
  • 网络Yolanda;Yolanda Yuan;blog
  1. 袁泉:我是一个没有设计的人

    Yuan Quan : I am a Person Without Design

  2. 日前记者捕捉到袁泉怀孕后的“孕味照”。虽然镜头中的袁泉大腹便便,但一脸幸福表情。

    Although the lens of the Yuan Quan potbellied , but the look of a happy expression .

  3. 同样,袁泉和夏雨对待恋情也时分大方,二人刚公开宣布结婚。

    Yuan Quan and Xia Yu , who have been similarly open about their romance , just announced their marriage to the public .