
páo zi
  • robe;gown;habit
袍子 [páo zǐ]
  • (1) [robe]∶同袍

  • (2) [habit]∶表示或标志某一行业、等级或职务的装束

  • 僧侣的袍子

袍子[páo zi]
  1. 他从袍子下面拿出一个不大的金护身符。

    He brought forth a small gold amulet from beneath his robe .

  2. 一件柔软的白袍子搭在椅子上,供乔安娜使用。

    A soft white robe had been draped over a chair for Joanna 's use

  3. 她站在门边,蓝色的袍子从肩上披垂下来。

    She was standing by the door , her blue robe hanging from her shoulders .

  4. 据我看,那个演员穿的袍子整脚又不漂亮。

    The actor 's robe looked cheap and nasty to me .

  5. 这袍子该怎么办Drew?

    What am I supposed to do with this , Drew ?

  6. Haley袍子穿反了。

    Haley , sweetie , uh , gown 's on backwards .

  7. 袍子多在晚间飞散,一个生长季节,病害传播距离至少50m。

    The spores scatter mostly in the evening and the distance of the disease is more than 53m .

  8. 她把袍子高高卷到膝盖。

    He tucked her robe well up to her knees .

  9. 伙计,你就穿这个袍子不冷吗?

    Does it get cold under your robe , dude ?

  10. 我看着她穿着难看的袍子和拖鞋

    Look , I see her in that robe and those slippers ,

  11. 还是要披件袍子。

    Well , I 'll put a robe on just the same .

  12. 韦斯莱夫人和金妮要去一家卖旧袍子的商店。

    Mrs. Weasley and Ginny were going to a secondhand robe shop .

  13. 你在这里不想穿这件袍子了?

    And here you don 't want to wear the robe anymore ?

  14. 金袍子来离君临这么远的地方做什么?

    What are Gold Cloaks doing so far from King 's Landing ?

  15. 他看起来非常胖,因为他将软垫子塞进了袍子里面。

    He looked very fat because he had cushions under his robe .

  16. 他们穿着浸泡了松脂的袍子。

    They wear the tunica molesta , soaked in pitch .

  17. 大多数僧人和道士穿黄色袍子。

    Most monks and Taoist priests wore yellow dress .

  18. 孟克换上了过冬的新袍子。

    Mengke has changed into his new winter robe .

  19. 你想要看我穿袍子?

    You want to see me in a burka ?

  20. 给那件新袍子一个风姿吧。

    Please give that new garment a graceful bearing .

  21. 同一天,菲罗墨拉读了织在袍子上的口信。

    The same day , Philomela read the message woven into the robe .

  22. 他住在一个山洞里,他唯一的那件袍子已破烂不堪。

    He lived in a cave and his single robe was in tatters .

  23. 你可别把那袍子弄脏了

    You ain 't gonna mess that gown up ,

  24. 但里面那个修女袍子全是洞…

    but there 's a nun with all these holes in her habit ...

  25. 没有袍子,你会忘记我的。

    Without the robe you 'll forget me .

  26. 亚伦供职的时候要穿这袍子。

    Aaron must wear it when he ministers .

  27. 你在施法时穿上了你的丝袍子并带上扑克牌了吗?

    Did you do the bit with the silk cloth and the playing card ?

  28. 莱莫尔从头顶穿上袍子。

    Lemore slipped her robe over her head .

  29. 就在这儿脱,我给你一件袍子换上。

    You can remove them right here and I 'll give you a jumpsuit .

  30. 我们都是一样的货色,只不过穿着不同的袍子。

    We were two of a kind , just clad in different color clothes .
