
  • 网络propeller vessel
  1. 双螺旋桨船的美人架阻力的尺度效应

    Scale effect in the resistance of shaft brackets of twin-screw vessels

  2. 双导管螺旋桨船的艉部振动与治理

    Vibration and Treatment of a Double Duct Propeller Ship

  3. 本文基于某双导管螺旋桨船船体的线型特点,详尽分析了该船在试航中产生振动的原因;

    According to the ship lines feature of a double duct propeller ship , the reason of the ship vibration detected in the trial is in detail analyzed in this paper .

  4. 船舵和螺旋桨操控船的方向并使船移动。

    The rudder and propeller steer and move the boat .

  5. 串列螺旋桨在内河船上的初步应用

    The Preliminary Application of Tandem Propellers to River Ships

  6. 螺旋桨(尤指船的)旋转螺旋桨的集合;直升飞机上是水平旋转物,喷气式飞机上是压缩旋转物。

    Propeller , esp of a ship or motor boat an assembly of rotating airfoils ; horizontal rotors on a helicopter or compressor rotors of a jet engine .

  7. 根据空气螺旋桨在某船上的自身防护特点,通过耐腐蚀、耐磨蚀等各种实验,对空气螺旋桨桨叶表面氧化处理工艺和表面防腐涂层材料进行了筛选。

    Through performing all kinds of anti-corrosion and anti-abrasion experiments , the ways of surface oxidation process and anti-corrosion coat materials of air propeller are selected in this article according to self-protection property of the air propeller used on certain ship .

  8. 在许多教科书中,螺旋桨推进双桨船在回转过程中内、外螺旋桨负荷变化规律均有如下叙述:回转过程中内侧螺旋桨负荷远大于外侧螺旋桨负荷。

    In many textbooks of naval architecture and marine engineering there is same statement about load changes of inside and outside propellers when ship goes around a turn that the inside propeller 's load is always much heavier than the outside one .

  9. 我船是单螺旋桨还是双螺旋桨船?

    Do we have a single propeller or twin propeller ?

  10. 另一个安装在船后部的螺旋桨是用来驾驶船的。

    The other propeller , placed at the rear of the craft , steers it .

  11. 螺旋桨脉动压力实船测试研究进展

    A Review on the Researches of the Measurement of the Propeller Induced Pulsating Pressure on the Full-scale Ships

  12. 文中利用船模和Ag/AgCl电极在实验室具体测量了螺旋桨转动时调制船模在海水中的腐蚀电流而产生的极低频电场。

    By using the ship model and Ag / AgCl electric pole , the extremely low frequency electric field produced by corrosion current modulated by shaft rotation in sea water was measured in the laboratory .

  13. 在船尾非均匀流场中尤其是尾流极不均匀的流场中工作的螺旋桨,常常由于船后流场的非均匀性,桨叶上产生周期性变化力。

    When the propeller works in the non-uniform or terribly non-uniform flow field behind the ship , periodic unsteady force is generated on the blade of the propeller due to the non-uniform characteristic of the flow field .

  14. 反弯扭叶片螺旋桨空泡性能较好,有较低的螺旋桨诱导船艉激振力水平;

    The cavitation extent and fluctuating pressure of the propeller with negative curved blades are much less than that of conventional one .