类型,也是清代蒙古寺院经济中的重要生产资料之一。

    According to its production and management style , it can be divided into three management modes , that is , ranch , farmland and the land around the temples .

  23. 首先,对《十善福白史册》的研究概况、写作背景、佛教在蒙古地区传播情况以及佛教对蒙古族文化思维、哲学思想的影响等方面进行了简单论述;

    Firstly , this passage briefly states the studying survey 、 writing background 、 spreading situation of Buddhism in Mongolian area and the effet of Mongolian culture thinking , philosophical idea ;

  24. 自清末以来的大量汉族移民流动给内蒙古地区尤其是东部蒙古地区造成了一系列重大社会变迁。

    A large number of Han immigrations flow to the Inner Mongolia region particularly in the Eastern Mongolia Since the late Qing Dynasty , and caused a series of major social changes .

  25. 如以蒙古地区的封禁政策、互市贸易及清代蒙古地区的官牧场为特点的牧业经济的管理为主要内容。

    If the policy of Mongolia in the blocks , intercity trade and Mongolia in the Qing Dynasty official ranch for the characteristics of the animal husbandry economic management as the main content .

  26. 中东铁路与东蒙古地区的关系问题不仅仅是中俄关系和沙俄侵略蒙古地区史的组成部分,也是内蒙古近代发展史上的一个特殊阶段的研究课题。

    The relation of Chinese-Eastern Railroad to southern Mongols not only concerns Sino-Russian relations and Russian invasion to Mongol area , but also relates to special period in recent history of Inner Mongolia .

  27. 结语部分提出藏传佛教乐舞查玛艺术作为一种宗教仪式行为,在蒙古地区的传播过程中对蒙古族的文化艺术方面的影响,并形成为独特的佛教艺术形式这一重要的演变过程。

    The conclusion poses , as a religious ceremonial behavior , the influence of Tham on Mongolian cultural and arts in the spread and the important evolving course of forming the particular Buddhistic arts .

  28. 通过对清朝统治者对蒙古地区汉族移民政策的分析,论述了汉族移民政策转变的过程及原因,从中也可以看到满蒙关系的变化。

    This article analyzes the policy in four stages , expounding the process and the reason of the change in the policy , from which we can see the change in the relationship between Manchu and Mongolia .

  29. 盟旗制度是清王朝治理蒙古地区最重要的政治制度之一,对于维护边疆稳定具有重要意义。

    The Mongolian banner system was one of the most important political systems which were established to administer Mongolia in Qing dynasty , and it had shown great importance in obtaining the stability of the border area .

  30. 蒙古地区春季气旋活动频数存在明显的年代际变化,50年代气旋活动频数较少,60年代开始到70年代后期气旋活动频数较多,从70年代末至今又进入一个气旋活动频数较少的时期。

    During spring , there are obvious decadal variations of cyclone activity frequencies at the Mongolian cyclone activity center , with less cyclones in 1950s , more cyclones from 1960s to 1970s and less again from late 1970s .