
yá yi
  • yamen runner
衙役 [yá yì]
  • [yamen runner] 衙门里的差役

衙役[yá yi]
  1. 衙役们对这个在大庭广众之下公然抢劫的行为特别不理解,齐国人回答说:“我拿金子的时候,眼睛没有看见人,看见的只有金子。”

    The patrol could not understand his overt robbery , he replied , " When I got hold of the gold , I saw nothing but the gold . "

  2. 来到卖金子的摊铺前,伸手抓过金子便往回走,结果被巡逻的衙役当场捉住。

    He came to the gold booth , seized on the gold and walked back , as a result of which he was caught by the patrol on the spot .

  3. 六十名衙役两行排列。

    Sixty soldiers bow in two rows .

  4. 以衙役运作班房为观察视角,清代法律实践与法律表达之间呈现出颇为复杂而有趣的关联。

    Regarding the government runner operating the Banfang as a visual angle , there are complicated but interesting relations taken on between the law expression and the practice .