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  1. 防守上,在他需要去补防时他给那些矮点的防守球员一些帮助。

    On defense , when he has to help he gets out to the smaller defenders OK .

  2. 篮板球能力明显提高,补防、协防意识有待加强,防守技术不成熟。

    Rebounds significant improvement in the compensation defense , defense awareness needs to be strengthened , defensive immature technology .

  3. 科比和乔丹都是伟大的一对一防守者,也是能补防多个位置的优秀协防者。

    Both Kobe and Jordan were great one-on-one defenders and good team defenders who were able to defend players of multiple positions .

  4. 上次课我们学习了区域盯人和补防,现在我们来学习混合防守和紧逼人盯人防守。

    We learned the match-up zone and filling-in the last time . This time , we will learn combination defence and close man-to-man .

  5. 对面的大个子会每场比赛中在低位,堵塞詹姆斯的运球路线,在内线补防,抢篮板,使事情变得更加混乱。

    Opposing bigs will sag every game , clogging James'driving corridors , providing interior help , grabbing boards and generally muddying things up .

  6. 主要体现在防无球掩护能力较差;协防、补防、围抢的成功率低。

    Mainly without the ball in the anti-cover less capable ; assist in the defense , make up anti-challenge around the low success rate .

  7. 攻防转换速度慢、轮转换位慢、补防不积极,使对方总能在外线捕捉到投篮机会。

    The other party could always catch the outside shots due to the slow offense and defense conversion , slow rotary transposition and inactive filling-in .

  8. 后卫队员的防守能力包括抢篮板球、抢断球、盖帽、协防和补防能力。

    The ability on defending include : grab rebounds , steals the ball , blocked shots , the ability to assist in the defense and anti-complement .

  9. 我们在季前赛前段的防守是散乱的,我们不会攻防转换,补防也是没有的。

    Our defense was ragged , we weren 't getting back in transition , and the help defense was non-existent in the first half of the preseason .

  10. 运用补防和夹击形成的集体防守战术与多点进攻、内外结合的进攻战术更趋实用,是本赛季攻防战术的主流趋势。

    It is more practical and the main tendency that the group defense formed by follow-up defense and pressure defense , and also multi-point attack and combination attack are fulfilled .

  11. 有成为一名可靠的防守者的身板儿,高度和灵敏度,他既能及时防出禁区同时通过补防保护篮筐。防守时的身长优势

    Has the size , length and agility to be a solid defender who can step out on the perimeter at times while providing some rim protection with added strength .

  12. 当霍福德创造出空位机会时,欧文瞬间加速从施罗德和德韦恩-德蒙中间突破,另外两名老鹰球员随即上前补防,希望在篮筐附近截住欧文。

    After Horford opened a path , Irving accelerated to split both Schroder and Dewayne Dedmon , but two other Hawks scrambled over , hoping to deny Irving near the basket .

  13. 拜纳姆在补防方面同样进步了不少,他可以运用他那超长的臂展来干扰对方的运球球员,并且在不犯规的前提下,切断对手的传球路线。

    He 's improved in the area of defending ball screens as well , using his massive wingspan to slow down the dribbler and cut off passing lanes without being foul prone .

  14. 明确现代快攻特点,建立新的快攻理念。2.强化篮板球意识,加强协防补防配合,提高整体防守意识和能力。

    Clearly the characteristics of the modern fast break , fast establishment of a new concept.2.Strengthen rebounds awareness , strengthen prevention to assist in the defense up with to raise the overall awareness and ability to defend . 3 .

  15. 无球队员防守方而,塞尔维亚队多采用封堵跑位路线,突分后及时补防轮转,内线绕前侧前防守等方式,干扰无球队员接球。

    Without the ball defense , Serbia block moves to use more routes , minutes after the time up against the sudden rotation , within the wound before the defensive front , etc. interfere with the ball without the ball .

  16. 雄鹿队的大个子约翰-汉森上前补防,但是欧文低下头,踮着脚尖来到底线,然后用双手反手从内线向处在弧顶附近的空位的霍福德传球。

    Bucks big man John Henson came over with help , but Irving got low and tiptoed the baseline before somehow flinging a waist-high , two-handed backhand from the charge circle to a wide-open Horford near the top of the key .

  17. 塞尔维亚队在被突破后的协防补防做的很好,补防协防多利用一人的协防补防,然后通过局部的轮转换位来保证防守不出现空缺。

    Serbian team was up against the defense after the break to do well , up against the defense to defend more than one person using up against , and then rotate through the partial transposition to ensure that defense is not vacant .

  18. 中国男篮防守战术基础配合运用16届世锦赛与29届奥运会相比,夹击配合运用呈上升趋势,而补防配合和交换配合呈下降趋势,其它配合变化均不大。

    Chinese Men with the use of defensive tactics based on the 29th of 16 World Championships and Olympic Games , compared with the use of attack is rising , while cooperation and exchanges with up against the downward trend , the other with no major changes . 3 .

  19. 主场防守的主要问题是后场队员的个人对抗能力不强、防守补位和协防的意识差;

    The major problem of defence in home-match was that backs ' personal defensive ability not strong , etc ;