
  • 网络western agriculture
  1. 西部农业与WTO对接思考

    A Study on Docking between Western Agriculture and WTO

  2. 交通运输是西部农业走向市场的桥梁。

    Transportation was a bridge for the western agriculture to market .

  3. 基于WEB的中国西部农业空间信息服务系统设计与实现

    Designing and Solution of Chinese Western Web-Based Service System of Agricultural Spatial Information

  4. WTO对中国西部农业的信息引导

    The Information Guidance of WTO for West China 's Agriculture

  5. 基于DEA的西部农业网站效率评价

    Evaluation on the Western Agricultural Website 's Efficiency Based on DEA Method

  6. 运用C-D生产函数来测度西部农业生产投入要素对农业总产值增长的贡献率。

    This paper uses C-D production function to make a measurement of the contribution rate of input factors in agriculture of western region of China .

  7. 基于循环经济理论的西部农业发展研究

    Study on Development of Western Agriculture based on Circular Economy Theory

  8. 中国-东盟自由贸易区与西部农业结构调整

    China-ASEAN Free Trade Area and Readjustment of Agriculture Structure in Western

  9. 广西在西部农业开发中的战略初探

    The initial strategy of Guangxi in agriculture development of Western Region

  10. 甘薯在西部农业经济中的重要作用

    Importance of Sweet Potato in Agricultural Economy in Western China

  11. 左宗棠与西部农业开发

    ZUO Zong tang and the Agricultural Development in West China

  12. 《宅地法》与美国西部农业开发

    The Homestead Act and the Agricutural Development of the West SPLIT-PHASE METHOD

  13. 生态环境建设对我国西部农业发展的贡献实证研究&以内蒙古自治区为例

    Study on the Contribution of Ecological Environment Construction to Western Agricultural Development

  14. 以科技促进西部农业大发展

    Promoting Agricultural Development in Western Part of China with Science and Technology

  15. 加强西部农业大开发必须转变观念

    Concept must be changed to strengthen the agricultural development in Western Areas

  16. 特色现代农业是我国西部农业现代化的基本取向

    Characteristic Modern Agriculture is Mainstream Orientation of Agriculture Modernization in Western China

  17. 西部农业战略的区域生态经济分析

    Analysis of regional ecological economy of the West China ' agriculture strategy

  18. 草地农业系统与西部农业的可持续发展

    Grassland agricultural system and sustainable development of agriculture in the Western China

  19. 加快西部农业和农村经济发展

    Speeding up the development of agriculture and rural economy in West China

  20. 西部农业为非织造材料发展提供机遇

    Opportunity Provided for Nonwoven Industry by Development of Agriculture in West China

  21. 浅论中国西部农业走可持续发展道路的对策

    Tackling the Problem of the Sustainable Development of Agriculture in Western China

  22. 西部农业水资源的创新管理与永续利用

    Innovation Management of West Agricultural Water Resources and Sustainable Development

  23. 大农业循环经济理论与西部农业的发展

    The Economic Theory of Grand-agriculture Cycle and the Development of Western Agriculture

  24. 西部农业现代化必由之路&农业企业化经营

    Enterprise Management-the only way of Agriculture Modernization in West China

  25. 吉林西部农业旱灾变化趋势及其成因分析

    Analysis on Tendency and Causes of Agricultural Drought Disasters in West Jilin Province

  26. 本文强调提升西部农业竞争力的核心是农产品品牌竞争力。

    It is represent that competitive ability of western agriculture is not strong .

  27. 三是大力发展水利灌溉事业,不断改善西部农业生产的自然条件。

    Devoting major efforts to developing irrigation works to improve agricultural productive conditions .

  28. 我国西部农业科技信息网络系统发展策略

    The development strategy of agricultural scien Teck information network system in West China

  29. 西部农业旅游跨越式发展研究

    Studying on the Great-leap-forward Development of West Agricultural Tourism

  30. 吉林省西部农业生态治理问题的探讨

    Discussion on Tackling Ecological Problems of Agriculture for West Area of Jinn Province