
  • 网络Western Turks;Western Turkic Khaganate
  1. Arbu一词并非如通常所认为的那样,指某一操用突厥语部落的名称,而所谓n方言为西突厥族及回鹘人语言的观点亦不能成立。

    The word Am is not as people think a name referred to a tribe which uses Turki as its language , and the idea that the so - called " n Dialect " is the language of West Turki group and the Huihe is also wrong .

  2. 7世纪中期以后,他们逐渐摆脱西突厥帝国的统治,建立起自己独立的国家。

    They gradually got away from the Western Turkish Empire after the middle of the 7th century and successfully established an independent country .

  3. 八世纪中叶,东、西突厥汗国相继灭亡,其后裔融入了其他民族之中。

    In the middle of the eighth century , both the Eastern and Western Turki khanates disappeared , their descendants being assimilated by other ethnic groups .

  4. 由于波斯强大的军事力量,使西突厥和拜占庭无法在实质上结成东西夹攻的军事同盟。

    However , the strong military power of the Persians made it impossible for the west Turks and the Byzantine Empire to form military allies for converging attack .