
huáng chóng
  • locust;grasshopper;Acridid
蝗虫 [huáng chóng]
  • [grasshopper;locust] 昆虫,种类很多,口器坚硬,前翅狭窄而坚韧,后翅宽大而柔软,善于飞行,后肢很发达,善于跳跃。主要危害禾本科植物,是农业害虫。有的地区叫蚂蚱

蝗虫[huáng chóng]
  1. 本图所示为蝗虫的纵剖面。

    This illustration shows a vertical section through the locust .

  2. 基于BP模型的蝗虫密度预测系统的研究

    Study on BP Model Based Locust Plague Forecasting

  3. 据说他曾经写过《蝗虫之日》和《寂寞芳心小姐》之类的小说。

    He was said to have written such books as The Day of Locusts and Miss Lonely Hearts .

  4. 白鹳吃蝗虫和其他昆虫,这些昆虫如果数量失控就会变成害虫。

    White storks feed on locusts and other insects that can become pests if their numbers get out of hand .

  5. 我曾在野生动物志愿者协会工作,这是蝗虫谷贝利植物园的一个救援和教育组织。

    I work with Volunteers for Wildlife , a rescue and education organization at Bailey Arboretum in Locust Valley .

  6. 蝗虫肠道微生物总DNA提取方法的比较

    Comparative studies on the methods of bacterial genomic DNA extraction from grasshopper guts

  7. 利用GIS辅助分析草原放牧活动对蝗虫群落的影响

    Analyzing the influence of grazing on the grasshopper community in steppe using GIS

  8. TM图象在草在蝗虫分布中的应用

    TM picture application in the studying of locust distribution on pasture

  9. Sword的小组计划建立蝗虫怎样成群移动的模型。

    Swords team plans to create models of how the locusts move in groups .

  10. 研究人员表示,这些蝗虫的DNA证据显示,非洲沙漠蝗的祖先们曾飞越了大西洋,并在美洲大陆生成了一个新的蝗虫种群。

    DNA shows that ancestors of the desert locust flew across the Atlantic and gave rise to a diverse group of New World species .

  11. 运用GIS技术,建立了环青海湖地区草地蝗虫灾害预测信息系统。

    In this dissertation , a geographic information system ( GIS ) for grasshopper hazard prediction in the region around Qinghai Lake was constructed .

  12. 草地蝗虫灾害预测信息系统通过利用GIS、RS集成技术而建立。

    The geographic information system for grasshopper hazard prediction was established based on an integration of remote sensing and GIS technologies .

  13. 结果表明,微卫星引物PCR扩增方法可用于物种间的遗传结构分析和亲缘关系的探讨,在种级阶元对蝗虫进行有效鉴别,是一种有效的遗传学指标

    It is suggested that the microsatellite primer PCR analysis is useful as molecular marker for locusts in phylogenetic reconstruction at the species level

  14. 本文综述了RAPD与DNA序列技术在蝗虫分子系统学研究中的应用进展,并对二者在分子系统学研究中存在的问题做了简单介绍。

    The recent progress of molecular phylogeny of grasshopper based on RAPD and DNA sequences are reviewed and their problems are also summarized in this paper .

  15. 在facebook上一个名为“强烈反对内地孕妇来港产子”的群里,将这些内地孕妇称作“蝗虫”。

    A Facebook group calling itself " strongly against mainland mothers delivering children in Hong Kong " refers to such expectant women as " grasshoppers " .

  16. 以蚂蚁、天牛、蝗虫等昆虫为实验材料,建立了75%酒精常温浸泡密封保存和福尔马林常温浸泡密封保存昆虫样品2~4周后进行全基因组DNA提取的方法。

    The method for extraction genomic DNA from insect sample , such as ants , longicorn beetles and grasshoppers , which stored in formalin or 75 % ethanol for 2 ~ 4 weeks , is described .

  17. 蝗虫的次级生产力为5.18kJ/m2·a,是地上净初级生产力的0.18%。

    The net production of the grasshoppers is 5.18 kJ · m - 2 · a - 1 that accounts for 0.18 % of the above ground primary production .

  18. 应用种-多度分布模型、多样性指数、相似性分析、主成分(PCA)分析及多元逐步回归等方法比较了洛河流域不同生境的蝗虫群落结构。

    The structure of grasshopper community in different environment in Luo River region was compared using species-abundance model , diversity index , similarity analysis , principal component analysis and stepwise regression .

  19. GregSword:我们正根据蝗虫的集体运动(即集体运动动力学)建立数学模型,以预测蝗虫走向。

    Greg Sword : Were developing mathematical models based on collective movement , whats called collective movement dynamics , and we can predict where the locusts are going to go .

  20. 改进Split-Merge分割用于蝗虫图像

    Improved Split-Merge segmentation used for locust image

  21. 东北四平地区蝗虫配子发生及原癌基因c-kit特异性表达的生殖生态学研究C-KIT基因在鼻咽癌患者中的突变

    Study on Reproductive Ecology of the Specific Expression of c-kit During Locust Gametogenesis in Siping , Northeast of China ; C-KIT mutation exists in nasopharyngeal carcinoma

  22. 3种蝗虫之雄性个体的近似消化力(A.D.)

    The Approximate Digestibility ( A. D. ) of the male individuals is obviously higher than that of the female in all the three species .

  23. 通过比较不同生境蝗虫群落的相似性,并经聚类和PCA分析,可将松花湖库区5种生境划分为三大类型,分别为远湖区生境,包括采伐迹地和农田;

    By comparing the similarity of grasshoppers ' community in different habitat regions and clustering and PCA analyzing , the different habitat regions could be divided into 3 types : far off lake region including cutting blank and farmland region ;

  24. 圣雄甘地(MahatmaGandhi)曾说过,如果中国和印度立志学习西方的消费文化,两国人民将像蝗虫般迅速将世界掠夺一空。

    Mahatma Gandhi once said that if China and India were to aspire to a western-style consumer culture , their citizens would quickly strip the earth bare like locusts .

  25. 报道了吉林省四平郊区直翅目(Orthoptera)蝗总科(Acridoidea)中蝗虫群落的组成和时间动态变化。

    This paper reported the composition and seasonal dynamic of locust communities ( Orthoptera ; Acrioidea ) in suburbs of Siping city of Jilin province .

  26. 结果表明,其中的虫害光谱指数(DSI)最适用于反映研究区芦苇受蝗虫危害的程度。

    The results show that among those indices the locust damage spectra index ( DSI ) is one which is mostly suitable to use in indicating the intensity of locust damage in the study area .

  27. 中国4种蝗虫不同种群的遗传分化

    Genetic Differentiation of Different Populations of Four Locust Species in China

  28. 蝗虫体内黄酮含量测定及提取工艺研究

    Research on content and optimum extraction process of flavonoids from locust

  29. 光电诱导作用下蝗虫光谱选择行为的研究

    Studies on Wavelength Selecting Behavior from Locusts Trapped by Photoelectric Equipment

  30. 西双版纳蝗虫的新属和新种

    New genus and new species of grasshoppers from xishuangbanna , China