
tuì huà
  • degenerate;exuviate;slough off
蜕化 [tuì huà]
  • [degenerate] 虫类脱皮,比喻人形质改变

  • 蜕化堕落

蜕化[tuì huà]
  1. 诗歌传统功能的日趋蜕化、萎缩,并逐渐转移到它文艺消费品之上。

    The traditional function in verse exuviate , atrophies , and transfer to other consumer goods gradually .

  2. 拟线性蜕化椭圆型方程的Dirichlet问题

    The Dirichlet problem of quasi-linear degenerate elliptic differential equation

  3. PCB光电图像光照不均蜕化的校正及阈值分割方法

    Method for Nonuniform Illumination Ecdysis Emendation and Thresholding Segmentation in PCB Photoelectricity Image

  4. 分析了Ball点位于机架上并且直线方向垂直于机架时,曲率驻点曲线蜕化的原因和结果。

    We present the cause and result of circle point curve degeneration , when the given Ball 's point is located on the fixed bar .

  5. 蜕化类p-Laplace方程的特征值问题

    The Eigenvalue problem for a degenerate p-Laplace equation

  6. 蜕化抛物型微分不等式的Harnack性质讨论

    Discussion on the Harnack Property of Degenerate Parabolic Differential Inequations

  7. 利用该模型,通过使用基于蜕化奇异等参元和数值外插法的K因子计算方法,分析了滚滑动接触工况下摩擦及油压对表面斜裂纹尖端应力强度因子(SIF)的影响。

    It is in this model that the influence of lubricant on stress intensity factors of surface initial fatigue lean crack in rolling / sliding contact has been analyzed through using the collapsed 8 node quadrilateral isoparametric elements and numerical extrapolated method .

  8. 文章对ZnO压敏电阻器用复合纳米添加剂的Sol-Gel制备方法、机理进行了较为深入的研究,并对压敏电阻器的导电机理、蜕化失效机理和大通流能力影响因素做了较为详细的讨论和总结。

    In this dissertation , the Sol-Gel method and mechanism were investigated deeply for preparation of multiplex composite nanometer additives , then the conduction , degradation and failure mechanisms and the influencing factors of excellent surge withstanding capability of ZnO varistors were discussed and summarized in details .

  9. 通过不同的简化,该方法可蜕化为传统的Kalman预测、相似日预测和神经网络预测,是一种比较全面的负荷预测方法,可得出高精度的预测结果。

    Through different simplification the proposed method can be transferred into traditional Kalman filter forecasting , similar day forecasting and neural network forecasting respectively , therefore this method is a relatively comprehensive load forecasting method and by this method the forecasting results with high accuracy can be obtained .

  10. 在空间环境条件下,为了能对宇航电连接器进行寿命预测,并提高其运行的稳定性和可靠性,就必须研究宇航电连接器用典型材料PEI在空间环境条件下绝缘性能蜕化规律。

    In order to predict the life of aerospace electrical connectors and improve its stability and reliability , we have to study the deterioration of insulating properties of PEI which is used as typical materials for aerospace electrical connectors under the space environment condition .

  11. 本文对一类蜕化的线性抛物型微分方程建立了Harnack不等式,并借热量传导解释了这一性质。

    In this paper the Harnack inequality for a class of degenerate linear parabolic differential equations is established , and an interpretation is given to this property in terms of heat conduction .

  12. 所以,针对这两个方面设计了实验,对此光纤的透过率和焦比蜕化性能进行了严格的测试。

    The experiments are designed for testing the above-mentioned characteristics strictly .

  13. 现代宗教基本上已经蜕化为学术信仰;

    the very foundations of which have degenerated into scholarly religions ?

  14. 一类无限阶蜕化的弱双曲型方程的哥西问题

    The Cauchy problem for some weakly hyperbolic equations of infinite order degeneracy

  15. 两个群速度都是有界数集。在热力无耦合情况下,一个群速度蜕化为具有恒定数值的膨胀波速,即第一声速;

    One group speed degenerates to expanding wave speed without thermo-mechanical coupling , i.

  16. 并且还给出了系统非蜕化性的确切的定义。

    The proper definition of systems nondegeneracy is given .

  17. 蜕化成一只美丽而纤灵的蝴蝶。

    Change into a beautiful butterfly and fiber spirit .

  18. 对于此类人物形象的描写,显示出他对于现代人精神蜕化的批判。

    Description of such figures , showing his criticism to the modern spirit .

  19. 光纤光栅应变传感系统性能蜕化特性研究

    Study on the Degeneration of FBG Strain Sensing System

  20. 关于蜕化双曲型方程的一类边值问题

    A boundery value problem for degenerate hyperbolic equations

  21. 若不考虑刚度劣化,理论结果可蜕化为以前的结果。

    Present analytical solutions can be simplified as earlier results without the degraded stiffness .

  22. 二阶完全非线性蜕化抛物方程

    Second order fully nonlinear degenerate parabolic equations

  23. 仅仅经过一代人,他们便从自豪的工人阶级蜕化成道德败坏的社会底层分子。

    In a generation , they have descended from proud working class to demoralized underclass .

  24. 报告几个典型的与晶体质量蜕化有关的光荧光谱;

    Some typical photoluminescence spectrum related to the crystal quality degeneration also have been reported .

  25. 它能在极端情况下自动蜕化出局地自由对流相似性预测形式。

    It can automatically reduce to predicted form of local free convection under extreme conditions .

  26. 四结点蜕化壳单元和刚体壳单元分别用来建立权和模具的有限元模型;

    Four-node degenerated shell element and rigid shell element are used in our FEM model .

  27. 蜕化三值逻辑及其应用

    Degenerate Ternary Logic and Its Application

  28. InGaAsP/InP多薄层异质结构材料的晶格驰豫和晶体质量蜕化研究

    The Research on the Lattice Relax and Crystal Degeneration of InGaAsP / InP Multilayer Heterostructure Materials

  29. 这一现象表明知识分子或一些敏感的人们忽然和蜕化的因素结合起来。

    The phenomenon represented a sudden coalescence of intellectual or sensitive people with the lumpen elements .

  30. 建立政权之后,农民起义军蜕化成新军阀、新地主阶级。

    After the establishment of peasant governments , the uprising troops degenerated to new warlords and landlords .