
  • 网络The Scorpion King;king scorpion
  1. 然而,由于缺少其他史料证据,大多数考古学家都认为这位蝎子王是一个虚构的神话人物。

    In the absence of any supporting evidence , however , most archeologists had believed that this King Scorpion was a mythical figure .

  2. 蝎子王的故事发生在埃及尚分为两个王国的时期。

    King Scorpion dates from a time when Egypt was composed of two separate kingdoms .

  3. 他真是个蝎子王转世。

    He is the Lizard King reincarnated .

  4. 蝎子王担心如果没有什么能够打破僵局的话,他们所争取到的一切可能就会化为乌有。

    Scorponok feared that all would be lost if something in the impasse did not change quickly .

  5. 这座12室墓穴由泥制砖头建成,看上去像是蝎子王宫殿的微缩复制品。

    The 12-room tomb is constructed of mud bricks and appears to be a downsized replica of Scorpion 's palace .

  6. 大约在五面怪来到塞伯特恩三千年之后,他们表面上忠诚的军事指挥官蝎子王转而反抗他们。

    Roughly three thousand years after the Quintessons came , their seemingly loyal military commander , Scorponok , turned against them .

  7. 英国博物馆瑞-弗兰得曼推测,蝎子王下令发展文字是为了记录王室财政体系的税款收入。

    Renee Friedman of the British Museum speculates that King Scorpion ordered the development of writing to record the payment of taxes to the royal treasury .

  8. 蝎子王非常精明,他知道当五面怪来到塞伯特恩的时候,他的军队,虽然没有实际上的战斗,是无法打败五面怪和他们的马达洛同盟。

    Scorponok was shrewd enough to know when the Quintessons came that his army , unused to actual conflict , could not defeat them and their Mandalorian allies ;

  9. 他策反了建筑机器人,确保他们更加忠于他自己,而不是蝎子王。现在他可以破坏这个战锤了。

    He had already subverted the Constructicons , guaranteeing that they would be more loyal to him than to Scorponok , and now he had them sabotage the Hammer .

  10. 伴随着他一直不断变得严重的狂热,蝎子王认为拥有一件宇宙中的终极武器是确保他自身安全和地位的唯一保证。

    Scorponok thought , in his ever-growing paranoia , that the possession of the Ultimate Weapon in the universe was the only thing that could make him and his position safe .

  11. 对那卡达的征服使蝎子王不仅控制了尼罗河,并且控制了西至红海、东达西部沙漠绿洲的交通要道。

    Conquest of Naqada gave King Scorpion control not only of the Nile , but of crucial roads leading east to the Red Sea and west to the oases of the western desert .

  12. 这样子,塞伯特恩行星陷入了永恒的暗淡光芒中,只能依赖它内部的能源提供光照和采暖。威震天指责蝎子王,用一场荣誉决斗来挑战他的领导地位。

    The planet was plunged into an eternal twilight , dependent on internal energy sources for light and warmth , and Megatron , blaming Scorponok , challenged his leader to a duel of honor .