
luǒ huā
  • naked flower;flower without petals/calyxes
  1. RP-HPLC法测定裸花紫珠胶囊中芦丁的含量

    Determination of Rutin in Folium Callicarpae Nudiflorae Capsules by RP-HPLC

  2. 裸花紫珠总黄酮的抗炎、止血作用研究

    Study of total flavonoids of callicarpa nudiflora on anti-inflammatory and hemostasis effects

  3. 裸花紫珠片在二氧化碳激光术后的应用

    Application of Beautyberry Pills after CO_2 laser Therapy

  4. 裸花紫珠片联合阿达帕林凝胶治疗寻常痤疮的临床研究

    Clinical efficacy and safety of callicarpa nudiflora combining with adapalene 0.1 % gel for acne vulgaris

  5. 目的制备裸花紫珠软膏,并对主要成分进行含量测定,其制剂稳定性进行了部分项目的考察。

    Objective Prepared the Folium Callicarpa Nudiflora Ointment , carried out the content determination of key components and examination of the preparation stability on partial items .

  6. 东亚多年生地下茎草本属,具长在光裸花葶上的花,丛生;世界性种植;黄花菜;有时归入萱草亚科。

    East Asian rhizomatous clump-forming perennial herbs having flowers on long leafless stalks ; cosmopolitan in cultivation : day lilies ; sometimes placed in subfamily hemerocallidaceae .

  7. 通过加热和过滤提纯的紫胶,常为橙色或黄色薄片,但有时也被漂白。裸花紫珠片联合阿达帕林凝胶治疗寻常痤疮的临床研究

    Lac purified by heating and filtering ; usually in thin orange or yellow flakes but sometimes bleached white . Clinical efficacy and safety of callicarpa nudiflora combining with adapalene 0.1 % gel for acne vulgaris