
  • shim rod
  1. 该系统通过手动或自动控制6根控制棒(2根安全棒,4根补偿棒)的运动,实现对反应堆功率的手/自动控制。

    The auto-startup and power regulating system is one of the important control system of CARR , which control the neutron flux manually or automatically by control the movement of 6 control rods ( 2 safety rods , 4 shim rods ) manually or automatically .

  2. 基于SBS补偿激光棒损伤引起的激光束的相位畸变

    Compensation of Laser Phase Aberration Caused by Damaged Laser Rod Based on SBS

  3. 利用Gires-Tournois干涉仪提供负群速度色散补偿钛宝石棒产生的正色散,以获得稳定的ps自锁模脉冲。

    We use Gires Tournois interferometer as a means of providing negative GVD to compensate positive GVD of Ti : sapphire rod . Stable ps self mode locked pulse has been obtained .

  4. 软件补偿自编码棒位指示系统

    Self Coding Rod Position Indicating System Based on Software Compensation

  5. 以热传导方程为基础,对热透镜效应补偿前后激光棒内部温度场与应力场的变化进行分析。

    On the basis of the heat exchange equation , the differences of the temperature and thermal stress of the laser medium between thermal compensation and uncompensation are analyzed .

  6. 结果表明,提出的补偿机构能有效地补偿GMM棒的热变形,提高了GMA的位移输出特性。

    The experimental results show that the compensation structure presented is effective .

  7. 研制的放大机构具有较好的放大效果,而且机构的位移输出线性特性也较好。结果表明,提出的补偿机构能有效地补偿GMM棒的热变形,提高了GMA的位移输出特性。

    The magnifying mechanism , which is designed and made by ourselves , has a good magnifying effect . And the linear feature of displacement output is also good . The experimental results show that the compensation structure presented is effective .

  8. 本研究提出并从理论上证明后者可取消专设的补偿线圈而采用软件补偿,并据此设计了软件补偿自编码棒位探测器。

    This research advances and demonstrates in theory that the compensatory coils above could be canceled but the detectors are compensated by software . So the new detector , Self coding Rod Position Detector Based on Software Compensation is designed .