
  • 网络protege;clientes;Patron-client
被保护人 [bèi bǎo hù rén]
  • [protege] 受人监护的人

  1. 我的被保护人(用你的话说),是个很有理智的人;而理智对我总是富有魅力的。

    My protege , as you call him , is a sensible man ; and sense will always have attractions for me .

  2. 他年轻的被保护人由德国/东印度/巴基斯坦混血儿阿拉米斯·奈特(AramisKnight)饰演。

    and his young prot é g é is portrayed by a performer of German / East Indian / Pakistani descent ( Aramis Knight ) .

  3. 迈克尔·B·乔丹饰演洛基的被保护人阿多尼斯·约翰逊(AdonisJohnson),他也是洛基一度的竞争对手和早已丧失的朋友阿波罗·奎迪(ApolloCreed)的私生子,他成了我们这个时代重要的影星。

    Michael B. Jordan , as Adonis Johnson , Rocky 's prot é g é ( and the illegitimate son of his onetime rival and long-lost friend , Apollo Creed ) , continues his emergence as one of the vital movie stars of our moment .

  4. 她觉得她的被保护人在公开场合讲有损她的话是忘恩负义。

    She felt that her prot é g é had bitten the hand that fed him by making unkind remarks about her in public .

  5. 实在无需远视去查找被“保护”的人和物。

    You don 't have to look far for who and what are being'protected ' .

  6. 这项举措对法国来说是一种打击,但对于那些担心环境措施被保护主义利用的人来说,却是一种胜利。

    The move is a blow for France and a victory for those who fear environmental measures could be used as a form of protectionism .

  7. 后来假人被赋予犹太人被迫害时的保护人的性格,但仍然是一副吓人的面孔。

    Later golems were imagined as protectors of the Jews in times of persecution , but also had a frightening aspect .

  8. 儿童被不称职的父亲卖掉,孤儿被保护人卖掉,寄人篱下或被嫌弃的亲戚也会被不愿在赡养他们的人卖掉。

    Children were bought from worthless fathers , orphans from their guardians , dependent or undesirable relatives from families weary of supporting them .