
  • 网络Virtual image;virtual picture
  1. 基于虚拟图像生成与融合HMM的单样本人脸识别技术研究

    Research on the Technology of Face Recognition with Single Sample Based on Generated Virtual Image and Fusion HMM

  2. 介绍了TWAIN标准的结构和状态转换,以及用TWAIN标准实现的一个虚拟图像扫描设备的原理和实现。

    This paper introduces the structure and state transform of the TWAIN standard protocol . And a virtual image scanning driver is accomplished by use of TWAIN .

  3. 如果您的系统与一个管理虚拟图像和机器的外部提供者结合在一起,您可以在RationalQualityManager中查看,部署,以及将测试环境分配到虚拟馆藏资源中。

    If your systems is integrated with an external provider that manages virtual images and machines , you can view , deploy , and assign test environments to virtual collections in Rational Quality Manager .

  4. SpotMessage的目标人群是那些希望在死后为他们的爱人、亲人留下视频和照片的人。和口袋妖怪一样,这里的虚拟图像和真实环境相结合。

    The Spot Message app is aimed at people looking to leave videos and photos for their loved-ones to discover after they 've passed away and mixes virtual images with real-life landscapes , just like Pokemon Go .

  5. 关于虚拟图像与虚拟声场的一体化研究

    Research on Integration of Virtual Image and Virtual Sound Field

  6. 基于虚拟图像注入的目标模拟器设计

    Design of target-simulator based on virtual image injection

  7. 实验表明:该虚拟图像处理实验室可以进行几乎所有的图像处理的演示和实验。

    Results show that the virtual lab can virtually handle all the demonstration and experiment of image processing .

  8. 虚拟图像显示器的设计与实现&IRSA-2型遥感图像分析处理系统的发展之二

    Implementation of the Virtual Image Display in IRSA-2 Digital Image Processing System Development of the IRSA-2 Digital Image Processing System

  9. 最后通过将实际图像平面坐标系中的点投影到虚拟图像平面的方法对全向图像进行重投影,校正得到任意方向无畸变的透视投影图像。

    A method of omni-directional image warping making use of the re-projection of points in the coordinate system of real image plane to a virtual image plane is proposed .

  10. 主要初步探讨和研究了通过虚拟图像到虚拟声环境有关参数的转换,从而实现虚拟图像与虚拟声场的一体化。

    Based on the related parameter transformation from virtual image to virtual sound environment , the integration of virtual image and virtual sound field was investigated in this paper .

  11. 最后,进行小波逆变换,得到含有水印信息的虚拟图像,根据虚拟图像中的象素值就可以得到一组新的控制顶点坐标。

    Finally , the marked virtual images are gotten with inverse wavelet transform and a new group of control points is obtained based on the pixel value of the virtual image .

  12. 利用这个深度信息,我们应用本论文第五章算法,生成了中间过渡的虚拟图像,从而实现物体表面的三维重建。

    With the recovered depth information , we can reconstruction the virtual images between the left image and the right image by the reconstruction algorithm in Chapter 5 , and realize the object 's 3 D surface reconstruction .

  13. 增强现实技术将摄像机摄取的实时图像与计算机生成的虚拟图像精确地融合在一起,通过摄像机、头盔、显示器等显示出来,并实现虚实交互。

    Augmented reality technology will make the real images from the camera and the computer generated virtual image synthetic accuracy and seamless and illustrate through the camera , helmets , displays , etc. and realize man-machine interaction in real time .

  14. 设计了基于图像不变矩和神经网络的图像匹配与识别算法,将被测零件的虚拟图像与实际图像进行匹配,实现了零件放置姿态的识别功能。

    An algorithm for image matching and recognition was proposed based on moment invariants and neural network . The position and attitude of parts was recognized by matching the virtual images with the actual image , and determined by the moments of captured image .

  15. 本文讨论数字摄像机、数字照相机、虚拟图像制作和数字电影制作等重要设备的基本结构和技术特性,以及使用情况,并探讨它们的未来发展。

    This paper outlines the basic structure , technical characteristics of essential digital imaging equipment and their utilization , e. g. digital video cameras , digital photo cameras , virtual studio equipment , digital film making systems etc. , accompanied with a discussion on their future development .

  16. 推特上有许多人们因“口袋妖怪”而结缘的故事。“口袋妖怪”是一款结合现实世界和虚拟图像的游戏。玩这款游戏时人们得拿着手机走上街头,捕捉出现在他们屏幕上的宠物小精灵。

    Twitter is full of stories of people being asked out on dates while out playing the game - which is based in the real world with graphics superimposed and requires users to walk around the streets trying to ' catch ' Pok é mon characters that appear on their screens .

  17. 化石头骨虚拟3D图像的复原与矫正

    Reconstruction and remedy of virtual 3D images of fossils

  18. 基于改进活动轮廓模型的数字虚拟人图像分割算法

    Segmentation for Virtual Human Images Based on Improved Active Contours Model

  19. 数字化虚拟肝脏图像三维重建的初步研究

    Study of three-dimensional reconstruction of digitized virtual hepatic images

  20. 将这些虚拟人脸图像作为模板图像,可以进行不同光照下的人脸图像识别。

    Illumination ratio image ( IRI ) is adopted to generate virtual face images under different illuminations .

  21. 此外,在合成中间虚拟视点图像时,网格在速度和算法简单性上也有一定的优势。

    In addition , meshes have advantages in speed and simpleness for the virtual viewpoint synthesis . 6 .

  22. 虚拟人脑图像分割结果说明本文算法可以得到较好的分割结果。

    The results of the segmentation of the digital brain image show that adapt Mean Shift method can get better results .

  23. 文中利用虚拟物体图像和真实物体图像进行了实验验证,证明该方法具有计算简单、准确性和鲁棒性高等方面的特点,具有较高的实用价值。

    Several experiments on simulated and real image data show that the proposed method is more accurate , robust and faster .

  24. 该文提出一种基于图像拼合的中间视合成算法,利用图像插值和变形技术,生成虚拟视点图像。

    This paper proposes an intermediate view synthesis algorithm based on image mosaic to create the virtual view image by exploiting view interpolation and morphings .

  25. 结论:虚拟重建图像形象逼真,能真实还原组织器官结构的本来面貌,是解剖学研究和学习的新途径。

    CONCLUSION : Virtual images , more precise in displaying the accurate structure of the human body , is a new approach to anatomical teaching and learning .

  26. 对虚拟人图像数据作多种二维处理,包括图像几何变换、灰度增强、格式转换和压缩、图像配准和分割。

    Many methods are used to finish VCH planar image processing , including image geometry transform , gray-scale enhancement format transition and compression , image registration and segmentation .

  27. 与之前方法中采用的复杂的补洞算法或耗时巨大的图像修复技术相比,该方法仅采用一些基本的基于像素点的操作来填补虚拟视点图像中的暴露区域。

    Compared with those complex hole-filling algorithms and time-consuming image inpainting techniques , some basic pixel-based operations are employed to fill the disocclusion areas in the virtual view image .

  28. 目前我国在文化古迹保护和旅游景区建设方面已经开始使用虚拟三维图像信息技术,并且今后这将成为一个发展趋势。

    At present our cultural heritage conservation and tourism in the area have begun building a virtual three-dimensional image using information technology , and in the future this will become a trend .

  29. 针对视频会议应用场合,提出了基于网格节点跟踪的视差估计四步快速算法,算法中考虑了视点间亮度补偿、全局遮挡边界检测,还考查了中间虚拟视点图像的合成。

    For videoconferencing applications , a fast four-stage disparity estimation algorithm based on nodal trajectory is proposed , in which illumination compensation between views and global occluded boundary region detection are studied .

  30. 作为虚拟现实和图像技术的有机结合,虚拟演播室系统(VirtualStudioSystem,VSS)在方便灵活的电视节目制作方面具有重要应用。

    As the combination of virtual reality and digital image technologies , VSS ( Virtual Studio System ) has important applications in convenient and flexible making of TV programs .